Do you consider yourself a degenerate? Why or why not?
Do you consider yourself a degenerate? Why or why not?
Absolutely. Between my kinks and convictions I'm very amoral, as in I don't really conform to any social mores. I'm definitely a degenerate, but I'm very ethical. Often I feel moreso, because I consider the implications of my actions and the rights of others, what would be just. Rather than banking on what others in society would deem "acceptable."
I'd cut someone up for fun (in totally legit circumstances) or have your daughter blow me while a dog's railing her from behind. Most normies would *hate* me if they knew me fully, just based on apprehension.
But if you're getting cornered by a mugger, you're in a car crash or I justly owe you something, you can bet I'll be there.
Holy fucking shit, you must jack off with a fist full of bismuth ten times every day. This is the edgiest post I've seen in at least a week.
Yeah I'm a degenerate.
I'm a pedophile so yes.
Does anyone know that about you?
All my friends
The fuck is edgy about it?
Honestly I think the ones who *aren't* degenerates typically do the worst things. They keep up appearances, and as long as they can get away with it they don't really seem to have an ethical compass.
im sure their all pedophiles too
How many friends do you have? I can't imagine a large number of people knowingly being cool with a child molester.