Favourite Movie Quotes

>I operate the vehicle
I loved that line

>Say what's up to my little acquaintance

gives me chills eveytime.

>I'm coming back

The masked man?

>you want salt or pepper?
The dialogue in the movie is 10/10

>may the F = m a be with you
perfect writing here lads

>Toto, I have a feeling we're in Oz now

i c o n i c

I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere

Dr Pavel, I'm CIA. As in, I am a member of the CIA, CIA is not my actual name, that would be ridiculous.

>I'm a darn fool. I'm a darn fool.

Great scene. We all know that feeling.

fucking genius lads

son if you're going to meme, do it correctly...

>What do you mean I'm a funny man?


>not "I will return"

>not getting quads

You are a man of large stature.

>you engaging me in dialog?

>The chicken has not been thoroughly cooked.

>what's your toxin?
>polish alcohol
Loved that part.

Present me with the keys, you fellationist. What on earth.

I'm sorry, you must be in the wrong place, this is not the head rigger's office. If you go back outside you'll see there is no sign indicating such a thing.


>I'm known for insubordination
Can't wait for this

>You're a large man

I am serious and don't call me surely