>the usual?
The usual?
She a qt
Painu vittuun
Yes please
Painu vittuun
literal 10/10 trap
This england tongue board
y'all kermapersed trippin' :DDD
ignore them. Just a some smelly Finns trying to remind us of their existence
Why is she so cute bros?
What does this word mean?
fämälämabridgetposter is a smelly Finn as well
Painu vittuun
''cream ass'', it's what The Rock called Vin Diesel
Candy (cream in finnspeak) ass'd
Kermaperse literally means "cream ass"
It's kinda like "born with a silver spoon" and people who refuse to get their hands dirty
>mrw he shows me his daini benis
ilmeesi kun Sup Forums olikin koko ajan /mämmi/
She looks like she is ready to operate hard on some kermaperse.
I wish Hiro would turn Sup Forums Finnish for a few days as a goof.
Mooseland isn't doing too well in Rio, juranoid
Is this a common word in Finland? Used among the Finnish?
great thread buddy
Hän on huono presidenttiehdokas.
We doing pretty good so far desu
Its pretty crude but in some situations yes. We have a culture of envy
It's pretty used, ye
Fucking kermaperse.
urgh whats wrong with her faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
who's that reptile
help i ca