Just watched this. PURE UNDILUTED KINO
Just watched this. PURE UNDILUTED KINO
>daniel radcliffe
>good movie
>Harry potter
>Not kino
oh wow harry found the red pill stash
is this one of those movies about things that don't happen in real life?
Suppose Potter was a Slytherin after all
You mean 99% of movies?
You're talking to a pleb with no cinematic skill set or cinema knowledge
Reminder that no one ever logically disputed Gerry in this movie.
You have to go back
>it's an "insecure teenager you know will redeem himself to the audience at the end" character
t. Plebbit
>slytherin believe in promoting wizard lineage because wizards are the chosen ones
>slytherin is known as the ambitious house that doesn't let morality stand in their way
>dark wizards want to control the world from the shadows because they know that if completely exposed they will be destroyed
Nope, this is a continuation of his actions in the harry potter franchise.
See what I mean? Complete and utter plebeians that wouldn't know a Singaporean new wave kino from a flavor of the week memetic trash like Whiplash
It's based on a true story, retard :)
Is it just me or did most of the "bad guys" in this movie seem like reasonable people who were just voicing their concerns about the path that the society around them is taking?
I haven't seen it but they're Nazis so fuck them, they're not reasonable.
>Dude terrorism is ok so is showing food orgies to children lmao
So being an absolute lowlife is "cool" now, huh?
the engineer was based
>cinematic skill set
Live stream with Sup Forumstards?
>when you realize you are wearing levi's during that scene
im a good goy
same thing that happened in american history x
>showing food orgies to children
>"An anonymous hate website"
what did they mean by this?