AF fag here. AMA

AF fag here. AMA.

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Do you suck dicks?

ex-2W2 myself



3D032. Cyber Ops.

does it suck to know that the airforce in 2017 is only a fraction of a shadow of what it was during wars of late 20th century?

Bullshit I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!

Props for the reference.

Not sure what you're talking about. Be more specific.

Prove it.

Hack something. Hack Sup Forums.

We don't do anything like that. Literally just server maintenance. The Air Force has specific career fields that are taught to do that.

I have a bachelors in mathematics from a good university but I can't find a fucking job, is it worth it to join the AF or should I keep looking in private sector.

Also I have a drunk driving arrest (barely over the legal limit is still over the limit) from 5 years
ago, will that affect my chances if I try to join.

Do you guys do maintenance on CHCS, Esentris, or any other medical operating systems the military uses?

Yeah a DUI is a career killer unless you're already in and know how to suck dick.

Not a chance in hell you'll be able to join.

But you can try! LOL!

I would recommend joining, especially if you can't find other work. AF has the best quality of life. I'm not sure how the drunk driving arrest will affect you. You can either choose to disclose it to your recruiter or not. I would just disclose it to avoid them somehow finding out.

It's all base specific. They'll have you doing maintenance on whatever servers the base works with. I don't specifically work with medical operating servers, but I suppose it's possible some people do.

what if you have a DUI arrest, but you were never convicted due to with held adjudication or whatever it is, basically they drop the charges at the end ... ?

Then you'll probably have to show proof that charges were dropped.

If you lie, get into the military, and they do a background check for a security clearance and find that out they'll kick you out of the military.

Just because you get in doesnt mean they can find something to get you out. And just because a job doesnt require a security clearance doesnt mean that it will always be like that.

Knew one guy who couldn't reenlist in the Army because they changed the requirements to having a secret security clearance.

Also seen people kicked out of the middle of AIT (job training) because they found something during a background check.

What type of job should I try to get?

Will they give me options to choose from or do they just tell you what job you are going to do.

Also thank you for the information

Depends on what branch of military you choose.

Army you get to pick your job as enlisted. Army officer you get a top 3 wish list.

Rest of the branches its the same except being enlisted dont get to choose their jobs.

thanks bro, i have proof sent from the judicial system somewhere here that says they dropped the charges. hella tyte.

what about medical stuff? i *may* have told a doctor or two in 2013/14 that i dropped acid and did mushrooms. they can't search those medical records if i never tell them about it right? or do they have access and ability to go to insurance companies to look shit up and get me to release that stuff?

They will definitely give you options, but don't let them fuck you either. You can sign for a job before you even go to basic training. Even if it takes time, wait for the job you want so you have something guaranteed going in. Try to get something cyber related. Like Cyber Ops or Cyber Trans. Anything in the 3D career field.

No Strategic Air Command with 2000+ B52 circling russia all within 2 hours of their targets in russia 24 hours a day every day

Why do airline stewardesses have better outfits than you have uniforms?

How's it feel knowing you're a faggot nonner?

Become an officer. All you need is a degree in anything. If you go in enlisted, you will hate your life. Officers get treated like royalty and most of them are normal and somewhat intelligent.

At MEPS tell them that you've never done drugs before. No matter what ALWAYS tell them you've never done drugs, if you do you WILL get blacklisted from joining the military.

As long as you pass your piss test and deny drug use you should be fine.

Also remember that military drug tests are much more sensitive than drug tests you can get over the counter.

OTC drug tests detect weed at 50 nanograms and above. Military ones detect anything from 5-15.

Just deny deny deny.

Eh, I wasn't in when BDUs were a thing but personally I prefer our modern uniforms. If you want to see shit, look up the Navy's new uniform.



lol join the navy. like me its super gay

the airforce already hassled me to join when i was 18 and i told them i smoked weed a few times and i smoked salvia once and nothing happened so i never did it again, and that i didnt use weed because i just didnt feel good. i dont use these days for the same reason mostly. i will be able to pass any drug test they give me no problem.

but yeah, back then they didnt give a fuck because of my asvab scores.

if i say now that ive never done drugs, will they have what i said back then recorded or some shit? i think it was a recruiter that was calling me all the time

We still have other methods of surveillance.

I told them I smoked weed eight times and so far it hasn't done anything to my career.

yeah i'm pretty sure the airforce no longer gives two fucks about weed use in the past as long as you don't use now and can pass a test when the time comes

Yeah, more or less. I had no problem getting in and I disclosed my past marijuana use.

Why don't they want you smoking weed in the military? That's a turn off

He does

It's the federal government. They only give a shit about what's federally legal or not.

Canadian army don't give a shit thank god

I'm sure that drinking age of 19 helps a lot.

it's 21 bud

in my province

Im 2W0

For Canada military?

are you enlisted or officer

Serious question time,thinking about being air force mp but ik the normal police spend all day writing reports,is it the same way with you

what are your thought on this?

I'm not sure how Security Forces is, but it doesn't seem to bad. I would highly recommend a different career field though.

Never seen it. What's it about?

Such as,enlisted only though

if you were in charge of and given the order to launch a nuke would you do it

I was af security forces. As a noob, you will either work a gate guard or mindless security for planes or nukes.

Absolutely not.

UFO's mostly, very interesting. only been out for a few weeks.

>its basically the next false flag

Pretty much spot on.

Sounds good to tbj,what do you think is the best option

What's the implication? I doubt the U.S. know anything about UFO's or anything of the sort.


Literally the end of the world?

kek, assuming your CO is standing over your shoulder as you surf here.

its on tube, just watch it. its worth it

And undoubtedly it's fake.

>conspiracy theory

What else do you guys do besides flying planes and staying in hotels?

>What else do you guys do besides flying planes and staying in hotels?

Nigger why are you repeating me

Sorry, in all seriousness we do a lot of stuff. Literally all U.S. air support depends on our commitment to the mission.

Why did you chose the Air force over other branches

>We're not the Air Force
>Air Wienie Air Force

a spoonful of sugar helps the kool-aid go down

its a documentary, it wanst made for tube. go back to sleep

Better living conditions. Even when Marines graduate basic training and go to their first duty station, they have a roommate. Air Force is more like a normal job after basic and tech school.

>No evidence.
>Literally knowing nothing cause you have zero federal clearance.

how do i pass sec+. i have like 2 weeks

Are you studying for 401 or have they started people on the new Sec Plus material?


A1C here can confirm. Tech and basic were concentrated garbage (esp since my school was 6 months and I got held over 4 for efmp reassignment because of my wife ), but once I hit operational it pretty much became a regular job. Shoot, I just got tossed to night shift which is pretty much a 6 hour shift, with a mandatory trip to the gym for the 1st hour. So here I am, a /fit/fag, being payed to go the gym or track an hour a day at night when everything is empty.

Good fucking stuff.

Use Gibson book and Comptia subscription. I payed for Measure Up as well, but honestly the test is hard as fuck. I somehow passed and didn't know half of what was on it.

Fucking pogs

no u

just kidding
i love you all
especially armorers

Ayyeee, same man. Night shifts are the best. I only had one NCO on my nightshift and he never did shit.

here is the trailer, the rest is up to you

well i have some decent study materials but i havnt really studied. so im probably fucked, and i heard they made the test harder

I'm going to MEPS on the 12th trying to get into networking

when do they drug test you? I heard it was at MEPS and again before bootcamp, is there no other tests?

>Ah yes, a bunch of people who have never been in the military or had any clearance at all talk about stuff the military must have done. Genius!

i got drug tested at MEPS, basic, and tech school

its the military
motherfucker they randomly drug test all the time


im getting mixed signals here, I was thinking about smoking it up FAT when I got back from boot, in my fictional book of course

I've heard of people who studied the night before and passed the test, but that's not to say the test isn't still extremely difficult. I heard the test was going to get harder, but only with the new version.

They drug test you the day you go to MEPS to do all your in processing. They'll do a variety of medical test on top of a drug test. They'll explicitly tell you before the conduct the drug test.

here ill give you a straight answer
you like smoking weed right?
dont enlist
stay civilian and do what you want

Hows it feel being a welfare whore of the highest order? When your time is up hows it feel to know that your only job prospects will be flipping burgers and you wasted the best years of your life 'serving' a bunch of politicians who would rather you have died so they could use you as political capital?

I don't care for it that much my friends just want to celebrate if I get in.
I'll just get shitfaced I guess

"you catch the most flak when your right on target"

>Literally coming some from fag neck beard.

I'm open to criticism. If you have legitimate evidence, present it.

only E-5+ have the pleasure of saying nonner

crew chiefs/ammo get out

I've been serving in the Air Force for over 24.5 years, as a part of the most elite clandestine special nigger operations unit the world has ever seen. Willing to answer any questions.

Shit b8.

How does it feel being in the most made fun of branch?

I believe that would be the coast guard, my friend.

i thought it was the marines