>im itching to do it again
Im itching to do it again
I finished my rewatch of this series this morning. The Punisher stuff was real nice to go through again - all that Hand stuff was boring as fuck though.
The shitposting pasta of this made me laugh.
What was his fucking problem?
>did you hear me, im GUILTY
Has anyone done a pure Frank/Fisk edit of season 2 yet?
What is that ?
I don't get it
>you think you can put me in some loony bin
The ninja stuff wouldn't have been so bad if it actually tied into anything else that was happening. I couldn't believe the hand plotline and the punisher plotline never converged. They were literally just two unrelated things happening at the same time. Frank barely even appeared in the last episode. How fucking lazy can you get?
who /skip through all non punisher related scenes/ here
can't wait till punisher stand alone series, daredevil is fucking ass
>muh love triangles
>muh super ninja warriors fighting in warehouses
>muh deep hole in the ground
literally no one cares
>who /skip through all non punisher related scenes/ here
>Elektra is a Black Sky!
>Literally no one knows what that means but it's important somehow!
a fan edits out all the storylines not concerning those characters and puts it online
>warlords in ancient china even though ninjas are japanese found the source of immortality and no one can oppose them because they have the black sky even though they dont have it yet and why would you need anything else if you're immortal but not really because you can still cut their heads off but no one fighting them does that for no reason but there is one badass kid who could oppose them they let live for no reason and Stick claims to be him or something even though that'd make him thousands of years old and he opposes The Hand for some reason and the black sky turns out to be Electra who they expect to lead them for no reason that Stick didn't kill as a little girl for no reason that The Hand fights against with lethal means for no reason
that last season was such a bait n switch, all advertisements of it had the Punisher then we find out the big baddies are no-name boring ninjas.
That last fight with Frank showing up to save the day and he shoots like 1 of the 5 ninjas and that was meant to be the big finale?
And when Daredevil and Elektra were about to go onto the roof and there's like 40 ninjas outside, then they actually go outside and there's about 12.
>Stick claims to be him or something
I thought that was this nigga?
>The ninja stuff wouldn't have been so bad if it actually tied into anything else that was happening.
But it is. It's literally the entire plotline of all of the Netflix series. It's their big bad, their Thanos.
>not related to Kingpin or Punisher in any way
bravo netlix
It had nothing to do with the Punisher who was ostensibly the focus this season. It worked well in season 1 because Nobu was working with Kingpin.
he's a good actor. He makes you angry in the walking dead and makes you love him in daredevil.
who /hyped for punisher solo series/ here?
After 5 or 6 episodes I decided to skip non punisher stuff. Didn't even finish the show.
Where's that from, season 2? I stopped watching once Frank was in prison with Fisk. I thought that would be the last time we see him in the season.
>Elektra is a Black Sky!
>Literally no one [cares]
Finish it senpai its decent. Make sure you get to all of Fisk's screen time bc his last scene in this season is incredible.
I really don't know much about Daredevil so I was confused about some things, but I enjoyed both seasons a lot. I have read some Punisher, though, and I thought their version was amazing. Want to see more of Frank Franking Franks.
The one thing that bothered me though is that in the last episode Matt and Elektra are about to go out into the roof for the last battle and Matt is like "OH SHIT NIGGER THERE'S SO MANY OF THEM I CAN'T EVEN COUNT THEM" and you see them scuttling all over the place, and they kinda make peace with the fact they're walking into an unwinnable battle. Then they finally come out... and there's just like 10 of them up there. Da fuck.