How does this video make you feel Sup Forums. BuzzFeed totally cucked you betas

How does this video make you feel Sup Forums. BuzzFeed totally cucked you betas.

Looked scripted as fuck

this is fucking hilarious.

What's buzzfeed?

What did you like the most?

Had to turn it off after 1.5 minutes, well done

the part where he asked on /adv/ instead of r9k.


get cucked

I thought that was strange. I enjoyed video as well. Might like and subscribe.


>tfw your fetish is so weird nobody cuck you because they don't want to fuck a dead cat

Women pursue like 2 out of 20 males in their young years, looking to fulfill their natural instinct to fuck the highest status male possible.

After being bred by and abandoned by the alpha, the female bears the alphas child. She then seeks out a beta partner who will raise and take care of the child.

The best males spread their seed, and the weak, effeminate ones nurture them. It's just nature. Accept your position as the beta: Most men are beta.

On a roll of the genetic dice, you're most likely to be a beta male. Nothing to be pissed off about. Not everyone can be alpha. Can you control nature? No. So stop being salty that you likely won't spread your genetics and will end up marrying some woman who already has kids.

Pic related, it isn't you

Cucks like you need to be put into a gas chamber

This more of a MGTOW than a beta. If it was beta it would show him getting a chick that makes him lick her out, lock his cock up and make him watch a Chad or Tyrone fuck her then eat her out.

angry beta detected

this is sadly true

I'm glad I left this site and moved on to /fit/ got a gf to suck my dick whenever I want.

What kind of beta talks about women pursuing men?

>post-wall women

Alpha/beta is a meme but that's nicely written bait tho I'll give you that

Fuckkkkk lol that was pretty good I gotta say

I agree. I started browsing photography and bitches love photography

After using a DSLR out in public for a few months now, can confirm. And you can get away with being an autismo too, because they'll just think of you as some free spirit.


they done fucked up....they kicked the hornets nest Sup Forums u decide on what to do

Lol. Are you really like that?