Come in if you - agree that Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums anymore - would raid 9fag no matter why and when - love cats - annoyed by all that fucking pron - don't want Sup Forums like it was before but better than it is now - think that the first 5 points are pathetic bullshit
Answer 3 questions: 1. What do you hate most about Sup Forums nowadays? 2. What was the best pic/post you've seen in the last 6 months on Sup Forums? 3. Not a question but: Post a picture that describes Sup Forums
Austin Smith
how does one spot a virgin?
Carter Walker
1-nothing 2-the fappening 3-
Samuel Rodriguez
Gavin King
1. Basically everything. Traps? What the fucking gay fuck. Wwyd and IG/FB threads, all the shit porn. It's all terrible and needs to be eliminated. Waifu claiming? Again wtf don't they have their own board or something for that shit.
2. I can't even tell you because I haven't seen anything decent.