What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Steven Universe?
Pearl best girl
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Steven Universe?
Pearl best girl
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Looks like kino
animation is pretty good, also the subtle themes are also pretty well done, the rest is shit though, and knowing Sup Forums they probably hate it because of the fanbase
It's produced some alright pornographic drawings though
Already see enough SU in Sup Forums, we don't need it here.
only one thing you need to know
rebecca sugar fucks niggers
All the noses in that show fucking bother me.
She's ugly as fuck. who gives a shit
I like it, but it gets so fucking preachy and in your face sometimes. Also, Lapis is best gem.
He's fucking tight as shit
I'm on episode 7 when does it get preachy?
Lies, Rebecca is an adorable 12-year-old Jewish boy.
I wish Teen Titans Go wasn't on before it. Watching the stream is suffering
I'll try not to go into much detail for your benefit. They do begin to explore a lot of themes eventually and I do appreciate it's usually masked in the Gem lore. But the ones I've found the most heavy-handed have been
>consent in a relationship
>societal taboos
There is an episode that aired recently that really showed a lot of that first one I listed, they don't try to make it subtle at all.
episode 5. Pearl and her anti-nudity agenda are unacceptable, I mean it's 2016!
I like it. It made me go to Sup Forums for the first time ever a year ago and I only lasted a week in that shit hole. Everyone just switches the gender of characters and makes fake relationships i believe its called shipping and draws gay porn and acts like fucking weirdo beta internet creeps. Haven't been back since
Looks just like Steven desu
>that ruby futa doujin
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but there was a time where Steven threads where not allowed on Sup Forums for a while. I had to go on /trash/ for threads so I could save some fanart. Can't begin to count how many futa shit art I had to sift through.
Sup Forums hasn't been worth visiting for like 5-6 years at this point. Used to be some great OC and memes made but now it's the most unfunny pathetic board.
i dont know i didnt last a week in that literally homosexual place. im not even going to google what futa is but im almost positive it means you are a faggot in some way
Yeah I think /trash/ hosted them or something
Adventure Time seemed to start this kind of "progressive" animation topics, and SU seems to be carrying it pretty well. I'm just glad to see hand drawn stuff being in the forefront of animated entertainment
I have a question about this too, what is it about people who watch cartoons that make them literally gay sexual deviants? I understand that watching cartoons is childish but i dont get the weird porn and being homos part
I'm just in it for the cute art. Futa is degenerate
I like lesbian bits and when the plot actually gets going. slice of life stuff is not for me.
Plot episodes are usually really interesting and good, so is the approach to gems as an alien race. Peridot is great and I think the awkwardness of being as emotional underdeveloped as the gems are is portrayed well. Greg is good as well.
That said, filler episodes and most human characters are so fucking trash. Any episode centered in characters such as Lars or Sadie or whatshisface are usually hot diarrhea. I don't like Steven too much either, overly positive characters make me wanna barf.
Also some designs are too tumblr for my tastes (specially a couple fusions) ut backgrounds are god tier (Bosma is the man).
The social topics that these shows address allow alot of "fandom" gathering to occur, and alot of these motherfuckers, that like to be part of fandoms, are quasi-autistic people who often have very specific sexual fetishes, the "degeneracy" is amplified with the cloak of the internet.
It's pretty gay, literally not figuratively, the VAs can't sing for shit, all they do is cry, Steven is annoying as fuck
Steven is based on her brother
>I'm on episode 7 when does it get preachy?
it does not get preachy, more like annoying when it talks about subjects its not equipped to talk about. like when pearl tricks garnet into fusion or when jasper comes back like an old boyfriend. anything with kevin
>Everyone just switches the gender of characters and makes fake relationships i believe its called shipping and draws gay porn and acts like fucking weirdo beta internet creeps.
>im not even going to google what futa is
Your normie is showing.
>google what futa
Are you sure you are 18?How would you not know what futa is?
Who sang this? youtube.com
im 26 i just never got caught up in internet or Sup Forums culture though i visit this site almost everyday since that boxxy chick was first "famous"
I dont understand how people can like Pearl. She's annoying, rude, not fun, not attractive, flat and obsessed with her dead girlfriend who cucked her
shes not fat or a nigger or a emo or whatever other gems are left
She's also the biggest cuck in cinematic history
>having to raise your bull's child
>the same bull who also killed your gf with his murdercock
>was around for boxxy
>Sup Forumss queen
>browsed Sup Forums but doesn't know what futa is
Kid you're full of shit
>Sup Forums
How is she rude? She is fun, just not to steven.
>not attractive
they can take any form and out of them all pearl and lapis are the the closest to being conventionally attractive.
>dead girlfriend
Well would not you want that kind of devotion?
Ur mom lol
>ywn lick lapis' feet
oh my god you are so witty and totally not underage
Wish Garnet still looked like in the pilot, bitch was hot
I have the best idea for a Sup Forums oc for this right now
Amethyst was hot in the pilot too. Only Steven and Pearl were improved.
I never get this show's appeal. It must be another MLP FIS thing or something? Like numalevfags love it because they can whack off to the pretty colors. And Steven's gotta be one of the worst protagonists in a show even for an annoying cartoon. He's literally more retarded than Clarence and that's a good thing? I get that neckbeards identify with Steven and it satisfies their fantasies for their Gem hippie like lesbian aunts they'll never have fetish.
tell me more
>Enormous nose, balding, no ass & no boobs
>conventionally attractive
its relocatable to people in their mid 20s.Steven is a retard but what would you expect from a kid that never went to school,etc ( he is a retard but it makes sense for his character)its not a good thing. I don't see the show having a good resolution
I was thinking about editing her in some pol pictures. Like the one at the brandenburg gate with the sleeping refugee lying on top of it. TO this I would change the lyrics just a litte bit. Thing like "Now I have to be there for my wifes son" are practically writing itself.
The only thing I would need to do this would be editing skills and the free time to do it
It's Adventure Time 2.0.
Mediocre show.
Utterly repulsive fanbase.
So the jannys are seriously allowing these Sup Forums faggots to 'discuss' Steven Universe?
This is like the 4th thread in the last few days.