Looking for a new mobile game. What do you fags play? Looking at Z girls

Looking for a new mobile game. What do you fags play? Looking at Z girls.

Words with friends

I used to play that years ago. It got old. I'm looking for a decent time waster that I might actually enjoy.

That C. A. T. S game got real old real fast.

The Office Space game was cool for 5 minutes.

Clash Royale is decent

Fuck Clash of Clans. I'm not waiting for days for a fucking building to be finished.

Bleach is cool. It's getting old though.

Sword Art Online is not bad.

Need suggestions guys


Trenches, Bloons, Surgeon Simulator, Happy Wheels.

Surgeon simulator? I never heard of your suggestions.

Hearthstone is still one of the best mobile games.


Wiz Khalifas weed farm

Family guy: another frekin mobile

Armature Surgeon is also an option.

Family Guy is like Bejeweled no? I just got rid of the Magic the Gathering one.

I agree but it's over 2 gigs with the updates. Fuck that.

Final Fantasy Brave Exodus sucked ass.

It also destroys my battery. Still fun though.

That too. I would download it again but that size...

Tap titans. Give it a try

I did. My hands got tired.

Really into yu gi oh: duel links right now.

That's the point. Tendons of steel
> 99


I played that one for a week. It wasn't too bad. I might get back into it.

Mobile Legends
its 5v5 MOBA like Dota or LoL but way more fun
games arent as long and its more balanced imo, fewer champs

gives you the option to play computer offline aswell. And alot of the people online suck, so if you've ever played any rank LoL or Dota you'll smash and advanced rank fast

I used to play LOL religiously. I'm going to have to try this one. Thanks bro.

I'm playing order and chaos 2. It's wow for mobile

Mobile legends or Bang Bang is what it goes by. Theres some kinda disagreement i believe over copyright so they use the name Bang Bang (random af) as the games title on the App Store so sometimes its hard to find

only reason i found it was becasuse i browsed the mobile store A-Z

I do that sometimes. Most of the games look horrible though.