Whoah, she's actually a good actor...really surprised me.
Whoah, she's actually a good actor...really surprised me
She isnt good, but if she quits modelling and dedicates herself to acting she could eventually be Decent.
Also Swamp witch was hot
Am I being memed?
and really handsome
Is her being a model a meme that got out of hand? She isn't ugly by any means, but she's far from super-model calibre beauty. What gives?
she was actually really good.
Probably the best "model to actor" transition I've seen in cinema.
what did she mean by this
Shit movie though
I liked her but everyone seemed to hate her and her acting.
I think her character was shit but she acted it just fine. She played it exactly what it was supposed to be.
>Probably the best "model to actor" transition I've seen in cinema.
you haven't watched a lot of cinema then, this bitch isn't even Grace Jones tier and not even worthy of sniffing Cindy Crawford's farts.
I hope you were joking.
Yeah you are.
>I hope you were joking.
Cindy Crawford, pft bwaha. We get it, you love the 90s, am i rite.
But seriously, Cara did a fantastic job with enchantress. It was a villain who had merciful tendencies so it was actually a complex role.
Dont you know that the kids of wealthy parents are always "models"
>Jaden Smith is a "model" his sister is one too
>Jonny Depps bag of sticks kid Lily-Rose is one
>Fucking Kevins Smith`S kid too
>Blue Ivy etc etc etc
There are actual Models and there is kids of famous/Wealthy people who "model"
Being a model requiers no talent or qualifications, you can look odd and be one, thats why they like to boost their kids confiendece by paying someone to hire their talentless brats, or elkse they would just be famous for being their parents kid, and that is something their ego cant handel, hence
>What do you do?
>Oh im a mdel and really into the fashions
They usually hire models based on unique looks rather than the traditional vision of beauty
>super models
top kuk
to be fair i would fuck lily-rose at full force in her vagina, anus and mouth
i'd hope to impregnate her
her carrying my child would be so fucking hot
she definitely has a... 'unique' look about her
all the modelling gigs she got was a result of nepotism
i guess the more you're exposed to her, the more normal she becomes
I don't know, my sister is a nobody and she's a model.
she has the worst looking feet ive ever seen
No idea how she's a model. She has that terrible body most of them have but she's basically a female Steve Buscemi.
shit tase in feet.
Long, slender feet are the best desu
I'm not really a foot guy. I'll kiss my wife's here or there but it isn't a fetish. I do like them though. With that said, these are quite literally the most disgusting feet ever. This girl doesn't have a single redeeming quality in looks. Super, super ugly with the feet to match.
>her carrying my child would be so fucking hot
That bag of bones does not have the nutrition needed to sustain a 9 month pregnancy, your kid would end up as a spontaneous aborted Miscarriage, floating around in a toilet bowl full of bulemia puke
She's English? That explains her face.
mmf she needs a black cock inside her NOW
she comes from a family of rich anglo-jewish lords/baronets
hence how she got a role
Your sister must be well suited for it then. Obviously most models are chosen on merit, but Cara doesn't have anything going for her except her connections. She has a fridge-shaped body, she's not tall enough, and her face isn't pretty/striking enough.
ikr she was really good in that Twilight Zone episode
yes it's just Cara autists.
>Dad pays to make his ugly daughter famous
>retards on the internet eat it up.
no she's not.
she was horrible in SS. in fact the entire cast sucked donkey balls. with the exception of maybe robbie, the entire cast acted like they were in a pre-shooting walkthrough.
of course it could be that the movie was closer to a saturday night syfy flick than an actually movie.
>talking about cara
>posts a pic of chloe moretz
Gentle reminder that when Cara's family was just starting to pay for her to be famous they hired people to maintain "Cara generals" on various Sup Forums boards
It blows my mind how thorough her marketing team was
that's probably how she looks when she sits on the shitter
where are those from?
rumorkino site.
The act of carrying my child is the hot part, I don't really care about the kid
>le rich people don't have talent
I will never understand the bourgeoisie tendency to be so jealous.
I'm not sure you know what bourgeoisie means, senpai
>What does bourgeoisie mean
>Le she's the daughter of someone wealthy so they must be talented.
I will never understand the plebeian tendency to lick to much boot
how so? The middle-class is the most deluded segment of society.
anyone have a webm of the retarded enchantress dancing?
You got your words mixed up, dumbass
The bourgeoisie is the upper crust of the middle class, i.e. people who are super-rich but who technically aren't upper-class because they don't have titles. The bourgeoisie has been in charge for centuries now, they aren't jealous of anybody.
>You got your words mixed up, dumbass
>i want to use the word bourgeoisie in a sentence to give off the impression i am smartress.
She's actually one of the biggest models of the 2010s
You have no idea what you just wrote.
The bourgeoisie are people who "don't have titles". If it's anyone who would believe they deserve titles, it would be them. This would also create the delusion that they are "self-created" men. Jealousy has nothing to do with deserving it.
and let's face it. Everyone here is middle-class and practically the bourgeoisie of the world.
what's the site's name where this is from?
Why don't you just google the word 'bourgeoisie' instead of being laughably arrogant and making a fool of yourself. Look at all the replies your ignorance is getting you - but maybe you're just trolling, and that's the point.
>The bourgeoisie has been in charge for centuries now, they aren't jealous of anybody.
>The bourgeoisie has been in charge for centuries now
The House of Lords had full veto power until 1911. Wallowing in ignorance, are we?
Coincidentally, Britain turned into a fascist nanny-state after World War 2, at a time when the aristocracy was weakened by waning political influence - a result of pleb-minded buffoons grabbing the wheel - and massive wartime losses of their most gifted members.
The public will always vote stupidly and react in a knee-jerk manner, no matter the issue at hand. "Representative democracy" is rule of the intellectually bankrupt.
Bourgeoisie is middle class.
She grew up in the wealthiest suburb in London, and her godfather is an executive at Conde Nast, a strictly small time publishing house. You know, just a few little-known publications, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Glamour, GQ... no nepotism here at all, no sir.
Katana > Enchantress > June > Harley
Is it just me, but I want to fuck Cara in the ass, real hard.
>The Lords had a veto therefore Britain was ruled by the aristocracy
The monarch still technically has a veto, does that mean she's in charge? The House of Commons has had almost all the real power since the seventeenth century. If you weren't aware, the Lords lost that veto in 1911 (still over a century ago) because they were threatening to break the unwritten rule that they wouldn't challenge the power of the Commons.
Most middle-class people make a living by selling their labour. Bourgeois people by definition make money from their property.
>The monarch still technically has a veto, does that mean she's in charge?
Ever heard of the terms "de facto" and "de jure"?
>The House of Commons has had almost all the real power since the seventeenth century.
>If you weren't aware, the Lords lost that veto in 1911 (still over a century ago)
What´s the verdict? You contradict yourself.
>because they were threatening to break the unwritten rule that they wouldn't challenge the power of the Commons.
That doesn't change the facts of the matter. They had de facto veto power and much, much more political influence behind the scenes than they´ve had since - Westminster was practically run by the landed gentry until the early 20th century.
>Most middle-class people make a living by selling their labour. Bourgeois people by definition make money from their property.
Bourgeoise, as a term, originated in an era of history where "middle class" was a nonexistent term. Tradesmen, merchants and skilled professionals were all seen as part of the "Bourgeoise" back when the term was still in widespread use.
It means both, you dumbasses. Words have more than one definition depending on context and shit.
>the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.
>(in Marxist contexts) the capitalist class who own most of society's wealth and means of production.
What next? You're gonna argue about if a bass is a fish or a type of singing voice?
I feel like her "final form" from the last battle wasn't even played by her.
>havent watched a lot of cinema then
You realise you are browsing Sup Forums at the moment.Anyone who thinks she was anything above mediocre is retarded.She was absolutely horrendeus