Let's have a feels thread, Sup Forums

Let's have a feels thread, Sup Forums.

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Maybe she left him because he was a needy crybaby and also a OCD psycho...

Anybody can tell half of a story to make them seem like the innocent victim.

Wow cool attitude, what a badass you must be!

Wow cool attitude, what a badass you must be!

Broke up with my gf of 6 months today and she keeps saying how she'll cut and kill herself. Her friends are making me feel even worse by messaging me saying how retarded I am, but I just don't like her anymore. I can't be forced to like her, I don't know where I'm going with this but I just feel horrible

wow cool attitude, what a badass you must be!

Wow cool attitude, what a badass you must be!


Wow cool attitude, what a badass you must be

you did the right thing

Wow, cool attitudes, what badasses you must be!

Hey fuck them, you are not responsible for that shit! You have your own life and if someone is that codependent they were sick before they met u

She was just super needy and clingy and even worse a suicidal person with so many issues and I just want peace in my life :,)




Hey man, you're right! I thought I liked her but if the feeling goes away, then I can't be responsible for that, I am a free man now!

Cool badass attitude, what a wow you must be!

W o w c o o l a t t i t u d e , w h a t a b a d a s s y o u m u s t b e !

I feel like this I will have to face everything you are facing right now, but I'm waiting to see anything will change.

you have shit friends, if you're not happy they should be on your side, not latching you on to some suicidal dumb ass.

she's unstable and needs to better herself. honestly if you guys are just young it's just for show and she'll just move on after the drama settles. if you're like 26+ then she's crazy and you should just leave anyways.






It was her friends that were trying to send me nasty comments through my social media, but I understand. I'm right at 25 so I have no idea if she's either showing or crazy but I had to leave her, couldn't keep myself forced in a relationship


I just got a bj from my girlfriend a few minutes ago. Feeling pretty good right now.


If you are reluctant if you truly still like her, then you are me

>posts a picture too small


god i fucking love the ant meme

That's not even the fucking quote, dumb mother fucker.

Anyone just feel like they're not cut out for relationships?


not cut out just feel like I'm too depressed or getting bored too easily

Right there with you, I just havent ended it yet.

Does a movie reference qualify as a meme in the new meme order?


I fucking love her, she basicly picked up my pieces and glued me back together. The problem is, I'm an outgoing, practical and a curious person while she is an introvert, emotional vegetarian. I'm bored out of my mind. If she were to look after herself, travelled around with me more often and just enjoy being 20 for one fucking second I wouldn't even be having second guesses right now.

Also, yeah, she is clingy as fuck and I'm pretty sure we would fuck her life up if I were to walk away. Which sucks.

It's more like I want too much, I want someone perfect that doesn't exist.

YOU ARE ME, SHE IS AN INTROVERT VEGETARIAN CLINGY PERSON AND LITERALLY like literally everything you said is what happened to me, I just got bored out of my mind with her and then she would always want to "text" me while I'm out with my friends and if I didn't reply back, she'd tell me "ok I'm going to kill myself bye" I just couldn't stand that shit

It's not that I'm not cut out for it, it's more like I just don't care enough about other people to have a heathy relationship.

holy shit this is so good thank you!

Well, she isn't THAT clingy. However she did threw a sissyfit once while I was helping my friend in a gamejam that lasted three days. I always draw my borders straight and stand by them so made perfectly clear that she was crossing a red line. She understood and didn't do anything like that before. In her defence, she was on her period.

But still, she made it perfectly clear if we were to break up she would end up being a dark-comedy version of Requiem for a Dream characters and the worst part is I got too friendly with her friends so it will be kind of a big deal if we were to break up.

I have a really close friend who is severely depressed and I always feel like I have to make sure they're okay to a point where it starts effecting me and I end up feeling like shit as if they are sucking all the energy out of me. But I cant just ignore them because then they play the "I'm gonna kill myself card" and then the situation gets worse and worse

feeling pretty empty, i dont have a lot of friends only couple, and they too joke about me, i dont really know if it is just some friendly chatter or do they really hate me.
I have already come to accept the fact that I may be alone for the rest of my life. With "alone" I mean that I will more than likely never find a companion that shares my interests/likes/views

That's actually how I felt in my relationship (I'm the guy that broke up with the gf of 6 months) just constantly taking care of someone and messaging them 24/7. I barely had any time to myself

growing up

I'm basically you.


You know.. I have a crush on a smallish youtube channel, I found them from my "friends" discord text chat, and decided what the heck lets check this channel out(it had a cute girl on thumbnail) so I am not a lot into anime or that sort of thing only watched it as a kid, the channel was about a cosplay group, but in that group were 2 girls who are a couple, they just vlog in cosplay and such, but they act like normal? They are like the perfect couple i have ever seen,
but the moment I realized that I will never experience the same kind of relationship they have: so full of love and joy
I cried, like the first time in 1-2 years. I wept for couple minutes and still after 2 weeks, i feel somber and sad

what the fuck is going on here? I swear to god I have seen this thread with the EXACT SAME replies before. fuck am I going mad?

You broke space-time. I think you are now supposed to go on a series of wacky adventures with a british alien that looks conveniently human and meet other british aliens.

you know there is a thing called deja reve

link the channel bro, we can feel lonely together

already what?

sounds more like deja vu to me

it's called deja vu
when your mind tries to link past memories to current events, sometimes it glitches out and mistakes the current events for the past memories

I recommend you start from their earliest videos (drunk ones are the best)
also do you have discord/steam/skype if so email it to here([email protected])? I want friends who wont discriminate me all the time. :)

I know what deja vu is but this one is really fucking intense. Up to the point of my first comment I can recall most comments and every single image.

deja reve is a precognitive dream that you more than likely forget after you seen it, and when it happens I atleast remember exactly when i dreamed it right when it happens

that's exactly what deja vu is, though
your brain is literally convinced you've experienced this before, except it hasn't
i've had plenty of similar experiences before; i know the feeling




what platform?


I just like being free too much, seeing my friends in relationships and their problems just makes me not want to deal with it again.

Having a fwb solves the no-bang issue.

I miss having somebody to share things with.


This chick is psychotic

Having a friendly relationship with someone is far enough for me. Anything bigger than that, I will fuck up very quickly.

I did well before. Had a couple very good ones, then one I figured I'd grow old with. But circumstances were against it going on, and I've been through a rough patch.

I'm missing it again, I do want to play the field again. But I gotta put myself more in order first.

the truth is you don't understand the world and you don't love yourself. No time to blame your education, you speak words you know nothing about, you can still grow a man, and only then you will know you did it.



It's been two months now.
I broke up with my GF some time ago. We've met through a friend, who was her cousin.
I thought I had everything back then. The world was in the palm of my hand and the sunshine was in my back pocket right next to the friends I've met through her.
But eventually that all changed. I started changing somehow. Maybe it was short-term love, maybe it was just another one of the many positive emotions that I clinged onto without knowing it. We both had our shares of good and bad in our lives, but together it didin't matter that much. I loved these moments.
Y'know. Just lying on the bed, all quiet and cozy.
I felt that I didin't need to overthink things too much. Time was irrelevant and so were our troubles. Used goods, outsiders of our own people, put together by a mere coincidence.
Now look at me two months later. All the ideas, hopes and plans stomped down. Both of us are quiet about it, but I believe both of us still want to talk.. maybe at least it's me.
I think I gained weight, got no motivation whatsoever to do anything. I started writing when I was with her, it made me feel good to hear that she was exicited to read my stories. But at this point I have nobody to read my stories.
I have nobody to talk with once I had a bad day, I have nobody to open up to.
Shit happens Sup Forums. Don't become me.
Dont forget the smell of her hair or the good times.
Dont become a shell of your former self.


hi guys.

i'm a bad ass with a cool attitude

You are basicly me after my first relationship. Give it a year, don't think about it, go to gym and most importantly, walk. Walk everywhere. Walk between cities, walk between countries, walk between fucking continents. Just keep walking until you want to stop, take a breath, and start over.

It will work. Trust me.

Why don't you take her back, and be the shittiest boyfriend ever, or make her do whatever you want at the threat of dumping her? If she never leaves you, you essentially have your own slave.

That sounds pretty awesome tbh user.

Yeah, well. It was my first relationship.
But what if I dont have anywhere to go? Do I go anywhere at random or just go where my soul tells me to?
What do I do, man?
I'm fucking lost even posting here. I have no idea what I'm doing lately.

why did you break up?
why did you get together?
You can lie in your bed with 100s of women and have (the illusion there's) something special (about it).

You do exactly that. You don't need a place to go. You just need a general direction, a bag that you filled with everything that makes you feel like you ready, and everything in your head eating you alive. That's it.

A sharp wit also helps, but isn't necessary.


Something just clicked, we've known eachother a little earlier through online talks but just in that "friend" kinda way. Then when we've met face to face it just kinda popped in. I didin't know what to make of it, but my self-esteem sky rocketed and I was happy for once.
We broke up mostly because.. Hell, I couldn't tell you now and wouldn't be able in years. Not because of the whole user thing, but because I just started becoming numb to all of it, I just dont know.
And I dont care about women. I can have thousands for all I care and I doubt all of them will compare to her. She accepted me for what I was on the inside, not for what was shown outside. A slightly out of shape neet who looks like he's been doing meth and sitting in his room for the entire day.
But in a way, I do believe some of our hopes and dreams were a fantasy enriched by the explosion of "positive energy"
still, It was worth the shot, or so I believed.
Just go then? Dont think, just go? No questions asked?

so how am i supposed to fix my life at this point?
shitty house,NEET,,practically 0 social skills,barely gave one kiss...but i wanna change
everybody out there is having fun while i am this anxious piece of shit,i cant imagine going out for a date with a girl,i dont know what to do or where to go.i feel so lost in this life

Go to a salsa class. Helped me.

sches just taking herself as a hostage against you, to get what she wants. another reason to fucking leave her

You'd be amazed how many women are in your position.

Yeah. Exactly that. I'm not telling you to leave your whole life behind. I'm just telling you to walk instead of brooding in a room, masturbating, sleeping and repeating; I'm telling you to walk.

Gym, or more preferably.
Boxing class.
Planning to make my way to the latter eventually.

Self-improvement is your first step.

so, in a nutshell you're an
>emotionally unstable,
>eloquent but unexperienced,
>possibly gay,
>young but fat
>Hunter S. Thompson
>with no drugs.
you cannot write about.. writing about your misery of a break-up you yourself initiated.
he's right, you know


I wouldn't do boxing. It's gonna fuck up your face.
You'll look like a satirical take on a Russian mineworker a couple years in.

Couldn't be worse like that than it is now, man.

I'm in kickbox training. They only let you start practice fights until you have achived a certain physique and understanding of techniques. So no, it won't fuck up your face.

I have been going to gym for almost 2 years already and i admit i have become more confident after/through it (to a certain degree because as i said im still being very pethetic)
i really want to change but im scared of it i guess.and i know its an irrational fear...after all everybody else is doing it but im very self conscious,i think if i go to a date with a girl by myself i would be either shaking or acting like a total retard

I'm having the feeling that you are underestimating your physical apperance.

Last night, I had a dream that me and my last girlfriend were lying in bed together. Just talking. I woke up wondering where she was.

I act tough by saying that relationships aren't worth it a lot. But sometimes you just need someone in your life to be sad with.

its very posible,as i said i have been going to gym for all tha time and i dont think im ugly,been told many times that im handsome and at least an 8 (not chad tier tho ofc)and thats what frustrate me the more i think...my life shouldnt be like this

You know the sad but wonderful thing about this user?

Chances are the girl will feel the exact same way.

Women want what ever human wants. Validation. The hot girls too, chances are they're discontent with their life or shy on the inside. But when you get them on a date, they've already taken an interest, and are there for the same reason you are.

You can take the initiative and reel them in right there. If you know how to set the mood right, you don't even need the date, you just pick her up, start kissing her and take her back home.

The thing is they're waiting on you to take that initiative, just like you are waiting on them. Because you're both too insecure to make the first move, even though you both bothered to show up because you really want this. And women are even more cautious than men, even if they aren't then culturally they're dismissed as sluts if they're too confident. So they're unlikely to make that first move.

Next time you get nervous, look at her. Notice how she's not pocketdialing a friend to bail her out or trying to tip off security. She's there with you, because she has the same human needs that you do, and she's waiting for you. Just touch her. Caress her leg, kiss her neck, whatever. You're not backing your car up over her dog, it's not like this would end in disaster if you misread her. But if she weren't having it she'd quite clearly be on her way out anyway. But like you she's unsure and you gotta break the ice.

Gym does not change your life if you are beta as fuck trust me.
3 years ago I was kinda depressed and everybody told me the same thing "Go to the gym". It really changed my life, I went from beta and lonely to fit, beta and lonely