What went wrong?

What went wrong?

>that ending when she "dies"


a uterus that fought back against degeneracy


It's transphobic apparently.

Can someone give me a short version of this flicks plot?


Some dude wants to cut his dick.

Spoilers for the ending included preferably.

Reminder that some people honestly believe that telling who is and isn't trans is near impossible

vikander was so good that it distorted and kinda ruined the movies angle and instead you end up sympathizing with her while the tranny by contrast is even more unlikeable, so the whole movie just feels off.

Releasing a movie that panders to less than 5% of the American population, and also covered a topic that not a lot of people really want to see.

Not sure how this kid won an Oscar. Vikander acted him under the table.

Well what that little post fails to realize is that attraction is multifaceted and full of potential deal breakers. Find out the hottest girl you know has herpes? Instant softy (physically and emotionally). Same with finding out """"she""""" has a dick.

Vikander had flappy tits.

Isn't this movie problematic in it's own way, despite its attempt to celebrate and normalize transgenderism? Isn't casting a non trans actor in a trans role just the queer equivalent to blackface??

Far less than 5%
Less than 1% identify as trans

Black people dont choose to have black faces.
Trannies choose their mutilation.

ye pretty much

Shhhh, stop thinking so hard. Listen and believe.

Tom Hooper is a hack fraud, is what went wrong

i can't stand redmane