A friend sent me something on IG but I never saw it and then they said "i didn't mean to send that if it was a nude I'd...

A friend sent me something on IG but I never saw it and then they said "i didn't mean to send that if it was a nude I'd really want to see it is there any way to see a message they sent then unsent? Pic related it's the convo

You on phone or computer?


Anyone know how I can do it?

Did you get an alert or notification saying you got the message? Cause if not then you didn't get it. Even if they "unsend it" it can be seen.

My phone stopped giving notifications for IG a while ago even though it is set to allow them

same thing happened to me recently

Alright. Assuming you got it, I need to know if it was a picture or a video. Otherwise this won't really work. You got Android or IOS?

Sure she didn't mean the heart, fag?

You know I was thinking the same thing.

Android, and I'm sure it was a picture


shes talking about the heart which you can send by tapping the heart on the bottom right its a really stupid feature in dms


Alright good. If I help you, you gotta post the pic. I don't care about the bitch and her profile or what she means to you, I just wanna see the pic. I'm not gonna help you out for free.
Plug up your phone to your computer.

Just assuming that it wasn't the heart she meant to send and it was a picture how would I see it?


Ok I'll post pic now what?

but it was the heart you stupid mother fucker

there's a chance she didn't mean the heart.
do it.

Computer's pretty fuck rn so might not be possible if it is possible what do I do?

Well, there's supposedly an inbox indicated as "other" or some shit in your DM's settings. I don't have the app so I honestly don't know how to retrieve that inbox, since it is "hidden" but check it anyways. That's your best bet.

>tfw your almonds were almost activated

How do I find the 'other' inbox? nothing I've looked up works

this guy gets it