How is this compared to the other batman movies.
How is this compared to the other batman movies
It's nice, i havent watched any other animated batman movies to compare
Amazing for it's time. Still holds up really well.
Bretty good
Return of the Joker > Mask of Phantasm > Batmam 1989 > Batman Begins > Batman Returns > The Dark Knight > Batman Forever > The Dark Knight Rises > Batman and Robin
The action is only so-so, but the characterization of Bruce Wayne is top notch. The graveyard scene is still one of the most poignant scenes in any Batman story about what ultimately makes Batman tick.
>bait: the list
Name one things thats bait about it
It's ok/10 people overhype it. A lot of episodes of the show were better in my opinion.
This is objectively correct.
>no Dark Knight Returns
wew son
Ranking Batman 89 over TDK
Ranking return of the Joker over MoP
Ranking Batman Forever over DKR
Ranking Batman returns not 3rd to last
I left out a lot of the animated films
Feel free to add them in
I don't like it as much as Batman '89 but it's better than anything else I've seen
>Ranking Batman 89 over TDK
TDK is overrated as fuck, its good but 89 is better
>Ranking return of the Joker over MoP
Return of the Joker is the perfect Batman film
>Ranking Batman Forever over DKR
DKR is trash
>Ranking Batman returns not 3rd to last
this is bait
Dark knight is best motion batman is involved in so rest doesnt matter when you a winner
It and Sub-Zero are very good. Not sure how I'd rank them with the live action movies, but they're worth watching.
I do want to know though, is Year One worth watching?
The Dark Knight Returns is the best Batman story if you like your story to actually have some weight. I understand it's edgy and a little fedoracore, but there's a lot of thematic purpose.
Then you look at a story like The Long Halloween, and it's really fun and creative, but it's ultimately just saturday morning cartoon content.
The Dark Knight Returns is the best story for actual playing with the ideals and values of Batman. Painting him at times as a psychotic anti hero, but showing the heroism in that when he looks God (superman) in the face and says "No"
>thinks TDK is better than Batman '89
It's got the most realistic Batman plot ever: The Mafia finally want to be done with Batman, so they hire the Joker to do it once and for all. The joker then immediately steals all the money and kill all the Mafiosos, and wages a one-man war on Batman.
I don't think any other Batman movie even comes close.
Pointless but not bad like The Killing Joke.
Its awesome i watched all the WB batman movies a bunch when i was a kid they are all really good
You made it sound WAY more like the plot of TDK than it really is.
Agreed except I swap TDK and Returns.
>tfw Killing Joke should have been pure Batkino
>DC fucked it up
The Long Halloween is a mishmash of Silence of the Lambs and The Godfather with horrible caracterization and shitty twists. Dat Sale art tho.
(And I found Dark Victory to be better written but of course, loses a lot for trying to emulate Long Halloween a bit too much. Besides, a bit more Dick/Robin would've been great).
Straight adaptations suck. They should just do like in MoP, where they took a basic idea from the comics and made a whole different story from it.
>oh look a cool new Batman villian!
>nice to see them doing something that isn't just The Joker again!
It wasnt a straight adaption though
They ruined it
>tfw no Arkham Asylum graphic novel adaptation
Saying that, they'll probably fuck it up completely like they did with The Killing Joke.
>Not like the Gothic Atmosphere of Batman 89.
Killing Joke was never good. Never.
It's like the most edgelord Batman story ever. Even Moore has acknowledged this.
>To be fair to 'The Killing Joke,' I thought it was one of the worst things I've ever written, but I'm looking at some of the Batman graphic novels that came after it and realized that it is in fact a masterpiece. You know, because all of a sudden you get all these innocent characters that were created in the '30s, '40s, '50s, and '60s who were meant to entertain children and all of a sudden, every character is turning out to be a sort of psychopath or a brutal callous side is, I mean, when you've got, I don't know, 'Casper the Friendly Ghost' with a chainsaw and a collection of human fingers, the point is being missed somewhere."
Well, it is an adaptation. MoP isn't, it isn't even called Year Two, Fear The Reaper or anything like that. They just took the basic idea and did something completely different. TKJ is an adaptation, sometimes even too close to the original to work as an animated film. The thing is that they had to add a lot of extra shit, otherwise it would've lasted like 40 minutes.
Killing Joke is good. It has a good story and brilliant art. Are there better Batman stories out there? Yes. Has Moore written stuff that's a lot better than TKJ? Of course. That doesn't mean it's not good.
Pic is best batman movie
>Are there better Batman stories out there? Yes
Please name them. The only interesting thing about batman is his background that leads to his self righteous no kill rule, but still believes he can dispense justice. Playing with the angle of him trying to stop a pure psychopath that wants him to come to terms with who he is, just a man, is THE ONLY story worth telling. Anything else is for children.
Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader.
Dark Knight Returns, Year One, Mad Love, Year 100, that Clayface story Moore wrote and plenty of issues from the Grant/Breyfogle years are some Batman stories I liked better than Killing Joke (and I haven't read many other classics like Mignola's stuff, or the Moench/Jones stuff). That doesn't mean it's bad.
>brilliant art
Its art is adequate. It has a few well composed frames but overall the art is just fine. I don't know how you could think it was brilliant by any stretch of the imagination.
Wow this is just a fucking awful post
Like literally 0/10 for this post here
Can we all at least agree that Hush is garbage?
Hush would have been acceptable had Sale drawn the art and they went with the original Jason Todd ending.
Sale carried Loeb's entire career.
What was the original ending? That Hush is Todd?
Hush had so much potential and was pretty good up until the end when Loeb couldn't seem to figure out how to end the series. Lee's art was GOAT though, especially after the first 3 issues or so when Batman stopped looking like a claw-less Wolverine
Oh and to add, the art wouldn't have been nearly as good without Alex Sinclair's colorings. They really separated the series from 90's Lee
It has the definitive Batman "birth" moment in media.
Year one is only worth watching to see Based Jim Gordon kick ass
>make a list of all the things you might want in a batman comic
>batman in love
>batman confronting mortality/the urge to kill
>batman fighting superman
>the entire fucking rogue's gallery
>congratulations, you just wrote Hush
The reason the ending seems to suck is because they completely forgot to write a plot and just had to make something up at the end to justify it all.
EBIN down vote my wise friend
I love plebbit as well :^)
>say trash things and be a generally trash person with trash opinions
>get called on it
>"I know, I'll say he's from reddit ¦:¬)"
I want neo/tv/ to go and stay go
Essential must read or own tier:
Year One
Batman and The Long Halloween
Batman Dark Victory
Batman the Man Who Laughs
Batman Venom
Robin Year One
Batgirl Year One
Arkham Asylum
The Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade
The Dark Knight Returns
The Dark Knight Strikes Again
The Dark Knight III: The Master Race
^These are pretty much the only Batman comics you'll ever need to read in your life, the rest will never be as good^
Honorable Shoutouts to:
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: Knightfall
The Joker Graphic Novel
Batman Beyond Comics
Nightwing Vol 1
Could have been great tier:
Batman & Son
Batman & Robin Reborn
All Star Batman & Robin
Death In The Family
Battle For The Cowl
Year Two
that's why you have to read the hush sequel dini and based nguyen did