ITT: Your childhood fears
ITT: Your childhood fears
small soldiers terrified me
Dying alone
>Dying alone
funny how the good ones get you early like that and then just stick with you into your 30s, then stops becoming a fear and more like the only consistent thing in your life.
This fucker.
The scene where Chucky goes find Andy in the child prison is freaky as hell. When Andy sees Chucky from far away climbing the stairs, and then Chucky appears in the cell window. For some reason that scene really stuck to me
the jackal from house of 13 ghost saw that shit when i was like 4 or 5
Gizmo, that fucker scared me a lot more than the Gremlins
Well then I have some bad news for you...
This freaked me out must've between like 7 when I saw it
Everyone dies alone. You can die in a ditch in the dark, a room full of loved ones, or even surrounded by the dead and dying but in the end it is all just you alone screaming in your own head as the lights go out.
He said childhood fears, user.
Anyone remember the Black Hole Sun video by Soundgarden? That shit freaked me out, the part where they put the Barbie Doll in the microwave.
Now that I'm older and read up on panic attacks, I realized I used to have them all time throughout my late childhood and adolescence. Being around girls was the worst. My adrenaline would spike like I was running from a lion.
How did you know user.
This shit destroyed me as a kid. I watch horror movies all the time like they are nothing but the original Chucky still fucking gets me every time because of back then. Dolls all must take part in a quick possession test before entering my house.
yup. fuck you mom for being a horror fan.
Was like 4 years old when she turned that shit on.
Just kick the fucker.
He's what? Two feet tall? What he going to do, stab your leg when you're going for a field goal? Fucking bullshit.
>fuck you mom for being a horror fan
My mom recommended be reading Stephen King books since I was like 7 years old
This little faggot.
Watched the movie with my sister when I was about 5 years old and this fucking doll scared the ever-loving shit out of me. Just the fact that he's small and can be anywhere...and those beady little eyes.
He is a demonically possessed item.
He has no muscles or any physical material that dictates how strong or fast he is. You see him and think "Its like a little kid." when in fact he could be as strong as 10 men and quicker than a mongoose drenched in cheetah blood because his strength is literally magic.
But he's not a demon. He's just a guy.
A guy who magically animated a toy doll and possessed it with his soul. You are basically arguing semantics.
>nearly double my age
Shit nigga that's so unrelated its a joke.
You've piqued my curiosity user. How does one conduct a "possession test."
Snap. Was roughly the same age.
Superman 3 robot scene scared me shitless too.
That movie had such an asspull ending.
and elevators.
I'm actually still afraid of elevators.
>ITT: black """""people""""
anything with dolls coming to life
this motherfucker
whats scary about him?
I had a My Buddy doll. My sister put a steak knife in his hand one day when I wasn't looking.
Candyman is not nearly as scary as I remembered. It's mostly the amount of blood that freaked me out when I was a kid
Do you really expect anyone to answer your bait?
Forced cyborg assimilation scared the shit out of me as a kid. This, the Borg from Star Trek and the movie Virus scared the fucking piss outta me as a kid.
For some reason I was afraid of velociraptors coming in my house and killing me in my top bunk bed after seeing Jurrasic Park as a kid.
Even covered the little protective rail I had with covers so they couldn't see me once they'd get in my room.
are you literally me?
i guess being caught when you accidentally a plane
why dr grant ;_;
This ugly hag. I shit my pants whenever she looks directly at the camera.
this fucking movie, even though I later found out there was a full frontal nude scene in it, that my parents always skipped on the VHS
Blair witch project, the whole thing was spooky to me, but that last 5 minutes, in the old house and the girl screaming Mike over and over again really fucked me up
Anonymous please, you're just being racist; maybe you should learn to respect his culture?
Same for me until I had a nightmare and realized it was a doll so I kicked it and it went flying. Didn't have another nightmare after that.
Not really. It's canon that the guy in the doll would be annoyed by the dolls limitations.
fuck that, hid behind the sofa
The pool ghost from Are you afraid of the dark.
Skeletons and half-rotten corpses in general freaked me out though.
What are you, ruski?
I remeber being like 5-6yo, woke up at night because of thunder, while my parents went out to party thinking i'm asleep. Alone, afraid as fuck, turned up television with some local cable music channel to cheer a bit. Yeah, that was fucking great idea. Not only i haven't sleep that night, but this fucking face was in my nightmares for a while.
Still my favoite music video, though.
>that babysitter's bush in the shower
Fuck I've never stopped rewinding for that shit
You posted it
Literally the only thing I ever feared from movies, that retarded doll
The last movie was a fucking crime
nigga that Chucky is fucking terrifying
Freddy Kreuger and Chucky were the main ones
Maybe its because I'm 30 already but I only laughed with the movie
Fearing death in infancy? Sheeeeeeeeit nigro.
im still afraid of aliens (because they could actually be around us)
the ayy lmao meme helped me a bit, but stil...
you're not alone user
I'm the same
"Are you afraid? That's ok. You'd have to be crazy not to be afraid"
That thing came to my mind every time I entered a swimming pool as a kid. I remember swimming in a mostly empty hotel pool, by myself in the deep end, when the fear of that thing suddenly hit me so hard I ripped both my knees open scrambling to get out of the pool.
I never did tell my family why I did that to myself.
If you want to be afraid of thing around you be afraid of jews or niggas, they did way worse things than us
>Computer Turns Ugly Woman Into Freaky Robot
Did a 9-year-old write that title?
The fear of losing the use of my hands still terrifies me
i was terrified of them after seeing some """documentaries""" like those we have now on History channel. I had to sleep next to a wall, facing it and covering all but my face with pillows so I couldn't see windows or doors because I feared aliens could be there. Once there were some balls put on one another in a corner of my room and after waking up at night I thought this was an egg-headed alien - I screamed as loudly as I could, probably woke the whole block up. Had lots of nightmares that wouldn't let me sleep at night too. It was a real trauma but fortunately it's gone now though I still get some chills when I see an alien.
thanks for that quick link, was just heading over there lel
He is right and you know it.
He's right
mah nigga
Thy must have probed you when you were a child
How the fuck do you faggots get scared by this shit?
Well, at least they had the courtesy to wipe my memory.
>that bit where the face mask comes out of Victor Meldrew's face
What the fuck, is that a 3d model? Disgusting.
Not them, but when I was a kid I was terrified of humans transforming into other things, mind control, or otherwise people losing their humanity absolutely terrified me. Though in non-horror fantasy settings it wasn't as bad but even then it disturbed me.
not an argument
I don't feel like debating you, I'm just making fun of you because I know I'm right.
Slappy from Goosebumps.
I remember having nightmares about him and I couldn't even stand watching the intro's show.
not an argument
I considered my friend a badass for watching the whole intro once
I was scared of Chucky too, but i was also pretty terrified of this. Probably didn't help I saw it on Imax when I was 5
spilled seed watching this film.
So many sleepless nights.
candy man, and the headless horseman scared the absolute shit out of me as a kid