OFFICIAL Peachb Owl Game Thraed #6

It's already over.

>Alabama fans

They seriously all look inbred.

If i was jennifer garner's dad i would call capitol one and ask for a jennifer garner pocket pussy

1st for Ohio is the best state

Yup, everyone go home

i want one in the style of her oversized mouth

>yfw Bama's defense is tied with UW's offense

because :^)

USF 2017 National Championship?


i like weiner

First for praying America is nuked under Trump

Got any more FSU hot girls? Are they easy to pick up if I go to Tallahassee?

>mfw a Bama fan fucked his sister near me

>Commentators are literally unable to offer any sort of praise for the Bama offense

They're in for a world of hurt in their next game. Either team they go against can put points up at will.

Remember when Washington scored the first td and they thought they were going to win the game? ROFL

>Bama wins
>Go outside and shout ROLL TIDE for easy pussy

Every time, bros.

And Alabama looks like shit.

Who else watching this game on ESPN Deportes?

Last thread reminders:

Michigan stopped Ohio State on 4th down (confirmed by video evidence)

STEM is a meme accept 1 letter.

KYS or you're black/spanish if you didn't go to school at a powerhouse South eastern school then move to the only good coast of America left.

Alabama will blow out whichever shit team they play in the championship game.

Reminder that The War of Northern Agression was fought because of an overbearing federal government and a tyrant (Lincoln) trying to oppress the states.

>wont even win AAC


>Tfw USC
I hate California

>Either team they go against can put points up at will.
oh boy I love this meme

>404 titties not found

>Ohio State
>able to put up points at will

Fucking kek someone hasn't watched OSU at all this year

I think Bama is more afraid of Clemson than OSU. Barrett isn't scaring anybody with his passing.

Ohio State didnt win their conference

Your fear is palpable

Yeah but Ohio State is good. USF is not.

No holding on that pass play?

>Bama would bootyblast both these teamz

Too bad they weren't oppressive enough to wipe you fucking inbreds out

Remember 2015?


was it agreed upon before this game that clemson vs osu would be better than this shitfest?


Why, is your cousin outside?

Can we get to the good game yet before I leave for church?

I hope the NCAA learned their lesson.. Michigan and Penn state would have put up a real fight

Washington fucking blows this is a fucking waste of time

>STEM is a meme accept 1 letter
>Not using STEAM

Go for DeltaGamma, they are called the Easy DG's for a reason, also Kappa Delta is good and so is Tri Delt

If they can do what Houston could not, run the table in the AAC, then it's possible.

With Flowers coming back and Strong's recruiting/coaching (he's a dyed in the wool Florida coach), it's a possibility.

I'd love to see it.

pretty sure i could play better than a lot of these "college athletes". Is this really the best the country has to offer?

We'll find out on the 9th if that is true. Last time they played tOSU they were the ones that got bootyblasted

>Huskmemes punting down by 17 with less than 5 minutes left
Why are liberals such quitters?

>OSU is good

Not so sure about that

>going outside

your sisters room is just down the hall m8

>tfw no qt3.14 play-action QB

>probable rematch incoming for the national championship


well thats a new one

I feel bad for Washington.

Miss you, Based AJ.

>X team will totally beat bama
Wrong literally 100% the time. Stay mad.

USF would destroy Ohio State if they ever played. Dont even try it.

Thanks OP

I couldn't look at that look at that unkempt confederate flag shit without feeling violently ill

Man I fucking hate losers

Yes. That's why ESPN put it at 7, and this game at 3pm


I'm an OSU fan but I'm not in denial about our offense being garbage

Defense is good enough to keep us in any game though

Ok. Thank you. What's "Easy DG's?"

>Deshaun "a pick a quarter" Watson vs JT "Noodlearm" Barrett

If anything, the next game will be worse.

They beat 3 teams in NY6 bowls

Remember when this guy had a long, prosperous NFL career?

where were you during the okie lite game bowl game?

The whole reason Cleamson/aOSU are 2 and 3 is for a Bama rematch against one of them.

Tulsa would destroy you

>tfw go to a classy conservative southern university where the girls don't even try to look hot


that's what Washington was betting on too

>easy DG
>not Dick Garage, because it's where you park your cock at the end of the night

Why are you guys on Sup Forums and not out with your girlfriend or friends?

The nickname for the sorority of Delta Gamma since they are easy to get and always dtf

Is espn not working for anyone else?
I'm having to watch it on eapn2

Cardale Jones hit big time passes. Barrett won't do the same thing.







Why? No one expected them to get this far. With how bad their football program had gotten, people here are thrilled with this season.

>picking pussy over memes

Why would he go to FAU?
He should've just waited and then gone to an bigger school

not his fault he got drafted by a team that sat him behind a franchise QB

he's a FA next year tho


Didnt Tulsa get raped by Ohio State?
Try again

because bigger school don't want him


Really I thought Washington was supposed to be one of those all offense no defense meme teams?

No bigger school was gonna take him unless he proved he can coach again at a smaller school.

yum yum yum

I broke up with my gf and my few close friends are either out of town or want to stay home with their gfs. So I have an 18pack here, ready to roll in the new year shitposting

Even decent G5 jobs wouldn't take him. You must've forgotten how many jobs he's fucked up at. He has to prove competence as a head coach again before anyone will touch him.

Nice. I wish I could go to FSU and just party with these hot girls and park my dick inside these girls.

Maybe you can be my gf tonight.

>they doubted the Southern team

Said he wanted to build a smaller program and work his way back up to big-time football. Felt he wasn't ready for head coach for Tennessee or USC.


They actually played them well until about halftime. Dont try to pretend Tulsa wouldn't put in your butt.


Haven't had friends for 10 years

really, did no one see that? Sark just ate some boogers

Has to prove he can coach somewhere that isn't easy mode.

What a gay ass game that was, booo

Pedo State would have literally BTFO these hicks

Washington had no business being here

This is fucking sad...

Washington was probably the best team with a good chance to beat Bama.

I don't believe Ohio State nor Clemson has a better team than Washington.

This was the natty.

When the offense can play this terrible and get away with it?

I pray USC can keep growing and recruiting and then save us from Bama.

They are my only hope in the near future.

he was ready, he's just a bitch ass nigga