
uh the whole reason this is funny is trump always tries to power-grip handshake people, it's fucking pathetic that he insists on doing it, but it's funny now that everyone has caught on and knows how to handcuck him


Trump wouldn't be getting embarassed like this if he didn't have a weird habit of grabbing and pulling people's hands to set them off balance

>fiscal conservative with integrity

>i'll let niggers and muzzies rape my children while i masturbate as long as they pay me afterwards

>fiscal conservative with integrity posting from work

so you're getting paid for posting on Sup Forums ?

More like
>believes policy should be driven by empirical evidence and proven economics
>doesnt believe that minorities are a boogeyman, actually goes out into the real world and realizes scum and extremists come in all forms
I mean shit if you really think black people are a problem you should be against jailing nonviolent offenders for drug offences that the black family can stabilize

I'm on the shitter now, was on lunch before.

Oh he's most def going to nuke France now we all know sick selfish sociopaths hate losing and being humiliated even in the smallest shapes and forms even if they were the challengers.

Karma's real it's as real as it gets, that's what he gets for pushing around those old skinny farts and shaking their hands too hard himself.