I need some help, I'm trying to talk to some German chick that's working at Disney World...

I need some help, I'm trying to talk to some German chick that's working at Disney World. I have no idea how to speak German and never took any classes so help me out homies.

What do you want to know exactly?

just tell her: "ich habe schlange in meine hose"

Try "Hitler did nothing wrong."

9min in the thread and no one responded "Heil, Hitler" yet?

Anyway, if this girl is native German, she would not be at the place in the picture. That one is wrong on so many levels, no German would be able to stand that shit without either run rampage or die from laughter.

Everyone that works here is an intern from their native nation.
What I should say and some good lines in German. Also how to pronounce them.

Fick Dich, Du schlampe, worked well for me when I lived there.

I may not know German, but I know enough from other languages to interpret curse words and insults.

Tell her you're a refugee

>What I should say and some good lines in German
Deine Augen sind wie zwei Sterne. Zwar nicht so hell, aber so weit von einander entfernt.

(Your eyes are like two stars, brightly sparkling and so deep)

leck mich = lick me

What are you trying to pull here?

Die-neh Ow-gen send vee zvi ster-neh. Zvar nickt zo hell, ah-bur zo vi-t fawn ein-on-dur ent-furnt. roughly how it'll sound in english

I have no idea what a good line loks like. My game is zero.
I can only try to translate if you have a good line.

unless she's 12 you won't get into her pants by pulling some one-liners.
stick to "Morgen" [morgan] and
"Wie geht's?" [V gates]
and go from there

If she's in a foreign country she likely speaks English to some extent


in america or germany?


Let's try something simple like, "You have beautiful eyes." Or "Do you have a map? Because I'm lost in your eyes."

Also "Are you single?" "Who's the lucky guy that gets to see you every day?"

speak english then, unless she doesn't know english (which i doubt since she's working at a family amusement park).

are you trying to make her cringe off the planet?

Du hast wundervolle euter

Gib mir dein Namen, du verflüchter Dämon. In Namen des Kreuzes, zeig dich. Zeig dein wahres Gesicht. Feigling, ich krieg dich schon.

You have anything else?

omlauts? may as well just have him sing johnny cash's attempt at danke schon (idk my alt codes, sue me)

"Ich kann die ganze nacht durchhalten. Mit mir, darfst du von Sonnenaufgang bis Sonnenuntergang rumbumsen."

Worked very well for me
Source: did an exchange year

Pronounced "oom- lout"

>"You have beautiful eyes."
Du hast wunderschöne Augen.
>"Do you have a map? Because I'm lost in your eyes."
Wo ist das Fundbüro? Ich habe mich in Deinen Augen verloren.
(not literally translated)
>"Are you single?"
Bist Du Single?
>"Who's the lucky guy that gets to see you every day?"
Wer ist der Glückliche, der Dich jeden Tag treffen darf?

She'll love all of these.

Just speak english

Try smth simple like
"hi, wie geht es dir?" (how are you)
"hast du heimweh?" (are you homesick)
"darf ich dir die gegend zeigen?" (can i show you around)

>can i show you around your place of employment?
OP is sure to get those panties dropping

great. you want to try to instruct OP on how to properly pronounce umlauted vowels or just wanted to shitpost?

tell her you have a very large schwanztucker

most germans know some english.

Umlauts are easy
Ä is pronounced just like the letter "A" (example: the "a" in hay)

Ö is a little harder. Think of it like saying oh and rrrr combined. Its definitly not perfect, but it works.

Ü is hardest for sure, but if you kinda transition from an oo (like in boobs) to a short i sound (like the "i" in shitpost), you can get a passible sound

whats the point of throwing 2-3 german words at her?

just speak english since she works at disneyland she should understand u

Hände hoch,hose runter....hands up,pants down :)


Nazi strippers



Doesn't make too much sense...

Schlange is slang for penis

No shit Sherlock. You would say that, at all. You'd be recognized as an idiot.


"Ich habe eine Schlange in meiner Hose."

*you wouldn't say that.

Well didnt seem to get the fucking memo

OP here

Alright, fuck you guys I'm just going to speak English