What is objectively the best DBZ character? No normie "I watched it on Toonami" tier shit like Piccolo

What is objectively the best DBZ character? No normie "I watched it on Toonami" tier shit like Piccolo.

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Sup Forums is that way fag. sage

Goten cause dat OG Dragonball feel

>DBZ was shit except for Buu saga

kill yourself, i mean that literally

Tien because his attacks defy geometry. Nigga has an attack called the Tri-beam that leaves a fucking square blast crater.

>tfw goten will never get older or be relevant


Gohan, most relateable.

i remember when i got kidnapped by an alien when i was 4 and forced to train and learn how to do energy blasts so in a year i'd be ready to fight other aliens that want to destroy the world

Cell was awesome.



Vegeta hands down

Me too man, me too. Every young mans right of passage. Then we grew up and pretended to be superheros to hide our powers and fulfill our desire to fuck our moms by marrying an overbearing and delusional human bitch just like dear old dad. The typical half giga werewolf half human life amiright?


GT > Super

doesn't matter. you're still a virgin

if you didn't main tien in budokai 3 you're officially a scrub

I've liked Yamcha ever since I read the original manga, it's a shame he's a meme and nothing else.

Future trunks

For real tho it's piccolo

Finally someone with taste

toonami tier taste

whiny bitch.

gets shot at being cool.

Fuck's it up and gets dad killed.

Goes back to being fail and aids

Ends up lawyer.

yup sounds just like you user.


more important

krillin, because he ducks and impregnated a blonde cumskin

he ducks?



autocorrect is fucking annoying


Super Kami Guru

>fictional character
Gain a few standard deviations in IQ points before posting.

It's Krillin.

The most baddest fucking human there is.

I mean its gotta be Goku. He has the perfect fighting spirit.


>quotes OP
>quotes OP
>"ur dumb"
Thanks for the post friend!

Objective in what way? Strength? Physical appearance? Screen time? Sense of humor? Number of kills? Number of deaths?

Give us some metric to rate the character or your question is meaningless.

Tien was stronger

Doesnt matter what Hackiyama says. He cant remember half the shit he did and had to bullshit krillin's power increase in Super

Gohan probably but hes a little bitch most of the time so then it defaults to Goku.

>David Benioff, D. B. Weiss

How can we get these fuckers to do a DBZ HBO series when they are done with Game of Thrones?

Krillen. He is the strongest pure human on the planet (Tien is a descended of the three eyed clan), even knowning that he is absurdly out matched by these God like beings he fights and dies to try to protect his friends, he bangs Android 18.

As a youth, I liked Krillin. Then I rewatched DB in my 20s and prefer Tien. He's the only human who gives a shit about martial arts, plus Tri-beam cannon shortens his life. Only human to fight Cell and Buu.

And yes, Tien IS human.

it just means what is your favorite character you fucking retard

Nuff said

is that a real woman?

I thought about saying, "except for maybe Tien" but fuck that! Krillin is so much cooler, so he is stronger.

I mean, if you want to get down to it, the Omni King. He can literally blink entire universes out of existence with a thought.

Throw your Super Saiyan Blue at that all you want, it's not going to help if your opponent can literally unmake you by thinking.

Android 16

that shit is faker than Tien suddenly being an alien

>not relevant


No, that's what SUBJECTIVE means.

Get a dictionary, fuck face.


Thanks doc

yeah but i'm assuming that OP was trying to just say "what's your favorite character"

it's fucking Sup Forums, don't be a dipshit

Brolly FTW

someone hasnt seen Super's Future Trunks. Dude is a monster

The whole point of these threads is to argue about it.

STFU and suck Piccolo's dick

In that case, Hercule Satan, because he's fucking hilarious.

exactly my point. His power increase is the more retarded thing in the whole franchise.

Only toonaminiggers like that shit

krillin, end of story. The shit he went through, imagine what he could accomplish with sayan biology.

Mr. Satan is cool as fuck! I hated him for a long time, but he has grown on me.

And let's not forget Master Roshi people.



Obviously Future Gohan

Roshi is awesome. I love what Team Four Star has done with him.

The fact that he kept up with Goku when they were kids is fucking incredible.

but you forget user, he's getting that ass from number 18

>what's your favorite character

fuck off

krillin end of story

Future Trunks because of his transformation scene and his story in general

>If someone is your favourite then they are objectively the best

tbh, this sums up half the tech arguments people have.

what is with all these fags declaring their favorite to be best. Goku is the objectively best fighter

the fuck is wrong with Piccolo

I never understood the love for 18. Her face looks like a fucking troll

Pick any female in the series and they all look better. Teen Bulma, Lunch, Even tournament Chi-Chi

I just dont see it.


>No normie "I watched it on Toonami" tier shit like Piccolo.

>hick uneducated father is a literal DEADbeat most of your formative years
>his old rival steps up to show you how to grow a pair/not be afraid always hiding behind daddys legs
>normie tier shit

She was the first female DBZ character who actually kicked ass. She's blonde and has blue eyes. Beta males (me) gravitate towards strength.

Yajirobe because he eats corn and wears maskes

Goku hands down has always been the best.

Whether you like it or not, Goku always saves the fucking day... outside of a Gohan in the Cell Saga, Goku has always been the go to, and it's always been epic.

>Only picking the best as your favorite

Faggots like that fucking fair weather fans and bandwagon jumpers. Favorite team is whoever won the last superbowl

I think Chi Chi is really underrated.

if only she looked like that

WT Chi-Chi is best Chi-Chi, anything else is shit