400 word essay due monday

>400 word essay due monday
>haven't even started yet
fuck you Sup Forums.

>400 words

What the fuck? I could do that in less than a half hour, easy. Go back to fourth grade you fucking 'ron.

>400 word "essay"
About what you did during your summer break?

>4 word essay due next year

retarded frogposter

Just marathoned my kino essay, did my teacher's wife's son like it?

Mwaah the teacher has always been noted for being "our" big guy

>400 word shit post due monday
>haven't even started yet

>400 words

That's not even a full page of text.

The stakes just keep getting higher. Will you risk it all?

400 words = less than a page.

How is that an essay booboo?

>1 word essay due after the heat death of the universe
I should just drop out

>have to conceive and write an appeal to the Supreme Court by monday
>haven't even started yet

>tfw infinitesimally small idea needs to be thought before the end of eternity
>haven't started yet
hold me /lit/ memes

We need that goddamn pasta user or you're dead

It's not our fault you suck.

>40 word essay on what I did over Summer vacation due next monday

>Didn't do anything but shit post on Sup Forums all summer

50 character essay dude October. Haven't even conceptualized it yet.

>guy called
>"is Lou there?"
>don't know Lou
>"let me check"
>he's been waiting 3 months

>1 word essay

>Didn't do anything but shit post on Sup Forums all summer
That's 1/4 of the way there, user! You can do it

>my execution is on Monday
>still haven't told them it was just a prank

>have to submit blank paper
>due till the next millennium
teacher said to give up lads

>tfw I wrote an entire 14 page, 6000 word paper yesterday
I haven't done that in a long time.

Really made me realize how bad I've fucked up my left wrist from jacking off so much

>mind link between self and Sup Forums due November 8
>having trouble renormalizing higgs' in circularly polarized photon y-channel

You wrote it by hand?
Where do you live? Mongolia?

>writing with left hand
>jacking off with left hand
>writing instead of typing on a word processor
you deserve it fucking kant

yeah but think about this.

It's only 25% of the way done and it took me all summer to do it.

Thanks for taking what little hope I had and dashing it user

add this entry too. 2/4

>non-STEM essay

>have to clean my house before wife,wife friend qnd wife's son arrive from their vacation
>mfw the house is flooded with crab legs leftovers and coke zero cans


>wife's son
Is this for real??

>make essay as leftist as I can about the evils of capitalism
>first and only A paper

Considering you Reddit on Sup Forums it has to be

>bar mitzvah in 6 seconds
>haven't even begun schmekelsteinsen

Yeah my wife ,her friend and her son went to a vacation

Under aged detected.

Is he brown?

My wife son or her friend?

Oh my god, your wife has a son that's not yours plus she was on a holiday with your male friend. You're such a fucking cuck

>have to uncover the metaphysical truth of reality before monday
>havent even ordered the DMT

protip: they both are

I remember when I'd only been on Sup Forums a less than a month too


What fuck is this? High school? Elementary school?

400 words... you have entire fucking weekend.

>assignment requires a first draft and a final version
>write final essay
>go back and add mistakes to make "first draft"

Literally everyone did this right?

Is falling for this bait a counter bait

He is her boss from her job it was like a bussines travel stuff but she said that she wanted to take her son with her.
and fuck you guys he is not brown and my wife son isn't either

was. no it's reddit.

"business" travel

My experience on Sup Forums leads me to expect people to be taking the piss, but I actually think a lot of these responses are genuine. Ever since the site clamped down on waifuism, redditors abound.

I did every writing assignment I ever had in the library at school because I didn't have a home printer. Sometimes I wrote them entirely during lunch on the day that they were due.

Still got As because I read everything I could get my hands on as a kid and teachers grade writing assignments based on how good they are compared to the rest of the class and I was leaps ahead of almost everyone in public school.

LMAO he gave her the business if you know what I mean

>400 words essay
>Due monday
Bitch I wish I had it that easy.

>16 character essay in proper MLA format due in 3.94 seconds
>haven't even put my name on it yet
What the fuck do I do, guys

Did you try rerouting it through the port nacelles?

>Job application due in 30 minutes

I'll just not bother.

Wish this was a joke.

I don't think so who knows anymore?


>tfw the op was born after 9/11

this is ironic


>I haven't even started forming the muscles required to move my face and mouth.

How mang times are we gonna do it?

>have to write my name on a form
>due next month

kill me.

5km south of the Tajikistan border