This is the true target audience of anime you faggots

This is the true target audience of anime you faggots.

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Just say cartoons. No reason to use such retarded terminology.


Re: recent chapter of fairy tail

Why aren't all shoes fucking velcro? Making a string stay tied in a knot for 10 hours is a Wall-mart greeter tier accomplishment at best.

Japan allows children to watch this kind of thing.

This is for children

Its also the target of the Sup Forums Pedo Division.

so is my dick but your mom keeps sucking on it.



Well yeh...


I have a friend that dropped out of college , actually he doesn't attend any class , hasn't fucked or even kissed for over 5 years , has no friends except the ones he lives with and me . Guess what he does all day , he watches this shit . He even watches some anime about basketball , of all things , he decided to spend his time watching anime basketball .
Also , to judge his fucktardery taste , he thinks witcher 3 was a bad game .
Fucking weeaboos .

>he thinks witcher 3 was a bad game
It was.


For real though those uniforms are cute AF. I wish I was a teacher in Japan.

And how much pocket money do they have? the true target of anything is people willing to fork out money.

Woah. Sauce?

and thats an audience id target

with my mighty throbber

hunter x hunter pretty much the last episodes

hunter x hunter

that fight was pretty good.

Go back to rebbit.




what is this from

all those bags, tho...