I was going to post this on Sup Forums but I want feedback from a broader cross-section

I was going to post this on Sup Forums but I want feedback from a broader cross-section.


"The women, who had left the train before officers arrived, were later in contact with authorities, according to police, who have not released their identities."

I get that it's Ramadan, but does that mean they couldn't stick around after two men got stabbed on their behalf? I'm normally pretty liberal but this rustled me a little bit.

Anyone else get rustled or have a perspective I'm missing because this seems to speak volumes about these women's senses of personal responsibility and basic decency. Do I have sand in my pussy or was this pretty lame?

Other urls found in this thread:


They were both girls under 18 and only 1 of them was muslim. the other one was black. also Christian the killer, got off the train and was caught away from the train because other passengers followed him and kept reporting where he was until the police caught him.

>be teenaged girl
>be harassed by crazy man
>see guy get stabbed by crazy man
>"hmmm better stick around and see how this all plays out"

i get what you are saying but any one with some sense would gtfo asap

Okay, that makes a little more sense.

Where did you read that?

You've never been through anything 1/1000th as terrifying and traumatic. You have no idea how you'd act, internet tough guy.

People are fucking bleeding to death in your immediate area. You have a fuzzy understanding that you were the original target. Whatever you think you would do in that situation doesn't matter, because you're not acting on reason at that point.

Yeah, teenage girls would understandably haul ass.

>internet tough guy
Calm the fuck down. You're the one getting all hopped up. Also, I lived in Miami for 30 years. I've been mugged many times, twice at gunpoint and I've seen people get shot right in front of me so... nah.

This is the most suburbanite pussy take on this I've ever seen.

You seriously think you wouldn't be acting on the uncontrollable animal instinct to get the fuck out of there no matter what?

It's hard to even imagine someone being this coddled. Kill yourself, OP, and your parents for letting you get to this point in life while still being like this.

Shill harder, faggot. It was a perfectly honest question. Why are you so defensive?


>be teenage mudslime
>see big white cracker hippie and G.I. Joe save the day after lunatic chimps out
>Glad it wasn't us
>Haul ass
>Allah akbar, infidels get what they deserve
You can't make this shit up.

>Shill harder, faggot. It was a perfectly honest question. Why are you so defensive?

Because you're seriously getting morally rustled that a pair of teenage girls didn't stick around after someone got killed in front of them / for them.

I can't even wrap my head around how fucked up someone has to be to even start down the road of thinking this.

I can't really wrap my head around someone being that fucking selfish that they wouldn't do their civic duty after someone saved their fucking lives for all intents and purposes.


You're an autistic sociopath, then. You can't even conceive of what it must be like to be someone other than yourself, in your exact current circumstances.

>seriously getting morally rustled
Obviously not that seriously, fammalamma. We're on Sup Forums and I'm not getting all swollen with self-righteous indignation like you, you entitled cretin.

Okay, internet tough guy.

>the irony is deep
That's literally what I'm accusing the girls of. Nice reversal. I give it a 6. Try again.

You realize the way you're handling this argument is, like, classic SJW horseshit. You try to shout down any disseminating thought that doesn't conform to your narrative.

Good one.

Sorry, who's the one with the irrational emotion-driven narrative here?

You are impugning the sense of personal responsibility of 2 people who were instinctually driven to GTFO after a person, who had been previously screaming angrily at them, begin cutting peoples' throats in an enclosed space they were in.

>Sorry, who's the one with the irrational emotion-driven narrative here?
You... Clearly. Maybe you don't realize that's what you're putting across.

Tell me, then. What am I putting across?

What the fuck are you even trying to say, for that matter?

what's the red pill? If you get attacked by 3 dudes in a 3v1 situation because you vocalized an "illegal opinion"... do you have the right to defend your life (3v1 remember?) or are you now obligated to die at these 3 thugs hands?

guy defended himself from Bolsheviks.


So you want them to stick around screaming and then die, thus wasting the man's sacrifice like the one skinny chick from Alien?

>What am I putting across?
I already told you - an SJW (and I won't call you a liberal because there's a difference) who can't express himself without lashing out when someone has a different perspective.
>What the fuck are you even trying to say, for that matter?
Well, originally I was trying to get a different perspective on this situation because, although I don't agree with Islamophobia and certainly not hate speech, it struck me as just plain weird that the people who were saved didn't care enough about the people who saved them to stick around, provide an account of events, description of the suspects, etc... Then another user pointed out that these were minors. Then you and I think someone else started ree'ing because I thought that behavior was a bit callous.

So thanks for your contribution but you can fuck off now. Do some research on logical fallacies or even basic interpersonal skills that go beyond personal pronouns and tumblrspeak.

How were they going to die? Three grown ass men jumped in the middle. I would have stuck around. Someone just gave up their life for me.

I'll give the girls a pass because they were young but I guess the point is that if Muslims want to enjoy the rights and privileges afforded all Americans, perhaps they should act like it.

Jesus dude, you're accusing me of being an SJW for saying that it probably wasn't a deliberate act of cowardice for 2 teenage girls to fucking flee an enclosed space where a man who was yelling at them had started murdering people.

You are obviously a very rational and enlightened person with great personal familiarity with human behaviour.

>Jesus dude, you're accusing me of being an SJW for saying that it probably wasn't a deliberate act of cowardice for 2 teenage girls to fucking flee an enclosed space where a man who was yelling at them had started murdering people.
No, for going on the offense immediately and attacking instead of expressing yourself like a grown-up.

Are you fucking retarded? I've already explained this three different ways.

>but does that mean they couldn't stick around after two men got stabbed on their behalf?

They just saw two men defending them get killed. They were scared and ran. Very understandable.

I've seem this dude's Facebook page. One of those shit for brains who probably believes conspiracy theories and Info Wars. This kind of human trash is a dime a dozen.

You are obviously a very triggered and sensitive person with a wide range of talents and life experiences allowing you the benefit of perspective beyond the comments section of your blog about genderfluid dragonkin.

Yeah, I get that.

and he was a bernie supporter. fucking idiot

>You're the one getting all hopped up.
Kick me the goofballs nigga.

I think we all need to calm the fuck down

acting like a little bitch is fine when the people in question are in fact little bitches, its also expected that most people would probably behave the same way in the given situation. OP probably underestimated the amount of fear and panic that surrounds these intense adrenaline pumping events. I think he now realizes that and we are all in agreement.


OP here. Yep. Pretty much. Just trying to process this shit.








The fact that this guy wasn't already arrested proves to me that the CIA doesn't spy on us as hard as everyone thinks.