I had 2 of my cats die from fleas over the weekend, sucked them dry. i tried everything to get rid of them...

i had 2 of my cats die from fleas over the weekend, sucked them dry. i tried everything to get rid of them, im sure some treatments just made the fleas worse and now the the house is riddled with fleas, vacuuming,bombing,washing all our clothes nothing is working. why are fleas so indestructible and horny? im starting to think the only way to destroy the fleas is to burn down the house, but they like heat so that just might make them fuck even more.
i dont know what to do and i feel so bad for my cats i tried to save them i even found a flea shampoo that killed them but within a day they came back worse then ever
why are fleas so goddamn fucking evil?

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Um. . . b8?

Cats can't die from fleas.

peacefully coexist with the fleas newfag

gay cunt fleas can't kill cats unless they got AIDS

not bate mate, look up anemia caused from fleas
i had no idea they could be that destructive either

revolution for cats/dogs, look it up underage fag

shit didnt work

you need to put diatomaceous earth on all the things, and wash clothes and sheets on high heat, they will die within a few weeks, and stop showing up within a month

Those cocksuckers don't leave, one time my dog fleas and we had to move out of that house cause they would come back no matter what we tried we bombed the house like 4 times they are fucked

also if you can heat up your house to over 100 degrees that'll work too

they've grown resistant to petty chemicals, diatomaceous earth are microscopic blades that tear them up and kill them, harmless to animals and humans however, you can in fact put it in your drink and it will help clear shit out of your bowels

OP here
side note, this post is also a public service announcement i guess

fleas alone will kill your animals, best to burn your cats and dogs to save them from the fleas

Same happened to me. Tried everything. Fleas would just not disappear. Turns out they had a nest on a old box. Put the box on the trash. The flea problem is over.

tl;dr: they have a nest inside your house in a carldboard box

My dog got fleas when we moved to the countryside. His skin was red raw and inflamed above his tail. His fur even started to fall out. Got a cream from the vet I used to rub it in. Dog loved it, soothed the pain and I got addicted to playing with his flaming sores. Now I wanna be a dermatologist.

my mum got drained by flees too;_;
i left her at home and she died

they kiled your cat too?
i think found the nest, a black shirt in the wardrobe , it was covered in white grains, eggs im assuming

i have been looking up all the products people have been mentioning, i have one cat left, she kept sleeping in high places and fallling off then jumping back up again, i thought she was just a retard turns out out she knew how to outsmart the fleas

you're thinking of bedbugs. fleas are much easier to control, you just put a skin treatment on your pet that lasts a few months, and vacuum your shit. stop living in filth, OP

Dude. You cheap Faggot! You killed your pets. All you needed was this.

They killed a pretty expensive cute little dog. We've tried everything but the damn fleas would just keep coming. This lasted for like a year or more until we found a carboard box with the nest. There's no fleas now. Check old boxes and throw them the fuck out. DO IT NOW

Always used Frontline. Killed those fuckers like nothing.

bad idea to put a collar on an outdoor cat. they climb, the collar snags on shit and the cat strangles. breakaway collars aren't always effective either

fleas do not nest you hyperfaggot

my mates cat hung itself jumping a fence wearing a collar
it does happen

Clean up your house you filthy faggot.

Flea eggs survive in warm dirty environments.

Part of caring for another animal is having the means to keep it healthy. Its not some toy you buy at the store for entertainment. It takes more than food mate.

Im also guessing your cats shit in the yard.

After trying everything, the only thing that worked for me is lemon juice, it's natural and safe too. Note that says lemon JUICE and NOT OIL I repeat NO LEMON OIL because it's toxic. We put lemon juice in a spray bottle and sprayed literally everything including the cats. I dont remember if the lemon juice had to be diluted, though.

Just Google: cat fleas lemon juice

Usually works. Last time though we got some level 99 armored fleas who could literally survive seven nuclear apocalypses back-to-back, regular Frontline stopped working. Had to use Frontline Gold Plus on the cat, and Nexgard on doggo. Killed those niggers dead.

ree its like a caturday rekt thread ;_;

You can also use apple cider vinegar. Another suggestion is a flea soap trap...Take a shallow dish and fill it with warm soapy water, place it under a night light. When they jump or hop towards light, they will end up getting drowned in the water. Check the dish next morning. You will find a bunch of died fleas. Empty the dirty water from that vessel and repeat it on a daily basis.


Lemon with its citrus acidic properties kills fleas. To prepare a repellant with the help of lemon, cut lemon into quarters and put them in boiling water. Let it submerge completely. Steep it overnight. Pour this resultant water into a spray bottle. Squirt the solution on the flea affected areas of your pet like behind the ears, head and at base of the tail. Or else, you can soak a piece of cloth in the solution and rub it gently on the infected regions.

Note: Cats are very sensitive to the smell of citrus. So, use this remedy cautiously. Avoid direct application of lemon on its skin.

Here's more tips. Good luck!

Sorry for your loss m8. :/

Tigers can die from fleas..

You need to:

> Replace all the carpets in your home. Burn the old ones.
> Treat the floorboards with flea spray.
> If there is a space under your floorboards then the boards need to come up and you need to bomb under there with insecticide.
> All of your fixed wall units / cupboards need to come off. Treat the walls with insecticide. Also the units / cupboards, especially those near or at floor level.
> Remove all skirting boards and treat those / behind those too.
> ALL flat surfaces need treating.
> Frontline your animals every two weeks with a double treatment.

A whole home insecticide treatment will not be successful because the flea eggs get down between the floorboards, in to crawl spaces, and under carpets. The carpets offer significant protection from gaseous insecticide. You need the spray treatment sort, which is expensive and time consuming to apply.If you have laminate flooring the problem is less likely to happen but it only takes a very small gap for the eggs to get in to and those fuckers get everywhere. If your laminate is edged with beading then the gaps there are sufficient and you'll need to treat your laminate flooring the same as you'd treat a carpet: shit needs to go.

It may legitimately be cheaper to sell your home to an unsuspecting new owner and buy a new one. If you do this then you just need to do the last part.

Finally: if you treated your pets earlier they'd still be alive. They died because of your neglect.

My favorite thing to do was pick fleas off my cat and pop them. Their guts sprayed my face eyes and mouth sometimes but it was worth it.

That's a nice table.

I second diatomaceous earth, that stuff works wonders. I had a problem with ticks, sprinkled some on my dog and patted it in they all fell off and died within mere minutes. I was thoroughly impressed. Then I read it can work for fleas and if you sprinkle some in your animals food it can kill worms if they have them.
Highly recommend to any animal lover.

Flea traps don't trap eggs.
Lemon is about as useful as rubbing your dick on them, they just go where the lemon isn't. They need killing, not herding.
Home remedies: for people who have a problem but lack the wherewithal to solve it properly.

all you need is frontline and good vacuum discipline, wtf is wrong with you home remedy idiots? you're just prolonging yours and the cats suffering

There are plenty of reasons not to retain custody of a feline indoors, and reasons maybe to tolerate one living on the property outside instead, next time..

can also cause scarring of the the respiratory tract of your pet, there's a fun fact

Burn the house down. Kill them with fire. They also don't like bleach.

Thanks. More cat

Just use advantage you hyperfaggots

To be honest, our house is filthy
i started working about 6-7 months ago, my partner and i agreed that with e working all the time she would clean the house
every godamned fucking day i would come home to a dirtier and dirtier house until the the house was just filth, i couldnt stand it any more so i cleaned the whole house a few times to help get her started, then after that, every godnamed fucking day i would come home to a dirtier and dirtier house until it was fucking filthy again, i gave up, i learned not to care because i was so sick and tired of coming home after a long day of work(i mow lawns, i know its not that glamorous but its still hard tiring work, you cant fuck around and waste time you have to be in overdrive all day) so arguement no.532 didnt seem that great so i got to tired to continue arguing and i let the house fall to shit
everytime i bought a treatment and it didnt work she would be a bitch about it until i just said fine fuck it they are your cats you deal with it.
all 3 are purely indoor cats which means they are very high maintenance
between working long hard hours, making sure the fucking house is clean and making sure the cats are well and everything else that needs dealing with eg, leaving the house and just wanting to enjoy my weekends and spare time
i became overburdened with responsibility that by all rights should have been shared
she does not even leave the fucking house ever
me and my mate took milo the first cat to the vet when she started getting weak and she didnt come, more shit on my shoulders, she was too far gone and had to be put to sleep, for the past year everynight before i went to bed i brought her with me, i got used to her being near me so it helped me fall asleep, i dont sleep well now
lilly the second cat to die
after the long night of milo i slept in and got woken up at 4:45, 15 minutes before the vet closed, too, character limit reached, all this just started to pour from my fingers.
i am so guilt ridden

Yeah they probably don't understand that Yoruichi character's transformation bullshit. I never liked that about the show..

If they had less places to hide they're easier to kill.
I'm imagining a borderline hoarders house here, you need to get shoveling and tidying. Then you can regularly vacuum too after a flea poison. bomb.

Poor kitties had to die for you to confront the fact you live like a fucking pig.

longest message i ever typed out on Sup Forums, and i wasnt even halfway done


Bad dog!

Slather the house in Mayonaisse.
They will drown.
Or set the house on fire.

Set the house on fire.

Oh my god moar...

Give your partner fleas bro

fuck it tl;dr partners a lazy bitch i gave up now cats dead

ok moar, im typing this so go check out another thread and come back in abit, i will copy pasta and create new thread if anything happens to this one


Are you genuinely retarded? Do you have no sense of hygiene you fucking retard? Clean your house properly and do your washing. It's your own fault your cats died you filthy retard.

diatomaceous earth is good but boric acid is better at wiping them out permanently. Lowe's sells it for 5 bucks as a roach killing powder. The hotshot brand is 99.9% boric acid. Google how to dust you're home with it and you will safely kill fleas and all other insects for years with just one application. Very safe stuff, only affects insects.

INB4 your partner is a giant undercover flea

>crab people

awww kiddie. i wanna hug u

We were kings white boi. Wut u think bout that cracka?


Here's them when they were young. The black one is also still with us, but I don't have a picture of her grown up. I need to take more.


Wash down your walls, fleas likes put their eggs in here

It doesn't work everytime, I put one of these to my cat it worked few days but they came back. They only way to get rid of those fuckers was to shower my cat.
RIP my arms

Blacks ain't have no fleas problem. Y'all disgusting

We know the truth n we taken our histery back

>look ma, i'm shitposting on the internet xD

You're a retard, OP
You cannot use fleas repellent on kittens.
You must use Eucalyptus essential oil. The cats hate that smell, but fleas hate it more (eucalyptus oil it's also toxic at high concentrations, like raid or shit like every insect killer)

back story i didnt add in, when i took milo to the vet she was transfered(handed to me in a blanket with a IV drip in her to take her myself she cried in pain all the way they would not take her there themsleves) to an emergencey vet one street over, they told me that they would send the results of their tests and ring the to let them know we were coming, we get there and no data was sent to them and the cunts at the other clinic just went home, so the new clinic would not proceed because they didnt want to run the same tests again and put me in more debt, $1200 vetpay loan, got handed another bill to sign before they started working that was over $2000, remember i mow lawns, vetpay would not increase the loan becuase of potentiol double testing, so all they did was make her comfertable, and used the last $128 of the loan to put her to sleep,(normally about $300 im an ausfag everything is overpriced here) i also bought revolution flea treatment that i left in my mates car by accident (stressful heartbreaking night, shit slipped my mind plus we didnt know it was the fleas doing this much damage i mean its nits for cats for fucksake, or so i thought)

back to continuing off my first thread we had 15 miniutes before the vet closed, so i wanted to ring them and get them to email the test results so i could get a better idea of what i was dealing with, then i was going to get my mate to bring the treatment over straight after i got off the phone the vet, but no, my partner was having none of it, she demanded i called my mate to bring over the flea treatment potientioally missing my 15 minute window to get the damn test results, so i ring my mate and when he turned up i went out to the car to get it, i heard her yelling at me as i got closer to the house again, where are you? why arnt you in here?, you in where? what? she was in the bathroom giving the cat a shower to try and get rid of the fleas, when i opened the door all i saw was steam and lilly having a heart attack while my partner is blistfully unaware because she cant she the cats face, but i had seen that face before, the night before with milo i knew what was happening, she was having a heart attack, it was over in seconds
lilly was so full of love an affection that it was smothering, i have never seen that much love in a living creature before, everyday when i got home from work and i layed down she would jump up on me and i would push her off because i was exhausted, i normally returned her insane level of affection because i like cuddles dont even care if i sound gay its Sup Forums and im anonoumouse
lilly always welcomed me home
i dont like coming home anymore

will post more about my 200kg(not even b8 i wish to fuck it was) lazy fucking partner if their is interest

forgot to fix my spelling mistakes i typed it up in note pad,

Dude, walk away from that train wreck of a partner before she gives you a heart attack too.

fuck just looked at this,
OP here, that is almost exactly what milo looked like, same weight and everything

Fleas never seriously hurt anyone.
They're the parasite of peace

your partner sounds like a worthless piece of shit

Be free op.

His name is Max. Don't have more pictures here right now

how am i ment to live with this guilt?