My life just turned a level of fuck that you would hardly believe. Here's my story...

My life just turned a level of fuck that you would hardly believe. Here's my story. I share it with you all not for your pity, but so that I can write the words. I write the words with the hope that they might bring me some comfort.

>Be me, 33, I live with my mother. She doesn't work. I am her only source of income.
>been living with her for 4 years.
>My dad had a stroke a few years ago. He lost half of his vision, much of his motor skills, he has trouble with some memories, but his mind is intact.
>Parents have been divorced since I was 7.
>Dad believes he's dying. He says he'll probably won't live another five years.
>Take him to all his physical therapy appointments, and doctors visits.
>I make a huge effort to spend as much time with my father before he dies.
>Notice my mother drinks too much. She goes to the bar four or five time a week and comes home trashed drunk.
>She drives in this condition often.
>I'm terrified she's going to end up in a horrific car accident. I always tell her no matter what the time she can call me for a safe ride home. Rarely get any calls.
>Dad is hospitalized for a week because of severe pneumonia.
>We're all on edge wondering if he's gonna make it.
>He finally gets released. He's doing great. No signs of the pneumonia.
>Week later I decide to get out of town for a weekend to get a break from life.
> Tell mom where I'm going and that I'll be back Monday night.


>7pm on Monday I arrive home. House is dark. Mom seems to have already gone to bed.
>Sleep the night. I work at 6pm on Tuesday.
>I wake up a little after noon, watch some Netflix, and work on a hobby project (braiding paracord) until I have to go to work.
>Leave for work.
>Notice mom's car is still home. Think it's strange that I didn't hear or see her at all before leaving.
>around 8pm I get a text from my mom's boyfriend asking if she's okay. Says he hasn't heard from her in a few days.
>Decide to stop by my house on my break to check on everything.
>Try calling mom. Goes to voicemail.
>Get home.
>Calling mom again
>Knock on bedroom door.
>Open door expecting to be yelled at for barging into her room.
>The smell....
>Shape of lump on the bed is not right.
>Call out to Mom
>Touch shape. Hard. Solid.
>Pull blanket back. Still asking for Mom.
>Dead Body
>Recoil in horror.
>Grab phone. Call 911.


>It's not her, it doesn't look like her.
>Her skin was bloated and purple. Her lips were pulled tight and pale. Swollen features. Eyes swollen shut.
>It's not her. It's some Native American woman sleeping in her bed.
>Why isn't 911 answering
>Pull the blanket off her. She was dressed for bed. Tank top and underwear. Her clothing.
>It's her.
>"(insert city name) 911, what is your location?" Calm male voice.
>Give my address. Starting to hyperventilate.
>"What's your emergency?"
>I think my mom is dead.
>Really I was sure she was dead. The decomposition, the smell, her skin was room temp. I couldn't bring myself to say that.
>I think my mom is dead.
>"Okay we're sending paramedics with lights and sirens. Can you do CPR? I can talk you through it"
>Knowing she's dead I say that's not going to help.
>"If you feel comfortable doing CPR I can help"
>Still hyperventilating. Realize I'm feeling light headed. Need to slow down my breathing.
>Dispatcher presses three more times for me to do CPR.
>First responders arrive. Hang up call.
>Police and Firefighters.
>Firefighters leave moments later, cancel ambulance.
>Have to wait 5 hours while they investigate a "Death by unknown circumstance"
>Have to call my family and give the worse news I could ever imagine.
>Medical Examiner takes my Mom's body away.
>I found my Mom's dead and bloated corpse after she had been dead for more than 30 hours.

Sorry bro, thats fucked.

You would think that my story would end there. That things were already fucked. That they can't get any worse. Don't ever believe that. The universe can always fuck you harder. Just be glad you might get some lube.

>I have three brothers.
>The oldest one lives across the country. He gets on a plane within a few days to come home for the funeral.
>The youngest one lives an hour away. He and his brother (my step-brother) immediately drive home to be with me.
>Last brother, who's a year older than me, is MIA. No one knows where to find him. He's a junkie and last anyone heard he was living on the streets in a major city two hours away.
>We're all worried that when he finds out he's gonna go off the deep end.
>Can't sleep. I become afraid of the dark. I become afraid of the silence.
>Wake planned for mother. Feels surreal. Wonder what Mom would think.
>Lost brother finally calls me the day before the wake. Have to break the news that Mom is dead.
>He arrives that evening. In the morning we were getting ready for the wake, lost brother decides he can't handle going to wake. Chooses to go get high instead (opiates).
>Tensions rise, tempers flare. Too many people staying in what is now MY small two bedroom trailer.

Gets worse

>Lost brother only wants to know what he's gonna get for my Mom's things.
>Everyone leaves.
>Feel like everyone is abandoning my. Everyone shows up and gives me a big speech about how they are there for me and if I need anything I should just ask.
>But in the end each one of them gets to go back to their lives while I am trapped. This is my life.
>They get to wake up from the nightmare, while I am stuck.
>Every time I close my eyes I see my mothers dead and bloated body.
>Lost brother decides he can move in with me since he was living on the streets before.
>Watch as he starts detoxing. Vomiting, sweats, pale skin, lethargy, the whole gamut.
>He steals things and returns them for money so he can get his next fix.
>Gets a fix and he sleeps for eight hours, then starts the detox cycle again.
>Goes for weeks.
>Get a text from one of lost brother's friends while at work that says he's taking lost brother to a professional detox facility, and he'll be gone for a week.
>During the same time I get my mother's assets released to me.
>Few thousand dollars for each of us
>Lost brother gets released from detox on his birthday.
>Go pick him up. He looks great. Better than I've seen him in years. It's his birthday.
>He makes big speech about how he is changing his life. About how you have to do something different if you expect things to be different.
>Says he needed get clean before he got all that money so that he doesn't just waste it.
>Wants a thousand dollars so he can go buy some new cloths and food and pay some people back.
>It's a weekend, and the bank was closed. Low withdrawal limit so I can only give him two hundred dollars.

>Next day I spend the morning out with my girlfriend. Come home and find lost brother and his friend (the one that took him to the detox) half sleeping on the couch.
>Sit down at my computer and put some music on.
>Hear brother's friend leave
>Hear brother go into bathroom sometime later
>Sounds like he's throwing up
>Fuck around on my computer for a little while
>Get up to use bathroom
>Door locked, lost brother still in there.
>Pound on door, no answer
>Break in door. Find brother face down ass up. It's not a position anyone would willingly stay in.
>Yelling his name as I roll him over.
>Face purple/black.
>Not breathing.
>Ears bleeding.
>Heart stopped.
>Lifeless eyes.
>Pull him flat on his back. Trying to remember how to do CPR.
>"911, what is your emergency?"
>My brother isn't breathing.
>See used needle beside his body.
>"Where are you?"
>Start giving address. Younger brother is suddenly beside me.
>It's been 34 days since I found my mother.
>Panic that it's happening again.

Too long, didn't read.


>Can't remember how to do CPR.
>Operator start talking me through it.
>Younger brother knows exactly what to do, and starts the CPR like a super hero.
>I can copy what he's doing. We switch off doing CPR for the next five minuets before the first responders arrive.
>His heart was beating when the EMTs get there.
>They take over.
>They get him in the ambulance and leave to the hospital
>Cops tell us that he's lucky and that we saved his life.
>Look at my younger brother. Neither one of us have much hope.
>It's been 36 hours since he was released from detox.
>Have to make those calls
>Didn't I do this already...?
>"I found my brother unconscious and....."
>Get to hospital
>Update from medical staff
>"His heart is beating on its own, he's on a ventilator, his body isn't taking in oxygen the way it should."
>Between 45 and 55 oxygen saturation.
>I'm Regularly calling and updating family.
>Nurse and Doctor tell us he's in bad shape. Not likely to survive.
>Agree to a DNR
>Hour later his heart starts failing. Organs have gone too long without enough oxygen.
>Watch my brother die.

Don't stop

That it?

no interest.

Maybe we were all just waiting for you to finish? Don't be a blue balling faggot.

I swear to god, if there's a dinosaur at the end of this story, i'll track you down OP and i'll beat you senseless

You feel blue balled by this?

I NEED a god damn ending. I don't even care if it ends up with your whole family dying in front of you.

sucks for you
Glad you're blue-balled

To many faggots in this thread trying to be edgy, keep your head up Op

Yeah if only it were as easy as keeping my head up.
I haven't slept in days. Every time I'm in my room and I hear anything I'm forced to go check what it is to make sure it's not another loved one dead or dying in the room beside me.

I'm interested in the ending OP,
If you write it I'll read it, if you wanna annoy faggots then that's fine too

I'm with this user. Don't just stop half way.

Condolences OP.

Just remember, that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.

You have been strong so far. Keep it up. Death is an unfortunate consequence of life.
Sometimes it happens before it should.

Granted this is true, you have been through a lot of things, and it shows that you are a damn strong person.

Hope you get som peace now, Sup Forumsro.

>Those lifeless eyes.
>The color of his skin... it was the same as Moms
>I new he was brain dead when I found him
>Didn't want to believe he was gone
>To much death
>Go on road trip with brothers
>Sit awake watching them sleep
>paranoid feelings they might stop breathing
>Everyone tells me death comes in 3s

Being this close to death used to be part of our lives. I found my mother dead in her bed, and the 911 dispatcher basically demanded I do CPR even though I told her the body was cold.

All I can say is death is part of life, and your experience with it is not unusual in a historical sense. The choices your family members make is something else, but that, too, is something all people have to deal with.

Welcome to the real world, user. It ain't Hollywood. Take strength in the fact you are there for others, and your experience with all of this makes you wiser. Wisdom come with a price.

Holy shit user. You got more story to share?

Nope this story just stops...
It doesn't end.
I just keep living my life.

i'm deeply sorry for you, op. some years ago, beside some other stuff happening in my life, i found my grandmother dead in her basement. We were close and it hit me pretty hard back then... i promise you, it gets better with time, even if it does not feel so right now. You have to keep up until then.

If the Loch Ness monster appears, I'm going to track you down and stab you in the eye.

fuck off newfag