Wtf is this shit? This is Gadot-tier casting. Every other MCU hero has been relatively close to their comic counterpart...

Wtf is this shit? This is Gadot-tier casting. Every other MCU hero has been relatively close to their comic counterpart, but Spider-man is now a manlet twink? Why? He's Marvel's flagship character for fuck's sake.

>it's a muh cape flick isn't like muh picture books thread

He was always a manlet twink. What's more, he was also a smart ass quipping machine. Deal with it.

>He was always a manlet twink

t. never reat anything other than Ultimate Spider-man


1. Those characters are of different age. One is highschool Peter who got his powers recently and the other is College Peter who has been Spider-man for a while

But yeah, I also don't like Holland much.

>Complains that holland doesn't look like comic pete
>posts animate series pete

>same height as maguire
>better looking than maguire

What's the problem

Spider-Man has always been a manlet, Ultimate or otherwise.

>1. Those characters are of different age.
Actually Holland is 20, so they're the same age.

TAS Peter was acurate to the comics before the 2000s.

5'10 is not a manlet no matter what /fit/ tells you.

Holland is 20? fuck, I thought he was 18 or something like that, what a childface midget

This is what Peter Parker should look like. Smart dresser, snazzy haircut, boyish good looks.

>their comic counterpart

But you posted the cartoon.

Macguire didn't look anything like Peter Parker, for one thing.

>has ugly looking bug eyes
>plays Spider-man


Remember when 60's Spider-Man meet Ultimate TV Peter Parker and Miles Morales?

> 5"10 not a manlet
LMAO Whatever you say Robert Downey Jr


Even as someone who unironically enjoys capeshit, I think people upset about changes from source material are autistic. Or children.

Je, Ultimate Peter is a bigot, he assumed old Peter was a racist from the start without anything to back that idea.

Two of the worst Spider-men in one page..

>The character adressing the audience directly wasn't referring to audience expectations

>better looking than maguire


The aunt May casting bothers me more.

>Things that are different from a picture book are bad

Agreed, all incarnations of Peter Parker should be phased out by this point. America has moved on.

Then why adapt the picture book? Just make something new entirely.

What the heck is going with that shitty art?

Thanks for confirming your autism.

But why adapt it? For money of course.

This is miscat
But the real problem is, that guy is to old to the job
I am expect to see a young Spidey starting young, like the comics with 15 years old

>This is miscat
She sounds cute.

>young, hot aunt may

College age Spidey is superior.

She's 51

Clearly you have never seen Holland's body.

He means young relative to previous depictions.

Post it.

>hot aunt may

>He was always a manlet twink
t. don't know the fuck about Spider-Man

Not his real body, done in post production.
fucking obviously

Even better.

Granny Mays were hot too you ageist fag.


for anyone with body dysmorphia i recommend they look at this picture and remember when you watched it for the first time and thought spidey was jacked lol

are you joking? he's dyel by /fit/ standards

I'm not saying he's huge or anything, but it's literally obviously computer effects.
Do you think fucking Chris Evans was really tiny when they shot the first part of Captain America then he bulked up and grew 8 inches for the rest of the movie?
There's a reason there's only one fucking scene where they show Macguire's body in Raimi's Spider Man movies, and it's because his body wasn't worth showing.

> Actually Holland is 20, so they're the same age.

Even so, he's playing a high schooler

>that art

people actually buy this shit

>that art
Actually, Comic Ultimate Spider-man is with Cartoon Ultimate Spider-man and 70s Cartoon Spider-man in the 70s Cartoon Spider-man universe. That's why all looks shitty as fuck.

Hes such a twink daddy though. Fuck hnnnngggg

>no spiderman 4 directed by sam raimi with bruce campbell as mysterio

such a lost opportunity
i just hope they don't fuck up again using too many villains

>talking about closness to comic counterpart
>posts a screen from a cartoon

haha ok

He looks good desu
He's in curl mode still

>/fit/ standards
Do you have any thoughts that are your own?



The only thing I was worried about was the butt but he looks like hes got a good enough one for the role. By the second movie it'll be great.

Its okay but he definitely needs to do more squats

then what about the first panel?

who gives a shit about the looks? as long as the guy isn't buff hulk style and old as fuck, it's right in my book

the only thing that counts is the acting. unfortunately, civil war actually made me hate the actor and the stlye marvel is going with on this spidey. and that says a lot, considering I actually liked the ASM version of spidey. I had high hopes for this version because I thought marvel would know how to do a proper spidey. instead....

>cringey as fuck performance
>don't tell aunt may
>muh star wars reference --> spidey is a nu-male cringy child instead of actually having an actual funny style
>suit looks terrible

say what you want but sony did the character way more justice with spider-man 1-3 and amazing spider-man 1-2

Dude you made my day hahahaha

Dude, I'm 6'1" and I'm a manlet, deal with it, you're a midget

some faggot at hollywood wanted an excuse to have a bunch of teen boys in a casting couch