I've been applying to jobs for like 5 months now

I've been applying to jobs for like 5 months now
I must have submitted over 150 applications to various local companies, and have only had 3 interviews, each of which went no where

it's getting harder and harder to keep at this, my depression already makes it hard for me to keep a job and now it's interfering with actually even getting one in the first place.

It's become even more difficult now that my phone has been turned off

Is there anyone in the houston area that needs that needs any work of any sort done? I'm experienced with computer repair, but I'm willing to do basically anything right now. I'm desperate.

5 months? Cute.

Here's some interview tips to make a good impression. This goes for all the NEETs that browse the board.

>look clean, dress in good clothes like a button up shirt and slacks, costs 60-80 dollars at the GAP if you shop right and go to the clearance rack. Don't be afraid to thrift, just don't get things with holes in them. Jeans is acceptable for most small-time positions.
>try to keep your posture straight and your head up. Be very conscious and aware of it. Look your employer in the eye, speak confidently (don't raise your volume but speak clearly)
>always mention you're looking for "advancement opportunities". This basically means that you're willing to work for a promotion, and want to aspire into a leadership position. Always a plus.
>never mention you've stolen anything
>promise them you're a hard worker (this doesn't really mean anything, just applies to confidence)
>don't blow up your resume to look super appealing. If you've been doing grunt work in the past, own it. If you blow up your resume with a bunch of filler words to make yourself look better, your employer will see through that. The exception is for high-end positions in corporations and such, where they're looking for as much FAKE exuberance as possible.
>if you're a girl and good looking, flirting can be helpful, but will give you an unprofessional air and might not get you promotions depending on the manager.
>take a shower and put on deoderant

Not going to guarantee you anything, but this stuff is gold and is the general advice given by hiring managers everywhere! Good luck anons.

its a problem with current ways of job applications. its all online and so many get tossed out with out ever being looking at just by algorithms. And since its so easy to apply places there is a huge glut of GARBAGE so they just toss shit out. You say youve done like 150

maybe 20 were even glanced at by a real person. Instead of massive places that take shit tons of apps just find a place that has a less easily accessible way to apply to. That position is WAAAAAY more likely to have less people applying and more real people reading the apps.

Hit up a temp agency. I run background checks at my job and you wouldn't believe the amount of people that get steady work through them. If you do good enough, you might get hired on by the place the agency sent you to.

Dishwashing! I did it several times in foreign cities to land on my feet. Instant dope connection, free food, beer and buds to hang with. And then that paycheck.

If you want to move up, say so. Tell the owners you want to make salads. Boom, you're a sous. Do it, bitch. And stop showing up for work late.

Jesus you're degree must be in art appreciation.

i want to fuck this bunny

forty keks

Temp? Or Look for Xerox corporation

Find a labour hire company. They take on anyone as long as you're reliable
Don't be a bitch and get your hands dirty

Don't be a bitch, get your hands dirty*

I forgot to mention. Call in about 3-7 days after you sent in your application and ask to speak to the manager. Call early in the morning so there isn't a rush of work to do. This'll bump you up to the people who they consider "qualified" most of the time.

I actually worked for a construction company for 3 years, good honest work but living in texas, I had a heat stroke. Just can't keep going like I used to. Perfectly willing to do it though. been putting in applications to construction contractors

its your local area. Pretty sure if you branch out to states that actually have jobs you would be hire. Salt lake city for example has more jobs than workers. It's crazy here.

This guy. Thank you, user.

I've done temp work in the past and got fucked over for it, but I will try again
I'm actually pretty good at interviews. I'm very enthusiastic in person
Yeah it makes sense. Feel like it would be more worth it to find the places that do paper applications
No degree. Long story but I haven't been able to get any higher education.
me too
Xerox corporation?
Honestly that sounds pretty fun

What's your skills? What can you do? What;s your resume look like? Depending on the work, are you writing cover letters? Making phone calls? Visiting businesses in person and talking to people/making it known that you're a badass upstanding person that they should hire?

>went no where
>no where
I'm sure your resume is gold to read, one that gets pinned up on HR walls.
Please have an intelligent person proof it for you and try again.
Srsly user. I'm pulling for you but .... get your shit together.

_ ___'_ __ ____ ____ ______!!



Houston job economy has been pretty shit for a while. Millions of illegals and low gas prices. Keep it up OP but consider moving when you get the chance.

>>A big team player

Did you write this or did you ask a six year old to do it for you?

Get on one of those shitty template websites and use theirs. Also, who has a two page resume? What are you, British?

Words and phrases like "Team Player" and "Synergize" sometimes trigger catches in resume filters

Using such a boring, meaningless adjective like "big" in this sentence would land it into the circular fill in my office...

Fuck m8 you need to put actual skills/shit you know in bulleted format that top part looks barren (ex tcp/ip, soho routers, Microsoft server 2012 r2, etc). Also I hope you have a cover letter. Fix your spacing also it's inconsistent.

Where's your previous experience? Where's your education?

you NEED to put more detail on your Education section.


I think I found your problem. Bad early life choices can severely limit your current prospects... Its an employers market, and you're rotten meat. No one is going to want you.

Not bad. Condense this shit. ONE PAGE. No business gives a fuck about flipping past a staple or bind. Your bullet points should be more like 'SHIT I ACCOMPLISHED' and not 'job responsibility I, job responsibility II.' Less of those accomplishments is much more important than a million mundane responsibilities.

Each bullet point should fill the whole line. Less white space = better. From afar, it looks empty right now.

List out at least your certs, and put your education filed after the work experience. They care more about work than your GED, and that's not a good place to start anyway.

Again, one page, so take that skills section and maybe turn it into a divided table before or after your work section. To make sure it all fits, divid your skills like you are right now, but just list them inline:

"OS proficiencies: Windows (2000/XP/7/8/10, Windows Server (2008..."

Productivity Software Exp.: Microsoft..., Google...,"

You get my point. I would say put your skills before work experience, but up to you.

Seriously, make it fit on one page.

Respect the struggle.
Keep On Keepin On!

Lol no wonder you aren't getting in see I just pulled an employer and only read the first page all your meat is in the second. Pro tip this is really important I hope you see this. Unless you have a lot of years under your belt ONLY USE ONE PAGE DAMNIT!!!! I skimmed your first page and easily dismissed it for not having any unique skills. Combine both and work out the spacing

>Vulnerability Assessment
Ah, you've got VATS I see.

Get started on Freelancing WebDev. Lot of money for easy work

See the problem with that is I was homeschooled by parents who did not give a single shit. I don't have any sort of real education. It's also the reason I can't get into college/uni
Thank you for the advice. I will do what I can to condense it.

What the fuck is this, a two page resume? No one wants two read two pages, and you have plenty of whitespace to make it fit on one page anyway. Hell, your OS and language skills can go one one line each.

When and where did you get your GED? What various certifications do you have? These are questions that potential employers want your resume to answer.

Have you considered enrolling in a local college and taking a few courses? That shows folks that you're looking for advancement, and you can list the courses you take on your resume to add credentials.

Those are a few critiques off the top of my head. Hope it helps!

What part. I'm in SE and my job is gonna be open soon. Sr sys admin

Oh, and make this thing immaculate. Absolutely no grammar mistakes, but for your bullet points, incomplete sentences is fine. Start them with an verb like you are but put it in past tense.

Don't mention anything about "willing to train." You should be talking about how your current skills will contribute to the company, not how you are willing to reap value from the company.

I agree with this guy about the hard to apply for jobs. I applied for a job, and didnt read the application requirements fully, and forgot two mojor things for them. The thing was that the position required an application be mailed to them. I got a call back and an email stating that they wanted me to complete the stuff. After I submitted the stuff, they called for an interview. Unfortunately the position paid too little, and I had to decline, but it is what it is. Most people wont apply for jobs where it is difficult to apply.

Pearland area, who for?

Maritime company. I'm in la porte area.

Oh, and don't forget to cater your resume to the job to which you're applying. If you're looking for a job as a programmer, list your GitHub page and describe some projects that you've worked on. Have sections "Work Experience" and "Project Experience" to make the distinction. Heck, it might even be worth listing your projects first, with your work experience below it.

Kim Jong in will die cracking his neck in a fatal attempt to reach for a donut.he will then shit his pants resulting in a fiery explosion that will kill millions in north Korea tell the world you homophobic faggots.

Though I saw your resume after typing this. Boss probably wouldn't hire you she looks for 8 years or so experience as a sys admin or net admin

>Tfw quit one job then got a new one in literally 4 hours time.
Stop being a fucking faggot and do a "shitty" job.

Well, if your education is shit, DONT PUT IT AS THE FIRST THING PEOPLE SEE ON YOUR RESUME.... not yelling just sayin

How is it possible you can't find a job in Trumpmerica? He single handedly reduced the jobless rate to negative percentage points within his first 15 hours as president.

>All you autists complaining about 2 pages.
2 pages is standard for a resume. If you dont have enough info to take up 2 pages I literalky throw your resume in the trash.

I don't have anyone tying me down here anymore. I've sort of wanted to move anywhere but here for a long time but my savings are dead and I'm running off of negative money right now.
No problem man, it was worth asking about
I've had it happen like that before, but I did not get so lucky this time around. I'm willing to do literally anything at this point. I went to Home depot and hopped on a truck a few times to do labor a few times as well, but that's too inconsistent to be reliable .
fair enough

Pay someone to fucking fix your resume m8. Its literal shit.

You are the exception.

>2 pages is standard for a resume
>I have never talked to a recruiter ever

One page is standard, fucknuts. OP doesn't have enough for 2 pages, and if he did, that's what a CV is for.

Nah in actuality no one gives a fuck. 2 is standard 1 is fine 3 is too much.

I got my job with a 2 page resume every time.

Disregarding the fact that one oage is standard (not 2+), OP simply doesn't have enough content for two pages anyway.

I'm working on editing mine down to one page now, will post in a bit

7 months
9 months
4 months

This is why you are not getting called back. Tat page shows zero longevity and/or commitment. Sorry user...


have you checked craigslist? fellow houstonian here

Looking forward too seeing it! Also don't forget about

Houston has a really bad job market. Come up to fort Worth, there's restaurants/ roofing/ Amazon always hireing I'm not sure about tech but Dallas/ Arlington should be good for that. I started working at a BJ's doing dishes for 13 an hour. No previous experience, still in highschool.

I have depression and it makes it very hard for me to keep holding down a job. I'm working with what I have.

I've seen quite a few SE jobs in Austin/San Hambonio too, and I'm in freaking Florida.

Why aren't you guys paying attention to me I have anorexia every day when I wake up I have to have my African slave boy carry me with a bulldozer to my shitter wich is larger then nicki minajs ass.after that I he carrys me to my kitchen were I inject myself with maple syrup along with liquified donuts pizza hot dogs and ice cream. After that I check my diabetes rate and every day it goes up even more. Now many people would see this as bad but I see it as good every time my blood sugar gets higher and higher I scream out in delight as my African slave boy sobs and wonders why I ate his only mother...and his entire family for that matter.when all that's done he carrys me up to my room where I load up pictures of adam sandler and whip my slave boy.i have him dig into the blob that is my body and orally suck my cock wich is smaller than a newborn maggot.after I have given him my sperm.mind you the only food and drink he gets .i shove back into his cage and feed him his own shit when Im bored I hold up pictures of his devoured family and taunt him about how if he dosent suck faster I'll eat him too.when all is done I lay back down to bed slurping a gogurt tube(no kidding it's literally a tube filled with ) and drift of to sleep with dreams of being sodomized by James Cameron so what do you guys do when you wake up?


Have you applied to HostGator? Experience with Linux not required, but is a plus. Customer Service would be good. Computer repair experiece would reflect positively as well.

this is about as small as I can get it I think

Seriously, HostGator should accept that app. We have training classes every two weeks, and are still hiring as far as I know.

Im banning you all hahahhahhahahahahhahhahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaahhaahahhahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaahahhahahahhaahhahhaahhhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahajhahahaahhahahaahhaahhahaahhhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahaha btw I have gonorrhea and I'm selling 4chans rights to apple wich means its going to be shut down so enjoy it while it lasts faggotshhhhhhhaaahahhahahahahhahahahaahahhahaahhahaahahhaahhahaahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhahaahha I'm married to a man.

there are a couple formating mistakes, I know about them but I was trying to get back before the thread 404'd

As an interviewer, I would mock you to my colleagues for your "synergize well with others" statement.

Delete that shit, dawg.

Already looking much better! Most of my critiques now are minor technical things, but you never know why someone might throw out a resume: keep your font size consistent between the sections (skills font is awkwardly larger), make sure you have the same tyoe of dash separating your dates (yes, seriously), etc. I'm also not sure how I feel about the skills summary section - honestly, you could probably get rid of the whole thing and nothing of value would be lost.

Sorry about your situation, mind if I ask you for advice?

I have to pick a gift for someone in situation_related.jpg, what would someone in your condition like to receive instead of, say, a book or a music cd? thanks, and good luck

A job reference you asshole

No degree? Well dude there you go what do you expect. People WITH degrees have a hard time finding jobs. Its company policy in a lot of places to have a degree in anything.

>thinking you need a degree to get a job
>falling for the college meme

The IT industry, any IT company with a proper HR department, knows better than to only accept applicants with degrees. In fact, most companies hiring IT have learned themselves that IT degrees are useless. What matters is experience.

>never mention you've stolen anything
>take a shower and put on deoderant
no shit

>People WITH degrees have a hard time finding jobs.
The job market is pretty nice in CS/SE.

>Its company policy in a lot of places to have a degree in anything.
This is true, though internships are still a great way to get proper work experience.

I feel ya op. I used to work on the docks, but now the union is on strike and i'm down on my luck. My gf works at the diner all day and brings home the pay, otherwise we'd be fucked

Honestly? Groceries. or a night out on you. can't remember the last time I got to do something so unnecessary as eating out or having a drink with friends, but once that sort of thing stops, you start to miss it a lot.

I'm in Houston user. Come over and let me fuck your mouth I'll give you $20 and a bag of David's sunflower seeds.

I've been out of work for 3.5 months. I quit my good paying job (60-90k yr) job with the intent of going into the military. I ended up getting permanently disqualified for medical reasons. I saw a few private doctors that all said I was fine but military said no go sorry.
Tomorrow I'm gonna be waving a sign in front of a business to get a bit of extra cash while I look for something different in my line of work.

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball op.

Come to cypress texas, just near houston. lot of new shit going up so youll get hired somewhere
best of luck op


Not op but I currently live in Alaska. We're having the worst recession in 40 years with record unemployment etc. I was laid off a few months back and unable to find work, considering moving... Is there decent money in salt lake City?

This sounds noir as fuck
I'm not gay but $20 is $20

just be you bro
you don't need to be a wagie
enjoy your freedom
bike around the country
rent a nice house by the beach
lay on the sand
go fishing

Joey, is that you?

make sure he use a condom

don't leave Alaska
Alaska is awesome
just live off the land, catch some fish, shoot some moose

Get in touch with someone in the company before you even bother applying. You're at a huge, huge disadvantage if you don't have an internal recommendation (which really just means an employee who bumps you to the top of the pile through the internal system).

>This sounds noir as fuck
sometimes we just gotta hold on to what we've got cause it dont make a difference if we make it or not, we've got each other and that's a lot, so just give it a shot

Thank you for looking at it user, I hope I can keep working at this and be able to afford to do the things I want to do again and not have to rely on friends to not be homeless

I for a moment feel hopeful, thank you

Alaska is ridiculously expensive to live and the economy is in shambles. I'm currently paying 700$ a month for a 20x10 cabin 25 minutes outside of town. Only people who really live off the land are the natives in villages up north. But they even they get fat checks from the oil companies each year.

Nobody gets a degree in IT (i.e. Information Technology). It's either computer science or computer engineering. And anyone without a degree applying for that type of job has to do A LOT more to prove themselves to the company than someone with a degree.

Shit, why is the rent so expensive?
I mean, I get why food and other goods would be but not rent. Is demand so high for housing?

Also I thought all Alaskan citizens got that oil check.

yeah it costs about the same to get a 1br apartment in houston as well. Is that particularly high?

people are incredibly retarded

>Not contributing to society
Confirmed leech.
Someone has to do the dirty jobs.
Imagine if everyone just did what they wanted to in life. Yes, people would be happier, but society would cease to function.

Sacrifice for the 'greater good.'

Good luck! Seriously, we all have our ups and downs, but we must never give up!