Whites say asians and whites have the highest IQ, therefore must be the best kind of people

Whites say asians and whites have the highest IQ, therefore must be the best kind of people.
Jews have a higher IQ
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Oddisee leaves me so conflicted, seems like such a genuine dude and makes great music but MUDSLIME.

Lupe Fiasco is also muslim. There are good and bad people in any race/ religion.

>Jews have a higher IQ


I think that if you actually look into it yourself rather than vomiting memes, you'll find that "Jews" are generally Arab-tier stupid, but (((Ashkenazim)))...the Jews with predominantly northern European ancestry...are smart.

I think that if you actually look into it yourself rather than vomiting memes, you'll find that "Jews" are defined by religion. Kek

>I have no idea what I'm talking about

No shit, huh?

How does one convert to a different ethnicity?

Kek you'll probably change color when you convert to judaism by your way of thinking?

Answer the question. How does one convert to a different ethnicity?

It can't just be that you don't understand the world around you. You've obviously put some thought into this. How does one convert to a genetically-distinct population group?

Science says you can't, but I sense the depth of your "keks" and "leeels." You're a thinker. Explain.

What I'm saying is: Judaism is a religion. people who practice that religion are Jews.
You can be a black Jew, a white jew, whatever.
What does that mean? Maybe socio-economic situations influence the human in a bigger way than race. But that would mean that race is not important and we are all just humans

Judaism is obviously a religion, but the fact remains that the vast majority of Jews are part of Jewish ethnic groups, not converts. And those ethnic groups, like any other ethnic group, evince differences from other ethnic groups. "Jews," taken as a whole, aren't markedly more intelligent than their (genetic) neighbors. Ashkenazim (again, an ethnic group that one cannot simply convert to, in a genetic sense) are.

Look at Israel. 80% Jews. 50% Ashkenazim. Not the brightest bunch. (pic related)

Jews in the United States, though, who are something like 90% of American Jews? A full half of a standard deviation higher.

It's not just "Jews," it's particular ethnic groups that are Jewish.


And rather obviously, Ashkenazim make up around 90% of American Jews. Derp.

jews are asian retard.

Also asians are lower than niggers

>can't explain shit

your new is showing.

Greentext is for quoting, ahmed.

>Jews are defined by religion
Most self-proclaiming "Jews" are atheists and these atheist "Jews" are the ones with higher IQs.

Nice b8 btw


I just paraphrased what you said

That really doesn't address what I said. I never suggested the "positive selection" argument (though it's very common), but rather the "when a small group of Semites breeds with Europeans for almost two-thousand years, they will end up more intelligent than another small group of Semites who bred with Africans during the same period" argument.

Because, you know, Europeans are generally intelligent. I imagine the Jews in China are similarly intelligent. The Jews who stayed in Arabland (Mizrahim)? Not so much.

But how come they are more intelligent? :/

How come who is more intelligent than whom?

jews have a higher IQ than whites. even though they mated with whites.

Jews do not have a higher IQ than whites. Ashkenazim do.

As for why, there are any number of plausible explanations. Why are Swedes more intelligent than Finns? No idea, that's just what the testing tells us.

Yeah no idea. Maybe an iq can't measure whether a supreme race? maybe you can't measure a supreme race at all`?