Now that the rust has settled, what is your honest opinion on True Detective Season 1?
Now that the rust has settled, what is your honest opinion on True Detective Season 1?
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it was reddit
Damn fine television
2 > 1
Interstellar was a fine movie.
I enjoyed it very much.
>Tfw no 19 year old mentally unstable slut who wants to let you put your dingle dangle in her poop shoot.
Absolute Kino/10
not even memeing
starts well then loses steam
I agree it was pretty kino at times
Absolutely phenomenal with a final episode that, I felt, lived up to the build up of everything else
The first four episodes were great tier and then it suddenly became meh tier for the last few episodes.
some of the best tv i've ever seen
didn't bother with second season, so no opinion either way
Rewatched the first episode last month and I thought it was shit. Maybe two or 3 episodes will pull me back in.
Masterpiece that won't be surpassed any time soon
td posting and the theories and discussion every week were GOAT
telekino of the highest order
Good show, but severely overrated. The reveal was lame and the whole mystery/cthulu aura or whatever wasn't like mind blowing or anything.
good opinion. people who think the finale was bad are turboplebs
>he actually wanted cthulu
fucking 14 year olds, when will you learn
Randomly rewatched the entire show on Sunday, even better the second time around.
I didn't, I just thought people who did were looking too much into it.
overrated trash with 2 good episodes
So was Chad Ray's son or not?
damn, who invited reddit to this thread?