I'm a newfag, ask me anything! (new fag means new to Sup Forums right?)(picture kinda related i guess)

I'm a newfag, ask me anything! (new fag means new to Sup Forums right?)(picture kinda related i guess)

What made you come here?

Morbid curiosity mostly.

Why didn't you wait until after summer? Now you're classified as a summerfag.


oh, ya mean all the pro-suicide posts?

>tfw normie summerfag can't reply to posts

OP here . can i ask Sup Forums to send someone on facebook cocks?

I kinda like summerfag actually that's better than regular ass newfag.

>OP here . can i ask Sup Forums to send someone on facebook cocks?

... just figured out how to reply to individual comments. Work with me here.

will you send my friend cocks?

probably but there's an equal chance you'll just be told to gtfo

>gtfo summerfag

Why can't you do it yourself? Does your friend already know what your cock looks like?


OP HERE i'm out, got writing to do thanks for your time and also you're all shit wagons.

Sure, I have black ones also

no. i heard you anons can send all your cocks to someone for lulz

So, can i tell you my friend's facebook ID?

i bet he came here for some sick Sup Forums raids and radical Sup Forums pranks he must wanna get with all the internet cool kids



that's what people hear about so that's what they come here expecting i mean be honest

You're not OP, he doesn't know how to reply to posts!

then they wanna get with the coolest of cool so they go on Sup Forums see a naked women for the first time and freak the fuck out

No it's by far worse, because at least newfags will keep coming here, and eventually become oldfags, but summerfsgs are just edgy 14 year olds that are only here for one season, and think they will be so cool and see illegal hacking and trolling raids on here, when in reality we just wanna masturbate and talk feels without these kids coming here now that they don't have homework for two months.

Welcome to Sup Forums. Visit a rekt thread at least once. Uhh also be ready for erotic torture. And heres some nice freedom for you