What if we can't colonize other planets?

What if we can't colonize other planets?

We eventually will, even if it means just building self-contained biospheres.

We'll never leave our solar system though.

>We'll never leave our solar system though
True. We will not, but our children.

> We'll never leave our solar system though.

And billions of people before us never imaged we would ever leave the Earth. One day humanity will leave the solar system, we will have to, and maybe even our Galaxy.

Those biospheres would require extensive mining of other planets to sustain.

It won't make a different to most people if we can't, because when humanity finally does completely ruin the Earth and move away, only the wealthy and popular are invited.

and good looking

That would be the popular people.

We can't

We're going to die on this rock

We die here. Humanity is going to have to unite to move our asses off this rock. Relatively soon too. That, or we do on this rock.

>We'll never leave our solar system though.
Yes we will. Not today, not tomorrow, but some day.

Within your lifetime, you will see a ship carry humans away from the Earth to live on another planet. Probably one in our own solar system, just to see if they can. You may live long enough to see the news reports about their last radio broadcasts, before Earth realized they had started eating each other.

>What if we can't colonize other planets?
Gas the kikes, race war now!

It's not going to happen.

You've already seen the high water mark.

We don't.
We colonise asteroids.
Most of the land surface of the universe is on asteroids, and there are asteroids which are close by to us.

Read Freeman Dyson.

If we had the ability to create contained ecosystems from scratch, we really wouldn't need to find a special place to put it. The asteroids would be unnecessary. Hell, we could build the bubbles on Earth.


But one of the benefits of doing it on asteroids is that they are spread out.
If someone nukes Earth to oblivion, we are set back a few hundred years, and potentially even wiped out altogether.

Asteroids don't have that problem.

Again, by asteroids I mean comets.

if humanity keeps going on its current direction, it shouldn't colonize other planets.

Fuck off with that science fiction bullshit. We are at the material peak of our society right now and can't afford to go to the moon.

Technological advancement for the future will rely on media and energy efficiency.

We hand the mantle of our legacy to human made artificial intelligence as humanity goes extinct

But if we can make desolate places livable, then there is nothing stopping people from moving underground with them. A nuke kills live on the surface, but none of them are big enough yet to matter underground everywhere. I like the idea of space, but people will always do what is cheapest, and digging a hole is still cheaper than space travel.

We've never left our planet.

Google image search 'satellites in space'

Tell me the one thing you see they all have in common

Also explain how nasa has admitted we cant get past the van allen belts yet claim to have gone to the moon 40+ years ago

>Also explain how nasa has admitted we cant get past the van allen belts yet claim to have gone to the moon 40+ years ago
>The Apollo missions marked the first event where humans traveled through the Van Allen belts, which was one of several radiation hazards known by mission planners.[30] The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them. Apollo flight trajectories bypassed the inner belts completely to send spacecraft through only the thinner areas of the outer belts.[24][31] The command module's inner structure was an aluminum "sandwich" consisting of a welded aluminium inner skin, a thermally bonded honeycomb core, and a thin aluminium "face sheet". The steel honeycomb core and outer face sheets were thermally bonded to the inner skin.