Who a /comrade/ here?

who a /comrade/ here?
Capitalism pretty shit desu, full of class exploitative and wage slavery which is un necessary and a creation of the bourgeois rent seeker class
general commiechan thread

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Communism fixes one problem associated with capitalism and creates 100 more. Fascism is the only way.


also sage get fucked commie

Are you an under achiever? Want free shit? Want to avoid responsibility while still reaping the benefits of others working much more than you do?
Communism to the rescue :D

Communism: free money paid for by you

so explain how great communism is for us. because redistribution of wealth is a myth and labor party means you work and the party leader gets your wages. clothing food and other health needs are rationed. told when to sleep what to think when to work....sounds like slavery dont it?

Commie-nism is giving all your money to a Jew so he can decide what to do with it.

ITT: Plebs with a primary school understanding of communism.

>this entire description
looks like someone's only read memes about communism

capitalism is the only system that relies on the assumption that people have free will. for that reason it is the only system that will ever work. in other words, you're a loser and a quitter if you're not a supporter of capitalism. even if you're poor.





Communism is exactly the opposite. Work is a duty.
In capitalism, on the other hand, work is just a right, and the bourgeoises might get money without working.

>capitalism is class exploitative and wage slavery
>so lets force everyone to work by threats instead :)

Some people can get lots of food, or no people can get any food. Feel free to choose :D

>force everyone to work by threats

nah, people should get fed and clothed but not contribute because they were born in a rich family :^).

it's pretty simple, you work you get shit. you don't work, you don't get shit

in capitalism, you own capital you get shit. you dont own capital? you can work 14 hours a day and not be able to get by while a bourgeois who hasn't worked a day in his life lives off the wealth your labor generates because he inherited the factory from his daddy. it's the definition of a parasite

In communism there is no party. I believe you are thinking of socialism.
In communism, the worker is the propietary of his work, and his own boss, so nobody tells him when to sleep or when to work (and of course, nobody tells him what to think). In capitalism, the owner of the means of production is the worker's boss, so he can tell them when to work, which determines in some way when to sleep. Also, the owner of the social media can't tell them what to think, but can easily condition it.

Communism, like so many leftist tenets of faith, looks great on paper, but will always fail when applied in the real world. This is a fact and cannot be disputed:
>Communism has never been successfully applied in any nation in history.

Why it won't work is simple- there will always be corrupt leaders, lazy workers and people who simply refuse to work. Communism inevitably collapse. It always has and always will.

All you can point to is Socialist nations that hold the populace at gunpoint. Individual achievement is vilified. The concept of being poor as a noble thing is promoted.

in capitalism you are free to start your own company with a pool of capital collected from other poor people to compete with the "parasite". consumers are also free to not buy from the "parasite" on principle. the only problem with capitalism is when there is a monopoly which is why there are laws against it.

>still thinking communism works

Bceм пpивeт!

hmmm work for my money.....Or get a factoryr owned by my father that i would have to know the every ins and outs of as more will be expected of me to keep the factory going to feed the life i live. Look commies heres how reality works, you work you get money you dont work you get nothing. your given something by name you are expected to know everything in it or you are voted out by a board of ceos. that being said shut the fuck up and go to work

I guess you can see it that way, but it isn't different in capitalism: Dying of inanition is a threat that forces people to work. The difference is that, in communism, everyone has to work in order to get food, while in capitalism, the bourgoises don't need to work to get that food.

Really? Who are ypu talking about? Niggers?
There are asian people who come to this country who barely can speak a proper sentence of english and not a cent to their name and they manage to do quite well in our capitalistic economy.
If anything hard work is exactly what gets you to the top.

These people you speak of who are rich and live lavish lives without having to work hard
i never come accross them. They seem to be fairytell monsters made up to push your political agenda.

Sure some select few people get big inheritances or are born into rich families.
But they arn't hurting you. You are just a jealous prick
Here is a map of economic mobility in the U.S.
It shows how people who work hatd are able to get themselves out of poverty

>in capitalism you are free to start your own company with a pool of capital collected from other poor people to compete with the "parasite"

where exactly is this capital magically going to show up? you either have to get approved for a loan and get extorted by a bank, or have friends/relatives etc that own capital. if you can do neither, you cannot "compete" with anyone.

>consumers are also free to not buy from the "parasite" on principle

so people will starve to death on principle? genius

>the only problem with capitalism is when there is a monopoly which is why there are laws against it

so exploitation of labour, wars waged for profit, destroying the global ecosystem for profit, holding back science development because things that dont generate profit don't get funded, all that is ok right? the only problem is monopoly?

theres always the venus project


Communism is only possible through human social evolution, not through force.


Straight to the gulag for you.

Marxist leninist here

Any National Socialists here?


Nice story you have there. One guy is a shit bag, so look all the fucks like him are degenerate cucks too.

Someone needs to deport you pinko fags to Venezuela and show you what really happens under that kind of system. Stop being fucking retarded.

>r get a factoryr owned by my father that i would have to know the every ins and outs of as more will be expected of me to keep the factory going to feed the life i live

you won't be running the factory, you will be hiring people to do everything. all you'll be is the majority share holder if it's large enough, or the majority owner if it isn't

>you work you get money you dont work you get nothing

simply not true mate. like i said, owning shit can net you money without you doing anything, while working 12h a day in bangladesh nets you 0.0001cents per day. that's the reality of the world.

>your given something by name you are expected to know everything in it or you are voted out by a board of ceos

what the fuck are you talking about? owners get voted out by ceos? do you even know how companies function you dumb fuck?

>Really? Who are ypu talking about? Niggers?

not gonna dignify your autism with a response. phrase your posts like a human if you want to discuss

Quick primer for those who've heard the words, but never really had them defined:

The State takes over (nationalization) every sector of business. Industry/manufacturing, energy, news, healthcare, farming, etc. There is still money, but, you're paid by your government and pay that money back to the government, since private enterprises are very rare.
See: Venezuela

A close cousin to Socialism. In Fascism, the government controls the economy indirectly by appointing their own people to be in charge of the major business sectors or through the creation of "control boards". While giving the appearance of a free market, it is really Socialism by proxy.
See: Nazi Germany, aspects of the Obama administration

There is NO government.All sectors are "owned" by the People. There is no money, either. All "comrades" share equally. Again, this has never been successfully implemented.

O! Дa этo жe бecкoнeчнoe лeтo! He знaл, чтo нa фopчaнe ктo-тo тoжe игpaл.

Venezuela is not communism nor socialism.

>corrupt failing socialist wannabe
Sure, Billy.

is there even a point in your buzzword ridden post?

Пpиятнo видeть pyccкyю дyшy.

>where exactly is this capital magically going to show up?

most people do it by entering into a contract for their labor. when you have no skills other than complaining about rich people your job options may be limited but you could always follow Bernie Sanders' career path.

>so people will starve to death on principle?
so the "parasite" is the only one selling food in the entire world? interesting. sounds like a monopoly to me.

>so exploitation of labour
voluntary contract

>wars waged for profit
that's a problem with immoral politicians, not capitalism

>destroying the global ecosystem for profit
if we actually destroy it then it will become profitable to repair it

>holding back science development because things that dont generate profit don't get funded
you need communism to have developments in science? wow North Korea must be a secret bastion of knowledge! the fact that the U.S. medical system is the most productive in the world by far must have been a fluke.

Also, all 3 are forms of totalitarianism.

dude move to france and take bernie!

How can communism be totalitarian? It's pretty much anarchism.


HAHAHAHAHAH so you can't argue against me eh?
Thought so :^)
Have a nice day commie faggot!

Oh and just to reinforce my point about niggers. Remember that map i posted of economic mobility?
Compare that map to this map of the african american population in the united states.
I think you'll find it quite interesting you commie faggot cuck

>See: Venezuela - the burning shithole
A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Wow that didn't line up with what you said - strange, it's almost as if you are full of shit... Hmmmmm.
Le communism didn't exist yet because it didn't work , that wasn't REAL communism. xxxDDDDD

Communism can be compared to labor unions. In a union, you will never be paid a cent more than your laziest coworker if you've both been there the same time. This is why, in virtually every union contract, there is never a performance-based pay initiative. This system promotes laziness. People are told "Slow down, you're making other people look bad.".

Question to fellow commies: is it ok to murder capitalists?

no but it's okay (and suggested) to kill yourself

The only good commie is a dead commie.

>How can communism be totalitarian? It's pretty much anarchism.
In every attempt of Communism, the populace is controlled by a strong-arm government that enforces their edicts. As said, it always collapses when the people get tired of the elites getting plush lifestyles while the workers wait in bread lines.

>most people do it by entering into a contract for their labor

so i'll find a job that not only provides me with money to live, but will also net me enough capital that i'll get to open my own factory within a lifetime right? tell me more about this magical world you live in

>so the "parasite" is the only one selling food in the entire world? interesting. sounds like a monopoly to me

if all food production is controlled by 10 companies, it's not a monopoly.

>voluntary contract

under the threat of starvation

>that's a problem with immoral politicians, not capitalism

it's not, since the neoliberal economic system inevitably goes through circles of stimulus and collapse that get alleviated through wars as there's no other option, especially for the us

>if we actually destroy it then it will become profitable to repair it

if global warming goes past the point of no return, there will be no repairing it

>you need communism to have developments in science? wow North Korea must be a secret bastion of knowledge!

dprk isn't communist

>the fact that the U.S. medical system is the most productive in the world by far must have been a fluke

that's not true though. the us medical system is a remarkable example how capitalism stalls progress, with pharma basically controlling research and marking up the prices of essential drugs (especially cancer drugs) by huge amounts and making medicine a business. none of that is needed, medicine could simply be run by the government without it needing to generate profit for some pig with 2 billion usd in his bank account

i can argue against you, but the fact that you start off shouting "niggers" shows you're the "kikes did it" type of person that will either stop responding when backed to a corner, start spazzing about "the kikes", or abandon thread. i know that because i've tried this many times beforehand in Sup Forums. there are the borderline "feels>reals" people, and then there's the low self-esteem fedora autist whose whole self-worth is based on the idea of being "red pilled". so ye not gonna waste my breath, unless you're willing to discuss like a human being

>so i'll find a job that not only provides me with money to live, but will also net me enough capital that i'll get to open my own factory within a lifetime right? tell me more about this magical world you live in

you? probably not. some random asian immigrant who is studying right now instead of whining on Sup Forums? almost definitely.

>if all food production is controlled by 10 companies, it's not a monopoly.
if you think it's a monopoly then you should campaign for changing laws, not for communism.

>under the threat of starvation
and? you have to work under communism under the threat of starvation too.

>it's not
it is

>if global warming goes past the point of no return, there will be no repairing it
then I guess you should spread the message

>dprk isn't communist
that's right. nobody is communist. surely the first time we try "real" communism it will work.

>that's not true though.
the U.S. is by far the biggest producer of medical research in the world. they account for about 50% of the world's research. google it.

So you give up and you lost.
Got it

Another loss for communism.
Tisk tisk. To bad.

t. never read a book in his life

define capitalist. during the revolution, are you waging armed resistance against the proletariat? if yes, you're an enemy of the people. if no, then why would anyone harm you?

it's like the kulaks during the civil war, the only ones that got jailed were the ones that salted their fields and torched their equipment when asked to give it to the state for famine relief.

We're talking economics. Venezuela (Socialism) has nationalized every major business sector and it's collapsing. Nazi Germany (Fascism) had Naxi party officials controlling every major business sector and used control boards. This gave the appearance of an open market, but in actuality, it was controlled by government. Obama put his people in charge of General Motors, banks, investment firms, energy companies, etc. He created banking control boards and healthcare control boards.
And Communism... please cite an example of a pure Communist nation that lasted any significant amount of time. Any one at all.


>never read a book in his life
Please show me working examples of nations controlled by pure Communism.

Is it nationalist communist sign? True communism is internationalist

I second this notion

>communism doesn't ever devolve into class exploitation

If you're not a Socialist by age 25, you have no heart. If you're not a Capitalist by age 35, you have no brain.

In communism there is no "private" property. Everything is provided to the people, from the people. From each his ability, to each his need.

Let me tell you why it's bullshit. Without incentive people simply continue. In communism there is no compelling motivation to improve your lot, people are butt-hurt about so called wage slavery, when in reality they either are unwilling to put the effort into improvement, or are too stupid to realize that they can.

The moral of the story here is stop blaming the system for your short comings, stop blaming the rich people on the hill and start creating, start making a better future for yourself.

Capitalism is the only system that is a meritocracy.

Why not? True revolution is something like that. With killing capitalists of corse


Commie here. Sup nigga?

real life zombies

Shortened, there will always be people who try to work the system by cheating, stealing, and doing as little actual work as possible. This is why it's always failed.

>you? probably not. some random asian immigrant who is studying right now instead of whining on Sup Forums? almost definitely

love how you shove that asian stereotype in there. you don't know me mate, i am doing my phd in neurobiology 2nd year atm.

your claim is pretty ridiculous, since many people work for minimum wage. claiming that someone can accumulate enough capital on a minimum wage salary to purchase means of production is lack of 2nd grade math skills

>if you think it's a monopoly then you should campaign for changing laws, not for communism.

there is no reason for anyone owning the means of production and operating anything for profit. people sit on billions in the bank that they play with in the stock market, while people starve to death. there is literally 0 reason for this system to exist, other than the fact that it still hasn't driven the proletariat's life quality down enough for them to revolt

>and? you have to work under communism under the threat of starvation too

but i don't get exploited under communism.

>then I guess you should spread the message

why do you assume i'm not? what am i doing right now?

>that's right. nobody is communist. surely the first time we try "real" communism it will work.

do you even know what communism means user?

>he U.S. is by far the biggest producer of medical research in the world. they account for about 50% of the world's research. google it.

the us medical system is shit, i thought you were talking about healthcare not research.

all the research done today is done for profit, whatever productivity exists now would be a lot bigger if profit wasnt a drive behind it. you'd know that if you were in academia

ye you sure got me user

I like you user.
We would be good friends

do you know what communism is? do you know what socialism is? do you understand neoliberal capitalism?

even your question is worded wrong.

Nazi flag

Kill yourself

no u

I know I got you.
Thats why you ran away with your tail between your legs


Communism is the stupidest, most pretentious political system ever conceived

ITT, college kids with their first or second semesters under their belts.

Hey everyone, let's point and laugh at the proud classcuck.


How manny lazy niggers are in your counter?

Funny, somehow I've been a college kid in my first or second semester for like 30 years now.

what amazes me in these threads is how uneducated the average us fag is. you don't know what communism means, you havent read any philosophy or critique on the subject, yet you're so fucking opinionated based on what you heard on tv. your knowledge of history is minimal, you have a vague sense of "ussr was bad" and "communism=poor" and that's all you need to know to be content. have you never felt the itch to actually do some research from non biased sources? how can you be this indoctrinated into liberalism? it baffles me

But there is local property that can't give you money. Only worker's work. No speculation.

Well, SOMEONE has to shove this crap into the young skulls full of mush.

I never implied a single person making minimum wage can open a competing factory next door to Tesla. This is a strawman. The fact remains that economic mobility not only exists, but is easy to achieve in America.

>there is no reason for anyone owning the means of production and operating anything for profit.
businesses are risks. you take a risk you get the reward.

>but i don't get exploited under communism.
if you are actually going to be a neurobiologist you are absolutely going to be exploited by the unwashed masses of lesser skilled people who are leeching off of your productivity. under capitalism you could achieve the same result by donating the vast majority of your future earnings to poor people. but you most likely won't do that.

all the research done today is done for profit, whatever productivity exists now would be a lot bigger if profit wasnt a drive behind it.
[ciation needed] lmfao

Can't ANYONE give an example of successful, long-term Communism? ONE example?

>Be me
>Work all day for minimal wage
>Presidental election was practically bought by supreme leader Trump
>Go home to crime and poverty
>Country isn't even fully literate, some of it doesn't even have clean water
>Can't get better job because school is too expensive
>Get fat because good food is too expensive
>Can't travel because money is too tight
>Get sick through random bad luck, get sent to hospital
>Kicked out because I can't afford hospital bills and no insurance
>Go home to my 3 room apartment
>"Atleast I don't live in the oppressed nations of Cuba and Laos"

You must've failed out then

>be an impoverished uneducated faggot
>spend time on Sup Forums instead of improving myself

that post is utter bullshit though. first of all, socialism doesn't imply a national entity, just a state. second, money in a socialist model isn't the same as money in a capitalist model. third, calling venezuela socialist is a stretch. also, the state isn't the only entity that dictates policy, it does so along with the council of soviets that is essentially a parliament of representatives from workers councils from different sectors

ok now that we got that out of the way, lets return to the original question. how would a country reach communism, when years of global socialism is required beforehand?

fascism is capitalism, since there's private property owned by a class of bourgeoisie. it's neoliberalism with a nationalist overtone

he got communism right at least

Communism is a very extense and complex philosophical, social and economic theory. You can't read some memes and Wikipedia articles and believe you know what it is.
If you really seek knowledge, whether it is to defend or refute communism, I'm afraid you'll have to read Marx, Engels and Lenin to beggin with.

Also, pretty much everything we've been told is propaganda. If you want to learn the true history of the communist countries you'll have to make some research. I suggest you start reading Grover Furr, his works are pretty good and easy to read.

By the way, I am not a communist myself, but since I'm a curious person I've studied this a little bit and I get sick seeing how ignorant people is, whether they are communists or not. People talk as they knew what communism is while they don't have a clue.

Anyway, I just know some of you have big brains and curiosity, so I suggest you to not believe the propaganda and study this matter deeply. Then you can develop your own conclusions.

Youre stupid

The early days of the Church, maybe? Luke says in Acts that they had all things in common and shared freely among each other so that no one was in need of anything.

>Grover Furr
Have you read his collaborations with Cook E. Monster?

Nobody pointed and laughed except foryou faggot

Cuba, Laos, pre tolatarian North Korea, pre war Vietnam, Nepal to an extent, Portugal, Sri Lanka