What did Sup Forums think of this film?
What did Sup Forums think of this film?
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why would Sup Forums i mean, uh, Sup Forums see this movie at all?
a good performance by John Cusack, but that's all
I thought Samuel L had beef with Spike Lee?
it was decent
like said, Cusack as the black preacher was perfect
Nick Cannon was kind of painful
Was pretty good. Teyonah Parris deserves all the work she can get.
Wesley Snipes still gets work I see.
Is this about Jacques CHIRAC ?
>Stop fighting or no more sex.
How dumb.
It was pretty good
The ending was a bit... beyond suspension of disbelief I suppose
But there wasn't much else they could really do at that point
>If we stop having sex with them then they'll stop killing people
What utter bullshit. I kill people BECAUSE no one will have sex with me.
honestly surprised it didn't get ten billion awards for being so progressive
Have you heard of this thousands of years old greek play...
Spike Lee has burned all his bridges
It's about black-on-black violence and the media's responsibility
Of course it wasn't gonna win hundreds of awards
It's based on an ancient Greek play. They even say that in the movie...
No. It's about Street violence in Chicago, nicknamed Chiraq because more people die in Chicago every day than in Iraq during the Iraqi war.
Goes to show America is no better than the third world shitholes they invade.
>more people die in Chicago every day than in Iraq during the Iraqi war
Care to back that up with actual facts instead of bullshit you heard from some dumb nigger you fucking retard? 77 people died in Iraq due to combat yesterday. 51 people have died in Chicago this month. Stop posting stupid shit and then fucking kill yourself.
He quoted it slightly wrong
More americans are killed everyday in Chicago than in Iraq by a wide margin
So the claim is that an American is statistically safer in Iraq than in Chicago
>2016 began as the bloodiest initial quarter of a year in Chicago in decades. More than 100 people were shot just within the first 10 days of the year.[42] By the end of March, the murder rate in Chicago had soared 72% compared to the same time frame in 2015, leaving 141 people murdered.
> A total of 4,491 U.S. service members were killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2014.
I'll get an exact comparison if you want
>Cusack as the black preacher
Wat, must see now
Fantastic. Lee's best movie in years.
>Goes to show America is no better than the third world shitholes they invade.
Black America you mean
Anyone who likes it should kill himself desu senpai
white america refuses to acknowledge black-on-black crime and the media only talks about white-on-black
there's a good family-guy sketch about it actually
>watching family guy
I know, shut the fuck up
I can't find a youtube link, but it's the episode where peter shoots cleveland jr
This is what hell on earth looks like. Humanity biggest mistake was exploding the African population then pretending it can function like a modern country. And it's only gonna get worse and worse
Flick at best
>white america refuses to acknowledge black-on-black crime
uhhh, BLM and it's supporters get mad as fuck about this not because white people refuse to acknowledge it but because white people keep bringing it up as a criticism of BLM.
a large chuck pf the south is a white trash hell hole
they just don't have the decency to kill each other off like niggers do
that's only a recent thing in the last 6 months despite being a problem for over a decade
further, the mainstream media still won't talk about it
even further, as you said, it's used to criticise BLM instead of being brought up as a problem that should be addressed
maybe africa cant function like a country because africa is a continent and not a country
yeah no.
Show me similar footage like this from the south. Doesn't exist.
Not a single country in Africa can. Rhodesia and pre-aparteid South Africa could. But not anymore
While it's true it's used to criticize BLM, it's also something that a lot of people (white, black, etc.) have been discussing and working on for a long time. There are groups that address it and those like ceasefire and cure violence (founded by a white guy) have actually shown some success in reducing violence, but there isn't widespread interest in the issue, and it isn't just white people that aren't interested. This is where the media fails.
>Rhodesia and pre-aparteid South Africa could. But not anymore
And that's all down to white colonization destabilizing the countries. Like what's happened with EVERY African country. Don't act like this is Africa's fault when it was greedy rubber and ivory merchants (Or just Belgium)
Nice try.
Maybe if europeans didn't fuck up the frontiers of every african coutries and mixed together ethnies at war it would be less shit, just a head's up.
Just watch what happens this serbia and croatia. This is this, but forever.
So we agree it's a media problem
When I say 'white america doesn't acknowledge it', I don't mean there isn't a single white person in america that will talk about it
More that the majority of politicians and media editors are white (or Jewish, fuck off Sup Forums) who think it would detract from the narrative they want to spread or think of it as financially not worth it
And the middle-class, white or black (though there are more white middle-class americans) don't want to think about the problem because fuck commoners
The same way no one really wants to address the homeless problem other than they don't want to see them
But yes, I'm massively generalising for the sake of space
>Implying any of those cunts were stable to begin with
Fuck off you faggot. I'm South African.
All blacks care about is fucking each other over and stealing as much money as they can in the process.
Go do some fucking homework you shit for brains retard.
>escalades and brand new chryslers parked on the side of the street
Drug dealers?
>I'm South African.
White south African I bet. Fuck off back to Holland.
The Rwandan Genocide sure as fuck wasn't a thing before Belgium got involved.
>Fuck off back to Holland.
By that logic the blacks should go back to East Africa, since they also displaced the native southern african bushmen.
This is very good leftist reasoning. When some folks affiliated with ceasefire and it's allies tried to get more funding (it takes $750k to fund the program in a city of 500k), they could not find liberal and black politicians with the political will to do anything. Nobody would have even noticed the money being spent. Nobody cares friendo, it isn't just white people.
>All blacks care about is fucking each other over and stealing as much money as they can in the process.
yeah but that's a lie stop lying
take a pick you semen sluper
Africa is in the state is it because of their "culture".
The only way it will ever be fixed is by almost brainwashing methods of education.
It's easy for you to claim what ever you want but if you haven't traveled around and actually seen how they think and work for themselves you have no right to comment about how you feel things are.
>White south African I bet. Fuck off back to Holland.
Whites actually were the first people to be in the Cape.
Is correct, the darkies from up north came down when settlers built infrastructure and slaughtered the local bushman.
Happens every year and this is in a major city.
it's not brought up in the media because blacks and white liberals would accuse whoever brings it up of being racists.
I didn't mean to imply black people care inherently (and definitely not that liberals give a shit)
I alluded to what I meant with the homeless issue, the only people who care are the people who live in the areas that are being shot up
Even the 'gangstas' shooting don't care, it's their mothers and the people who live there that aren't involved in the crime
It seems like it's white people that don't care because the majority of people in those areas are black and the majority of the middle-class and politicians are white
But 'no-one' cares and it's one of the reasons why trusting in binary politics is so retarded
A bunch of rich assholes using liberalism as a fashion statement and black people indoctrinated by white SJWs or brainwashed into thinking that any form of criticism that befalls a black person is racism aren't worth talking to
Politicians on all sides won't address the issue. That's kind of the point of the film. Out of sight, out of mind
The only people who talk about it are people who use it as an excuse to justify racism. Not surprising that talking about it then becomes associated with racism
>Happens every year and this is in a major city.
yeah but that's doesn't prove your point user
they aren't all blacks just a portion, and this is during economic crises.
There's a lot of black ministers that do speak out against this shit, and those faggots at BLM have stated that they will not work with "right wing black churces," which obviously means all black churches considering BLM's ideology is Marxist.
The clickbait media complained that the premise was misogynistic.
Will any of us live to see the end of victim culture?
is this niggerkino?