Phantasm V will finally be out on October 6th.
It got delayed so much because Coscarelli is doing 4k remasters of the rest of the series!
Phantasm V will finally be out on October 6th.
It got delayed so much because Coscarelli is doing 4k remasters of the rest of the series!
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Isn't it October 7th?
I can't fucking wait I'm more excited for it than any other movie coming out. I just hope the VOD release is worldwide.
Fucking finally. That teaser got me hyped and the lack of a solid release date was upsetting.
Phantasm is the best handled horror franchise from that era. Every other one has been shit on by awful sequels and reboots. The Phantasm series is purely the creator's vision played out (outside of studio meddling on the second movie).
It will probably be trash but I'm glad it's finally coming out
I thought the first one was a solid 6.5/10. Is it worth watching the rest of the series by the time part V comes out?
This one isn't directed by Coscarelli though. He's probably fucking sick of flying metal balls already.
I really hated John Dies at the End
have you ever watched them
theyre all horrible and inconsistent and mediocre at best
The second one is worth seeing if only to see what a weird sequel it is. I wouldn't bother with the rest.
It depends. It's my favourite series of all time, I love the story line and characters so much. However saying that I can understand why it won't be for everyone.
2 is worth a go either way it's an action sequel some people like it some don't if it's not for you you probably won't like the other 2.
My Phantasm power rankings are 2 > 3 > 1 > 4
Disclaimer: I also liked Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness much more than Evil Dead.
I've watched all of them and they are consistent in writing, tone, characterization, and plot. Also "horrible" and "mediocre" are not synonyms, they are opposing descriptive terms. Please rephrase your retarded ass opinion.
It looks really, really fucking cheap, but I'll watch it anyway. I watched and enjoyed the other four, may as well watch this one too.
A: Your opinion is shit
B: The screenplay was written by the author of the book so anything that pissed you off can be laid at his feet
Wait did they already release the 4k restoration of the original??
I have a problem with "anything can happen therefore nothing matters" cgi effects movies. Just felt like a huge waste of time.
Yeah, it was pretty awful.
Having never seen these films, I assume your pic is an example from it.
It looks profoundly cheap and stupid. TV Tokusatsu tier cheap and stupid.
>Having never seen these films
Yeah nah, fuck off with your opinions, you absolute cunt. Get off your fat ass and watch them.
I enjoyed it as a satire of Lovecraft
Because it's somehow plausible to me that the most omnipotent, ancient, world-devouring, arcane and divine monstrosity spanning infinite universes, a creature so grand that no conventional hero could even comprehend, let alone disrupt his schemes, would still get his shit pushed in by Bugs Bunny.
Btw this fucker could beat Saitama and Batman (with prep time) too.
Why? Hit me with a synopsis and a reason for that "tee hee metal titties" nonsense.
>Disclaimer: I also liked Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness much more than Evil Dead.
Me too, m8. I'll check out the sequels then, thanks.
why is Don so fucking slow at making movies, Bubba Ho Tep was pure kino and John Dies At The End was good. But he's like in his 60's so at this rate he has 1 or 2 movies left in him
I actually wouldn't mind seeing Phantasm get remake, the original and part 2 are some of my all time favorites but if they did a remake in the style of the Evil Dead remake I'd be down
i just wanna see big budget Phantasm lol
An alien (or demon - he's definitely a "traveler" from some place fucking awful) in the guise of a tall, thin, old undertaker travels the country, quietly wiping out small towns using flying metallic spheres filled with deadly implements, Jawa-like henchmen and undead abominations of his own invention that can look and sound human until confronted.
The only ones who can stand up to him are a frightened little boy that witnessed his true nature and escaped, and a surprisingly violent and inventive ice cream man named Reggie.
I was ready to call shit, right up to the ice cream man. Tongue in cheek horror?
It's like a companion series to The Evil Dead in a lot of ways.
Because at the end of the day, what is Ash besides a really pissed off store clerk?
it's the same kinda humor as Evil Dead but on a shoestring budget. The main guy Reggie is basically the same as Ash. You should see the jawa creatures. They look like failed Star Wars cosplay contestants. it's so silly.
I withdraw my previous faggotry, going to find it now.
>"I'll teach that little shit to sell me a busted R2 unit!"
Daily reminder the new director botched Ravager. The reason it took so long to get released is because Don saw the movie, thought it was absolute trash. Even though he's sick of the series, he couldn't bare to see it end with this piece of trash, so he re-filmed a bunch of shit for the movie to try and salvage what he could.
post source
then he should've directed himself, like literally everyone else wanted. I have no sympathy for him.
I wouldn't even be surprised if this was true, Ravager looks really bad
my main gripe with the Ravager trailer is that they didn't use the classic theme, it was just generic action music
t. the biggest Coscarelli apologist in the world
There's a lot of parallels to the Evil Dead movies.
The first Phantasm is an attempt at serious horror. Some of the scenes are laughable because of the shitty effects, but hey, they were working with a shoestring budget, but that's part of the charm. The first movie is a serious movie. What everyone is neglecting to mention is that it's an experimental arthouse-y horror movie. You cant tell what the fuck is going on and the plot makes zero fucking sense because it's supposed to be a random mish mash of scenes. The movie will briefly tease you with sequences of cohesion to trick you into thinking you can follow it but by the end of it you wont have a fucking clue what the fuck you just watched.
The sequels go full horror comedy Reggie (ice cream man with a shotgun) is literally Ash 2.0. The sequels are essentially road trip movies, the heroes travelling across an apocalyptic world trying to stop the evil. And what's even more interesting is that as you watch the sequels, the original movie which was intended to be an incoherent piece of nonsense with no story starts to make more and more sense with each sequel as you learn more about the villain and his master plan.
this, he's made so little movies. Wish he'd just crank out a Blumhouse movie or something, he could direct it in his sleep.
>What everyone is neglecting to mention is that it's an experimental arthouse-y horror movie. You cant tell what the fuck is going on and the plot makes zero fucking sense because it's supposed to be a random mish mash of scenes. The movie will briefly tease you with sequences of cohesion to trick you into thinking you can follow it but by the end of it you wont have a fucking clue what the fuck you just watched.
I've heard Coscarelli claim this was meant to evoke the feeling of a nightmare
It's not as simple as just picking up a camera. Making movies is fucking hard, especially when you're a Z-list cult director
>I've heard Coscarelli claim this was meant to evoke the feeling of a nightmare
Never heard that line from him before but that is a very accurate way to describe Phantasm. I just wanted to warn the guy. A lot of people in this thread were describing this series very akin to Evil Dead, so I didn't want him to go into the first movie expecting that, otherwise he'd watch the first film, think what the fuck was that 2deep4me piece of shit, and not bother watching the sequels cause he would think the rest are like that.
the series is basically stream-of-consciousness fantasy horror. It doesn't make much sense scene to scene and the only "plot" is that flying balls are killing people and Reggie and the kid have to run away from the Thin Man or else they'll die. That's literally it.
It's the confrontations/set pieces that really stand out. The mausoleum scenes in the first (and I think they revisit it in 3 or 4 or something) are as iconic as anything in horror genre.
>i just wanna see big budget Phantasm lol
So, Phantasm 2?
Phantasm was very influenced by Italian horror movies, that's where the nonsensical plots and dreamy feel comes from
tru and I guess Don never had a hit
but man if fucking JJ Abrams is a fan, can't that jew just give Don 1 million to make a movie
the only reason they're getting restored is cause of JJ.
Abrams really is an ok dude
I disagree. The only incoherent movie if the first one IMO. In the sequels you quickly learn about The Tall Man and his master plan, his backstory, his motives, etc etc. The plot is simple, basically our heroes have to stop the Tall Man and they always pick up fun colorful sidekicks on the way. Simple but I wouldn't say they "don't make much sense", just the first one.
Eh... the fourth installment kind of wanders out there again.
I keep forgetting it's The Tall Man. The Thin Man are those Nick and Nora movies from the 40s.