I'm going to be reviewing a a movie every friday on Sup Forums, in a regular series called Friday Fun Movie Reviews. This week I am reviewing the movie The Way, Way Back. Next week I am going to review the movie Jackie Brown.
I just saw the movie The Way, Way Back. Not bad for a coming of age movie, Sam Rockwell steals the show as always. ASR is pretty good as the cute girl that helps the introverted quiet guy open up.
It is always a challenge to make a role like that believable, because in normal life a girl as good looking as ASR would most likely not want to be around an introverted loner, but I think ASR's acting skills have become good enough to the point where she pulls it off convincingly.
Steve Carrell played a good asshole, too.
Overall, a comfy film for all ages, I give it six Qs out of 10, with ASR giving it an extra Q because she is a QT in this movie, so seven Qs