Have you dropped Reddit Tomatoes yet?

Have you dropped Reddit Tomatoes yet?

wtf i hate tomatoes now

based radcliffe can do no wrong

How was the Lady in Black?

I stopped watching after the first 10 minutes. Does it get good?

why would you ever use anything other than metacritic anyway

>indieshit comes out
>9.0 metacritic
>4.0 user reviews

every time

I dunno man. Haven't watch it yet, but I really liked the trailer and I wanted the movie to be good. Even if Harry Potter is blatantly miscast.

You are a bull-prepping faggot. Kill yourself.

i haven't seen it but it was excellent imo

SJW Tomatoes

yeah i switched to IMDB, seems to be a better indication of how good a show is apart from the rare blatant shilling and votes before the show/movie has even aired.

marvelcuckolds will never drop (((RT))) its their only argument

Tends to happen when you become an adult and realize the only rating that matters is your own.

>Neo Nazi group

*tips fedora*

have fun wasting you're life watching movies that were rated below 8 on imdb my dude.


thanks for the upVote kind stranger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no problem my fellow redditor

Don't know how that's fedora but thanks. I definitely will enjoy watching things that interest me based off their plot summary, trailers, cast & crew instead of only watching RLM approved flicks. I like individuality

It was okay, better than the average horror film, although that's not saying much.

>Have you dropped Reddit Tomatoes yet?
A long time ago, user, a long time ago...

That's probably a bad rating system considering I though Pixels was pretty good, I need to be saved from myself occasionally.

Why is RT so garbage?

Because critics are garbage. Blaming RT for scores that don't match public reception is retarded

>White supremacy is a timely theme

Like, you could very well argue racism is a timely theme, but white supremacy? Now that's dumb.
Still gonna watch it. Dumb critics don't really affect me. I really wanna see how Radcliffe is going to pull this out.

Sup Forums will milk every last meme out of this movie.