If given an infinite amount of time, time travel is possible to discover. We haven't communicated with any time travelers because the human race went extinct before we can develop time travel.
If given an infinite amount of time, time travel is possible to discover...
Maybe all time travelers traveled to times ahead of us. Or they are hiding or something.
Time travel into the past is not possible and would cause the time traveler to never be born
>If given an infinite amount of time, time travel is possible to discover.
But maybe it's not possible.
time is linear
Something with a 0% chance to occur will never occur, no matter how much time passes.
thats because the vast majority of mankind only has 30 years left on earth
1 degree celcius world wide temperature increase has been happening now for 4 years in a row and will not stop, dont have kids, enjoy yourself whilst you still can.
the perfect cog for government overlords has spoken
time travel is not possible. period.
There are a handful of actual time travelers out there, but the problem is that they can't reveal themselves on camera or to anyone who is important without concealing their identity. They can still change the timeline as long as no one knows that they actually time traveled.
So we haven't met any time travelers because in all timelines where they fail to conceal their identity the time continuum gets so fucked up that they never existed in the first place.
Basically, to successfully do time travel you have to make what I call a "Closed paradox loop" where X only occurred because Y did, and that both are technically occurring at the same time. This is much easier to achieve with energy than matter, and is more than a huge source for anomalous activity in the universe.