Part of the sale agreement was that moot fuck up captcha so people are forced to buy passes

part of the sale agreement was that moot fuck up captcha so people are forced to buy passes

newfag detect

>star rating system
>being this old

Captcha has fucked up before nigga

nigger Sup Forums was my mother and father

No one cares, faggot. Buy a pass or kill yourself.

And preferably kill Hiroshima too because he's a faggot and I'd rather have that cuck little bitch moot back.

Exclusively on Sup Forums? That seems awfully convenient

exclusively on google captcha
but all other websites are too normie casual to actually give a fuck

Captcha is working on other sites though

what fucking gives m8s legacy captcha isn't working

just came for my daily roll and was denied spent 35 minutes solving and failing captchas

it's working on 4chinz too
shut down everywhere simultaneously probably

It's over

RIP /vip/

Let's see.

Worked first time for me anons.


He sold out because he knew there was no way to monetize Sup Forums. Nip takes over because he's thinking US culture is the same as Jap culture (dollarsineyes.jpg)(highfive.jpg).

"I'm not a robot". How fucking discriminatory is that? Robots are not allowed to participate?

Would much rather have a checkbox for "I'm not a nigger".

let's call this /vip/chan


Captcha is working again. RIP.

who's that, OP?

nigger you have to be at least 16 to have heard of this place
go back to pre K



Captcha works


We're back in business