itt "fuck you i liked it"
Itt "fuck you i liked it"
it was a good'n
watched Kingsman yesterday and I thought it was great, just pure stupid fun
I dont get the mixed reviews
it was a kino
I liked pic related and Chappie a lot. We need more movies like these and not less. Wacky characters and brutal sci-fi violence go hand in hand.
yeah it was fun
I liked the built in Sharlto Copley best friend simulator
Which was best Jimmy? Oi that guy and 'is gannnja....
I don't know anyone who's taken the time to watch the whole thing think anything less of the movie than "pretty damn good"
That being said, it's my favorite movie of 2016 and I've seen it about 6 times now, twice in theaters
I think proper lads enjoyed this movie. Normies didn't like the fine ass at the end.
Eggsy was a right cheeky lad
maybe it helps if youre British
Suicide Squad
>tfw they censored out the anal scene and references to it after the theatrical run
I lived the part when he just comes out of the bushes in the ghillie suit and just says "It's me, Jimmy."
I laugh every time
good lad
One of my favorites of all time, don't care what people think.
Jurassic World
The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel
Watched it as a kid and I liked it.
And it's still a decent and mindless action flick.
I'm sorry.
Beyond the Black Rainbow
Southland Tales
all the films of Wes Anderson
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Solaris 2002
unironic agreement
>Scott Pilgrim?? b-but Edgar Wright is shit tier... f-fuck you, reddit!
>pic related
no need to feel sorry. It's the worst of the 3 but still top tier capekino when compared to all the recent marvel trash.
this guy knows
it was alright, but it felt like the nic cage version of shoot 'em up
Nicholas Cage aka "Fuck You: I Like Him"
>chappie and elysium
Nah your opinion is still shit
This, Karl Urban is a badass
>Southland Tales
my nigga
Didn't even realize Oscar Isaac was in this until now
*nods in approval*
*grabs u by the throad*
"U"s don't have throads. Dumb nigger.
That's what I have always felt about it. Also I kinda found the stupid emo Peter shit charming.
I guess there is not enough action, romance and quips for most people.
shawshank is one of the most revered movies of all time
The Keanukino I never apologize for:
The Replacements
I KNOW I'm the only one here. Fuck all of you.
I haven't heard anyone rag on Constantine
utterly impressed, scared and arroused
all media are shit but music
Complete, delicious trash
>recorded sound
>not Renaissance paintings of Madonna sans fig leaf
pleb. pleb with shit taste
The only complaints I generally hear about it is that it's a poor adaptation of the comic. Other than that, good flick.
I found it to be boring. The cinematography and art direction was great (aside from the dated CGI) but it all felt like watching a tv show without having seen the previous episodes. I had no real interest in what was going on because I didn't get properly introduced into the world and didn't fully understand the rules.
lol why is everyone so mad, you are not entitled to sex, women can choose their partners now, and they choose black
painting can be done by retarded kids
go play on your atari
yes! the first person made me hard.
Antje was great in this
Man, do all Italian women get wider as they get older?
Alien 3: The extended cut.
Die Hard 2
Damn, this movie was a clusterfuck.
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice
The Great Gatsby
I unironically loved this show and even traveled to Seaside Heights one year to see them. Even if it went downhill after season 1
They spelled angery wrong
Chappie - yes, Elysium - no. I may be biased as I really enjoy a south african flavor.
Elysium is way better than Chappie, and Elysium is just "okay" at best.
Your love of that shithole shouldn't make you like that crap movie.
I think the fact that I don't give one fucking shit about Superman helped.
well fuck you I liked it
You miss the point of this thread. We're not here to justify shit to anyone. Fuck you, I liked it.
Yeah fuck you I liked Chappie
The orcs scenes at least.
the fuck dude
I got this in a 2-pack with Dredd.
I still need to watch it.
Saw this recently and really enjoyed it. It's a typical aimless indie movie with a lot of improvised dialogue and a slow pace but it ended up being a lot more dark and interesting than I expected. I'd only recommend it if you're already a fan of the actors though
The orc scenes were the only good part of that movie. The human parts were all shit for a variety of reasons.
Genuinely great,comfy thriller/mystery, the critics can all go fuck themselves
ya. Well the main complaint was the foreshadowing was too obvious. But it was only obvious after the movie was over.
great movie apart from the scene in the church
Would be better received if the protagonist was black, since it was a white man power fantasy, it got hate.
I just finished watching this because of this post OP, shit was hilariously good
>mfw EZ
what is this? it looks cool
I fapped but the movie was awful.
I know it's reddit. I'm sorry.
I thought it was a bit much that they just ended it with ten minutes of news footage of 9/11.
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whats wrong with the movie?
>chloe moretz
That movie is grade A motherfucker.
haven't seen, looks shit
only thing i remember was that rinko was hot
i remember that scene were there was some burial playing, otherwise unmemorable as fuck
i liked the 3-5 seconds where they showed BFG, otherwise it was utter garbage
haven't seen, i bet i'm not missing much
ugh what the fuck
what's tommy lee jones doing with these hacks? prolly could watch if it was on tv
lol i'd probably like this
yeah, sure
this was on tv a week ago, made me nauseous
you're a fucking faggot kys
trigged christfag detected