Does anyone know some weird metal bands?

Does anyone know some weird metal bands?
I already know System of a Down, Daughters, and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum but i'd like to know more.

Other urls found in this thread:

How weird do you want to go?

between the buried and me



native construct

depends if you want weird or just slightly unique

horse the band
melt banana
jerome's dream

the Dillinger escape plan

type o negative

Pizza Face, real band, check it out on metal archives

Zimmers Hole, Scholomance, Goblin Cock, most bands of The End Record. Obviously Gwar. Linderman. Side project of Rammstein guy.

Butthole Surfers (noise rock but who cares)
Mr. Bungle


check out DIR EN GREY, op
Japanese metal that most western metalheads would consider weird

All of them

Bubblegum Octopus maybe? i wouldnt really call them metal after the first album

none metal bands just for shits and giggles

check out Mark Lenover and Final Fantasy ( the owen pallet band)

mr bungle/fantomas
strapping young lad
melt banana
between the buried and me

Torso Fuck - Raped by elephants. Youtube it!

Maybe Bloodhound Gang? That's more rock though

Are we gonna just ignore this pic?

>Who is this kid and what are his psionic abilities?



System of a down? lmao how are they weird

Primus and melt banana are what you're looking for

How is Volbeat weird, are you retarded?



dying fetus



>nobody mentioning hatebeak or caninus
You guys make me wanna kill myself

>muh if rob zombie says so then
Newsflash, kid, Rob Zombie for one is a has-been who fucking sucked throughout his entire career. Second, youre too dumb to see that he's trying to appeal to a wider audience by defending them. Newfags like you see that, think he's cool, then you run out and by White/Rob Zombie shit and pretending to like it. Marketing and promotion, kid.

>projecting this hard

Can you stop plz? You're the type of guy that makes metal lovers look bad.


Stating the truth.

I dunno which is more pathetic, listening to Babymetal, or acting like Rob Zombie is the go-to authority on what is metal?

Kys, post haste.

They're weird because they're not metal, but got mentioned in a metal thread.

If you think listening to a band you don't like is pathetic you need to seriously re-evaluate your stance on music, you fucking poser.

>metal lovers
Metal lovers dont listen to babymetal or dragula

People who like metal and jpop do

You listen to babymetal, thats the literal definition of pathetic.

Tell us about your anime pillow too.

No, Chris-chans listen to babymetal.

0/10 comeback

Hey do you like primus?

>0/10 comeback

No, never got into them.

Victims Family, Jazz Core at its best

>pretending to be a music elitist and not like actual good music

Quints of truth

Anal Cunt

Check out Candy Cane. You can find their album Fay-ra-Doowra on YouTube. More on BandCamp.

What a cringeworthy name
"Hey guys, can you tell we're edgy yet?"

Checked, but wrong.

Didnt say I hated Primus, just never got into them. Also, learn the definition of 'elitist'. Nowhere in this thread did i state, or insinuate that I was better than anyone.

You have so little self awareness it's comical

Of course

>little self awareness
Youre saying things you that dont really understand, trying to sound smart.


I like how you've quoted that as if to imply that it makes no sense, when it really does if your IQ reaches triple drigits

you've obviously never heard them, completely unique sound

It's sad when someone is this far gone. There isn't even a conversation anymore. It's like you just wait for a response so you can shit out more nonsense

You really don't know the band? They're a fucking legend and edgy is not what they're about.

I like how youre still raging in your seat, raging so hard youre typing with clenched fists over someone online saying that "babymetal sux"

I haven't no, and please understand that I'm not trying to make a judgement on their music. It could well be fantastic. But really, a name like that sounds like it was made up by a 12 year old trying to think of the most offensive thing he can.

Says Chris-chan defending his waifu band, ready to fight fight words on a website

no anger
only pity

Is that Megamind as a baby?

Here's some examples of their song titles: "I became a counselor so i could tell rape victims they asked for it", "I sent concentration camp footage to americas funniest home videos", "You rollerblading faggot", "I snuck a retard into a sperm bank", "The only reason men talk to you is because they want to get laid, you stupid fucking cunt", and "Domestic violence is really really really funny"

Turmion Katilöt

>a name like that sounds like it was made up by a 12 year old trying to think of the most offensive thing he can

you act like that's a detriment.

Some good ole Bigfoot metal

100% anger.

If you werent angry, you wouldve never replied in the first place.

they must really have to use really small font in the album inserts

I don't even like babymetal tho. Oh sorry, did I just ruin your one point to make?

Top band my dude

Right here user.

Normal people are capable of having conversations without being driven by fury, are you autistic?

My little brother said the same thing

>defending babymetal ferociously
>says he doesnt like them
Sure you do, dont start lying now.

I don't think he'll understand ever


These guys are really underground and good

Fuck you i know theyre not "metal" but theyre good

>driven by fury
Like the babymetal fans, full throttle raging right now?

Ok bud. Can we list all the assumptions you've made so far? It'll be fun


Point to one single defence.

Never assumed anything, merely stated facts.

Listen to Boak, or fuck off you little pussy.

Napalm Death
Pig Destroyer
Cannibal Corpse


Infant annihilator or ingested

That's adorable, he thinks he has facts

Read the thread after

You listen to babymetal, which is why youre defending them.


Welp, it's a fact

I'm not sure you understand what defending means

wow that was fucking trash. And I though hatebreed was cringey.


Babymetal fans now embarrassed and saying they dont like the band after being called out on it and made fun of

You're a collossal faggot, whose thong is so tight you have cut off the circulation to your brain, which explains why you can't comprehend the most basic of logic.


See, I can do it too

Tard is in another universe thinking he make sense

this dude gets it.

Oh, I do like them. There's more than one person in the thread.

>You're a collossal faggot
Says the babymetal fan whos typing out homosexual fantasies about men in thongs.

Fucking wew, son

Hey how big is ur dick?


Ask your mother