How long did it take you to realize that Frank wasn't an FBI informant?

How long did it take you to realize that Frank wasn't an FBI informant?

He was tho

He wasn't
First of all he never admitted to it
And second of all the FBI sent people to investigate Frank together with the police, and the FBI also keeps an eye on their witnesses and would never allow Frank to do the crimes that he did.

but he was, he was based on whitey bulger numbnuts. if your implying leo manufactured the evidence to goad damon you are wrong

he literally admitted it to Matt Damon before Damon shot him

How did you come to this conclusion? Explain.

>Being this wrong

Generally what we do IN THIS pay attention to movies.

Totally this.


How is your mother?

oh she's on her way out

we all are. Act accordingly

>I'd ask ya why ya a statie makin' 30 grand a yeah, and I don't think if I was Sigmahnd Fackin Froyd I wouldn't get an ansah

>in the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy

This movie is a satire of Scorsese movies right?

too non-Italian

Fahk you! Fahkin queeahs. Fiyamen gettin pussy for the first time in the history of fiya or pussy. Hey go save a kitten in a tree, ya fahkin homos!

Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself.

best part is that he talks like that in real life. He is just Mark Whalruss with a gun.

>I'm the guy that tells you there are guys you can hit and there's guys you can't. Now, that's not quite a guy you can't hit, but it's almost a guy you can't hit. So I'm gonna make a fuckin' ruling on this right now. You don't fuckin' hit him. You understand?

This movie won four Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director over movies like Letters from Iwo Jima, Pan's Labyrinth, Little Miss Sunshine, Babel and Children of Men.

I know they were apology Oscars for Scorsese but come the fuck on...

>Fiyamen gettin pussy for the first time in the history of fiya or pussy
that's when his shittalking broke down. Firemen get pussy like fat people get burgers

What's wrong with that dialogue?

he was supposed to be a sexually repressed closeted homo. his kid was going to be literally my wife's son lmao

>would never allow Frank to do the crimes that he did.
Is this Amerinigger serious

Have you read any modern crime literature/historicians?

Nope, enlighten me.

It was written by a 14 year old who watches Boondock Saints three times a day

go save a kitten from a tree ya homo

>would never allow Frank to do the crimes that he did.

Please tell you're not American. Please tell me you don't live in the country whose history you're so ignorant about.

In other words: I have no idea what I'm talking about.

in other words: I have no argument

Motherfucking nigger you are so goddamn naive it kills my jaded heart

Arguments against what exactly? I asked you for reasons that piece of dialogue was bad and your answer was literally blah blah blah reddit reddit reddit.

No one said anything about reddit.

I said it was written by a 14 year old who watches Boondock Saints three times a day. Since you're obviously too autistic to read between the lines: it's juvenile and it's trying incredibly hard to sound "BADASS" but it just sounds forced and overly written. Almost like how an out of touch 70 year old man who made good mob films decades ago would write a "tough guy" Irish mobster if he was trying to recapture his old flame but failing miserably and becoming a sad parody of himself.

Plus it just sounds false and there's literally no world in which I can imagine those words coming out of a dead eyed hardened blunt instrument mob enforcer's mouth.

This dialogue is fine. Frank is the type of person that films were made about (mafia films), he is the type of 'person' that 'existed' 'in real life' that said those things, that *FILMS* like Goodfellas etc. aped

It is spoken like true white trash wanting to flash his power.

But the Departed still sucked mad dick

>gansgters can't talk like everyday people

Who's trying to inpose a "badass" dialogue now?

No everyday people talk like that.

Scorsese is trying to do the gangster warrior / philosopher shit and it's embarrassing because you're supposed to grow out of that after teenage years.

Infernal Affairs was better

That's how I'd imagine white trash growing up to be a mafia leader would speak, perfectly fine white trash macho talk.

Of course.

I really don't understand why you feel compelled to come to Sup Forums, just to be contrarian and wrong. IT DON'T ADD INCHES TO YER DICK.

Yeah? Who da fuck are you?

I'm the guy that does his job. You must be the other guy.

Example of this dialogue you hated so much please.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I don't even remember the film though I did watch it when it came out, I'd just like to know.

But Frank didn't say that. You didn't even watch the film.

I've watched it like 3 times but I can't recall everything lmao

>FBI also keeps an eye on their witnesses and would never allow Frank to do the crimes that he did.


Reminder she has directly funded ISIS fully knowing that her actions funded ISIS to overthrow leaders

also committed other federal crime and didnt get any punishment

Based USA

>Maybe because it's always been so easy for me to get cunt, that I never understood jacking off in a theater.

Sup Forums btfo

h-ha ha plese ignore t-these drumpf s-shils

I'm referencing Wikileaks

the us stands to gain absolutely nothing from Frank selling chips to the Chinese

That's because he was playing both sides. That's literally the point of the movie.

They made a deal with lucky Luciano for Christ sakes

> That's what the niggers don't realize. If I got one thing against the black chappies, it's this - no one gives it to you. You have to take it.

This would not be used in a movie these days

>watching Shutter Island with normie friends
>they INSIST Leo's character wasn't actually insane and they brainwashed him

If you have any pea in your brain you'd know that Leo wasn't insane. He was correct about everything, everyone else was insane. It's a simple film.

Took me half the fucking movie to realize Damon and DiCaprio aren't the same person.

Selling the Chinese a dud or a virus

Literally every contrarian faggot on here thinks Internal Affairs was better but never even bothers to explain why.

Internal Affairs seemed like it was written by a 12 year old, so that seems fair.

He's based on Whitey Bulger kek. Also there are plenty of other gangsters the FBI has worked with in order to bring down other people.

This. I love the full scale mobilization of "muh different and contrary opinion" jackasses that takes place whenever The Departed is mentioned. Like that fucking autistic le kino patrician faggot saying the "guy you can't hit" dialogue is bad, and his only argument is "b-b-but a tough guy wouldn't say that!"

i was confused af

How did Barrigan find out that Matt Damon was a mole? This was never explained.

>implying Bulger was a straight up informant

It was way more complicated than that. Bulger's number 2, Flemmi may have been an informant, but not Bulger. Bulger's relationship with the FBI and Boston DoJ was far more complicated than that. Bulger handed them the mafia on the north side, a case which basically showed the country what the newly minted RICO Statutes could do. Bulger was instrumental in that. He had tons of get out of jail free cards.

You ever seen the documentary the USA vs James Bulger? It makes some heavy implications, like the FBI was complicit in Bulgers crimes and they let him run roughshod over Boston because they had too. He might have had a bunch of shit on them too. Think about it.

There is a reason Bulger has yet to take the stand in his own defense, because no one wants him talking. There's a reason that shitty Black Mass movie tried to paint the FBI aside from Connelly as incompetent do-gooders.

Why are some people this retarded?

I guess it depends on different styles when you get down to it. IA was going in a more grand/theatrical tone while The Departed wanted to be more gritty and realistic.

A lot of the scenes in IA in general made me cringe. Like when that "dramatic" music started playing after the death of Wong and then the fucking flashbacks started playing. Are you people really telling me that was realistic and believable?

Also the rooftop scene in The Departed was handled a lot better. Retards will whine about Scorcese's directing being "clumsy" but I'd rather have that then two dudes slowly spewing out exposition while not having any human emotion at all for a few minutes.

Seems pretty obvious that he was another mole planted to keep a watch on Damon without his knowledge.

He literally does admit it in the movie though.

This is false. Infernal Affairs is over acted, over dramatized chinky shit. No one even cared about this crap until the Departed came out.

>oh no she did shit that countless presidents before her have done too
>dishonest lying crook

Hillary is more than qualified to be president you babby

>He cannot understands WKW aesthetics.
>muh grit and realism

Why did Matt Damon just let himself get shot in the end?

I would've dodged.

what a shitty ending

this is bait, right? OP can't really be this dumb.

he literally sold the Chinese light sockets and set up a big arrest for his FBI superiors

>w-well they did it therefore she can do it too!

go away

>some autistic retard on Sup Forums pretending he'd know how an enforcer in the Irish Mob would talk
>he's never had to spit out an imposing syllable in his life

the funniest part about this thread, frankly

"hi guys, my little pony analyst here"

What a horrible defense.

it was based, in every other story ever told you ask yourself "why wouldnt someone just track the villain down and murder them?" and here that actually happens

>watching chink dog shit



>mindless Drumpf fags got nothing

You know the Donald will let you down right? He's just another actor in the dog and pony show, like the Bernie was. He's not going to build walls or some SS Immigration Police Force. Fuck, he's not even going to win the election.

"Internal affairs is better because it reminded me of my favorite anime"

Do you understand that aesthetics is a common term in film discussion? And that Infernal Affairs is heavily influenced by WKW's aesthetics? It is as if he ghost directed it.

Great post.

Why do I even come here.
Have a nice thread.

Nah, Jonathan Ross told me about it.

I was expecting dicaprio to get killed but everything after that felt unnecesary


>impying everyone in the election isnt fucking garbage

>proud of being pleb and ignorant.

It's not really a common term as much as it is a term that pretentious pseudo-intellectuals use but good try, user


That's what I was implying actually. Donald and Bernie are paid shills and Hillary bought the election 8 years ago.

>proud of being a weeb contrarian who watches over stylized shit


She's good, she's fucking my father.

Why the fuck not? Cuz the gubbermends would label them as "anti-muslim" extremists and keep a secret portfolio on anyone that said or wrote it? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

No because he's telling the niggers to be accountable for themselves and go get their own shit, the American way. Too redpilled for MSM today, my church need mo muney fo dem programs