The Jedi cut 'em down like they're butter, and they really are pretty useless

>The Jedi cut 'em down like they're butter, and they really are pretty useless.

Why would they show this footage in the official documentary instead of destroying this compromising footage? It's literally Some Kind of Monster-tier.

The documentary is still fascinating.

>it's stylistically designed to be that way, but we can diminish the effects of it

I wonder if Spielberg likes the prequels. They probably never talk about it.

Because that's what good documentaries do. They show the ugly truth, warts and all.
When you start to edit the truth out then it becomes nothing more than propaganda.

The first kid was just a baby without any talent. The second kid was pretty good and seemed wise beyond his age.
Jake Lloyd was just a tryhard.


>Fuck yo-

Natnat was such a cute slut angel in that audition video.

It makes sense because the droids were never intended to win, they were just a tool to enable Sheevs rise.

thats not the point. if the enemy is literally useless then any and every action scene loses any tension and excitement. why would you care to watch the fight if there isn't any real danger involved?

"Special effects are just a tool, a means of telling a story, special effects without a story is a pretty boring thing"

You said it br-, Wait a minute, he said that?

Yeah, those hundreds of stormtroopers sure showed a challenge for a 2 meter tall dog, a kid, a princess and a smuggler with a pistol

Cut! Let's try it again

The stormtroopers killed Luke's family and regularly were shown to be a threat in A New Hope.

And the entirety of Empire Strikes Back. They didn't become totally useless until Jedi.

Because Luke wasn't a jedi yet

Totally read that in his voice.

It makes sense because the actors were never intended to act, they were just a tool to enable Lucas's bank account to rise.

>big threat
>couple of jawas and two old people

Stormtroopers have always been shit when they don't have Vader backing their asses up

>Jar Jar is the key to all of this

It's gonna be great
>It's gonna be great
It's gonna be great
>It's gonna be great

>2 meter tall dog,
super-stronk tho
>a kid
a magic kid tho
>a princess
that's true. Women are useless.
>and a smuggler with a pistol
he's a good shot with it tho

every time

>The Jedi cut 'em down like they're butter, and they really are pretty useless.

Why would he design enemies that are cut down like butter? That just saps the tension right out of the movie. Lucas literally designed a foe that would fail to pose any sort of threat.

[citation needed]

They're already building sets. I'm gonna have to start the script pretty soon!

So that Jedi look good
So kids like jedi
So they but jedi toys

Remember how terrifying this motherfucker was in the first Terminator when he came out of the fire?
Imagine if the Star Wars droids were that cool. Imagine how much tension there would be.

Chewbacca won't get a medal because giving any recognition to a dog would be ridiculous, they are beasts

Just google the quote you fucking moron.

Because the true threat of the droids is that they can be mass produced and overrun any planet, inflicting losses on the enemy that they themselves can replenish easily by sending out a mail order.

Would the Queen really thank a droid?

They were even more useless when that ship was blown up and their communications were disrupted

>cute slut angel
wow delete this
natnat is pure


So just like the Stormtroopers?

she should have clapped at it to show gratitude in the A Murrican way

Pure cute slut bitch.


Why are you freakin out so much? I'm praising her awfully well. She's beautiful.


Yet another reason why the Clone Wars show is infinitely better than the prequels.