Does this sum up Sup Forums?

>Now the web is a sociopath with Asperger’s. If you need help improving your upload speeds it’s eager to help with technical details, but if you tell it you’re struggling with depression it will try to goad you into killing yourself.

>Trolls are turning social media and comment boards into a giant locker room in a teen movie, with towel-snapping racial epithets and misogyny.

> A Pew Research Center survey published two years ago found that 70% of 18-to-24-year-olds who use the Internet had experienced harassment, and 26% of women that age said they’d been stalked online.

>But trolling has become the main tool of the alt-right, an Internet-grown reactionary movement that works for men’s rights and against immigration and may have used the computer from Weird Science to fabricate Donald Trump. Not only does Trump share their attitudes, but he’s got mad trolling skills: he doxxed Republican primary opponent Senator Lindsey Graham by giving out his cell-phone number on TV and indirectly got his Twitter followers to attack GOP political strategist Cheri Jacobus so severely that her lawyers sent him a cease-and-desist order.

>The alt-right’s favorite insult is to call men who don’t hate feminism “cucks,” as in “cuckold.” Republicans who don’t like Trump are “cuckservatives.” Men who don’t see how feminists are secretly controlling them haven’t “taken the red pill,” a reference to the truth-revealing drug in The Matrix. They derisively call their adversaries “social-justice warriors” and believe that liberal interest groups purposely exploit their weakness to gain pity, which allows them to control the levers of power. Trolling is the alt-right’s version of political activism, and its ranks view any attempt to take it away as a denial of democracy.

This perfectly describes this board. Full of hate and posture and no substance. No wonder you people like shit like Sam Hyde and criticizing films for having politicized slants while having a politicized bias of your own.

Other urls found in this thread:

Moot knew to bail

They started the fire

Mmm delicious bait

Reminder to report all off-topic threads as "illegal content" so that mods are forced to do their fucking job.

Abusing the report system is a bannable offense.



literally "muh muh mu-": the post

kill yourself

announcing reports is a bannable offence, nigger

Sup Forums is a terrorist organization that needs to be designated as such by Obama to shut it down.

I'll start being mad about it as soon as he says something that isn't true. People have been talking about this since yesterday, or whenever it was published, posting it here and on various other boards trying to get a rise out of people. Frankly it just looks to me like somebody did a cursory level of research on Sup Forums/chan users habits on twitter and plainly explained what's been going on.

This is exactly what happened. The trouble is that now normies know about our secret clubhouse.

>Now the web is a sociopath with Asperger’s

shit opinion

>Trump gave out that faggot Lindsey Graham's cell phone number on TV


>people are m-mean on the internet


Fuck off faggot


> Stein grew up in Edison, New Jersey, the son of a salesman.[2] His family is Jewish.[3

Pure coincidence


Stop posting this shit every day you faggot.

I love how even the cover art is low-tier zero effort shit.

truly bait-kino.

>Trolls are turning social media and comment boards into a giant locker room in a teen movie, with towel-snapping racial epithets and misogyny.
>are turning
Is it this guys first day on the internet? Is it his first day on earth? Racism is found in every society that has ever existed. It is part of human nature.

God dammit, every time. I'd be easier to mock Sup Forums if they were wrong about Jews more often.

This passage was written 90 years ago. Just give me the benefit of the doubt and read it and then tell me it doesn't apply to assholes you've met every day on the Internet.

This. The only thing that annoys me is that they paint it as 'trolls taking over our intertubes' when they're the fucking foreigners in this situation.

>implying anyone but whites can be racist
>implying anyone but men can be sexist

Stay mad, cis!malescumshit.

>Joel Stein

merely a coincidence

>the internet being full of fringe types and hate speech is something new
Nazis and pedos have existed online since before the world wide web, it's the average person who came online to look at funny pictures of cats that are new. Nothing to see here.

lol its my favorite quote by Hitler, because not only does it epitomize the rhetorical philosophy of every internet community since foundation it has also increasingly infected the known world through direct injection of the troll's rhetoric into daily discussion with smartphones in every hand.

Truly his greatest philosophical contribution to the world.

>trusting extremely left biased media


>"Some people who don't agree with unchecked migration and making all media a 'safe space' are mean, therefore that invalidates all their opinions!"

antisemitism is so easy to fall into because they were the first 'other' which (admittedly brought it upon themselves by self isolation and self aggrandizement, same could be said of roma and gypsies and basque to some extent) all primarily human negative traits are applied: greed, selfishness, sophistry, desperate liars, and so on. These are human qualities that all humans share but Jews are somehow "more" despicable than any other ethnicity?

When Nazi strategy was focused on propaganda and intentionally spreading lies, it seems fucking hypocritical to attack Jews for the same shit they can't even prove is more or less common compared to general populations. Still, I guess that's the point. Why anti-Semites can't apply their hate to the whole human race instead of stupidly focusing on a tiny group of insular holier-than-thou's is part of the inherent hypocrisy and perversion in every human soul.

What? The Internet has always been like this.

>i don't agree with something
>they must be biased

Left, right, it's all the same.

>Stalked online

Anger is meaningless without focus. It's human nature to want to find someone to blame, whether it be da joos, the blacks, whites, whatever.

Except it's well established that there is a massive left bias in the media.


>Joel Stein

All this proves is that Meme Kampf is as badly written as everyone says it is.

>>Now the web is a sociopath with Asperger’s. If you need help improving your upload speeds it’s eager to help with technical details, but if you tell it you’re struggling with depression it will try to goad you into killing yourself.

This has nothing to do with the internet, every time you try to ask any sort of crowd for advise they will give you the same half-assed answer.

They're not insular. In any Western government, a disproportionate number of the legislature will be Jews. In any media complex, the majority of the directors, writers and producers will be Jews. In any financial institution, the bankers, brokers and investors will be Jews. Any legal system, too many of the attorneys and judges will be Jews.

The Amish and the Mormons are insular, nobody gives a shit about their affairs.

Why, because it doesn't describe babby's first troll bait perfectly, or because of the prose?

Also obviously in any news organization, most of the editors, reporters, writers and publishers will be Jews.

it alt-writes itself

>hierarchies should be utilized

under merit systems and democratic elections, maybe. When your sheriff is elected by the local people then that badge isn't some magic symbol of authority, it represents expertise and commitment to the will of the people from which they derive their transitory authority (up until the next election of the sheriff/DA).

>people should be incentive

Maybe, not really the government's job though. Protecting property rights and enforcing fair markets is enough for people to be able to amass their own wealth if they want to.

>Some people are worth more than others.

Fine, but even animals have a right to exist, so why not mentally retarded humans or humans with agoraphobia or whatever who need help? We have systems to protect stray pets and get them adopted, why don't we have systems to help humans who can't take care of themselves? Why is it so wrong to help the elderly survive if that's what they want? How is anyone on earth 'independent' of everyone else? You're fucking delusional.

>embrace the nation

why? For what purpose. Local communities should have more power, fuck the nation.

>The family unit is the best

NO. Not at all. It's too fucking small. It's pathetic, really. The nuclear family is inadequate for raising kids properly. We should have larger extended families and the ability for two-five families to group up and protect/educate their kids. That would be infinitely better than a mom/dad pair. Two parents is not enough. Maybe living grandparents and four nuclear families working together is adequate but parents are deluding themselves if they think they can properly raise their kids alone with just two adults pitching in. If you have money, at least a live in maid and private tutor is necessary. The nuclear family 1950s joke is as delusional as wanting to live in a neighborhood where you never have to lock your doors at night. That's a stupid fantasy where you're deliberately ignoring possibility.

It's amazing to me liberals still try to deny it. Then they get up in arms about Murdoch's News Corp when it doesn't go along in lockstep with the other media conglomerates.

>mfw powerful billionaires can't keep their mouths shut on Twitter of all things

What a world.

Migrants are checked at the border under Obama, you giant faggot.


That is a pretty good example of bias itself. The whole thing is based of a shifted-center fulcrum that leaned to the right (4 v 80, one 4 points off the extreme, the other 20) and doesn't account for that shift.

Good job proving nothing except being wrong. You didn't even look at it, just accepted because it supported your POV. Pretty much what bias is.


that's another trouble, a good focus on your anger are:

Pawnbrokers and other legal loan sharks

And unfortunately, a lot of these are Jews. It's kind of why it's so tempting to be anti-semitic, but Lawyers are actually a good thing. I'd rather live in a litigious culture than a duel based culture. Banking is necessary. It's how start up businesses get their initial starting money. It's how things get paid for before it takes time to make a profit. And the seedy sharks can be made illegal if people gave a shit: end title loan places, make gambling more illegal, etc. If you don't care enough to vote these things away, then stop blaming people for doing what they are legally allowed to.

Pretending to be offended/agree with these pieces attracts people who genuinely are

It's time to stop.

>another liberal ignoring evidence when it doesn't agree with their opinions

Murdoch media doesn't even have an online presence, which is where a large portion of people consume media

>shut it down! quickly herbert!

A little late to the party, this guy.

Both. The prose is garbage of course. Also his argument eats itself when he claims that the jew makes only general arguments that could apply broadly to a variety of topics, which is exactly what he is guilty of doing.

TIME takes the aspies too seriously. Pic related sums them up more accurately.

The Internet was always an aspie pit of hate and trolling. The people writing these articles only started using the Internet by 2007 when it broke into the mainstream. These are the same people who called computer users in the 90s fat nerds for using the Internet.

All these people do is have like two open, Facebook and tumblr and maybe reddit.


His mistake is applying this archetype to all Jews, which shows a uniform bias that he doesn't care to explain further. Jews are simply liars because they're Jews, etc.

You could replace 'the Jews' with any ethnic or cultural group in this passage and it would be no less valid, and no less subjective than it already is. There is nothing credible here; just one man's colored opinions being projected on an entire group of people.

Nice refutation. Adjust those numbers where 4 and 80 are the poles and see what you get.

>muh counter memes for flashy goys comics
These are the most pretentious, biased, false equivalency "comics" I've ever had the misfortune to come across.

He didn't accuse them of generalizing, he accused them of obfuscating the point in order to redirect the conversation to an unrelated issue in order to seek out a rhetorical dead end they could hoist their opponent on and pretend that it constitutes a logical proof of their original point.

Did you even read the paragraph or are you meta-trolling me by doing the same thing?

>This group is too over-represented! we need more diversity!

>turning into
You what? If anything the net is far more sanitized than it used to be. This cunt would have fainted from disbelief at the antics of the internet circa 1999.

stole kampf from a library once and tried to read it, was so fucking boring and bad. Maybe there are a few good passages hidden here and there for autists to find but overall hitler was retarded and I couldn't be assed to sit through that shit

>Hitler: still giving the jews butthurt almost a century later


Okay, but what did he mean by this?

I know, he had a chance to when he owned MySpace when all the social media stuff was getting going. He's from a different generation though, give him a break. Could you imagine if he had taken Zuckerberg's role? It almost happened.

That's what made his Twitter outbursts all the more funny. Typical Australian.

I'm a 30 year old Scotch/Irish neckbeard from Tennessee. I'm sorry to disappoint you. I don't even think I've ever seen a Jewish person in my entire life.





What kind of argument is that? Refute the points that were givin to you, stop being dumb on purpose

I wish he had kept up with the times, at least we would have more media diversity than the blatant leftwing circlejerk we have today

The problem here is that Jews have also designated themselves white so that a (((white))) community organizer can go into the ghetto and tell the monkeys "look how these (((white))) politicians and landlords are oppressing you"

He meant that he was all wrong about the Slavs and now that Marxism has been expelled, Putin has become the most successful fascist leader in history

I hope this solves your problem, OP

This doesn't make any sense. The internet has always been filled with sociopaths...only recently has it become accessible to the average Joe

He's probably a pol poster. Shouting librul and latin fallacies is a common response.

>I don't even think I've ever seen a Jewish person in my entire life.
Never been inside a bank?

>But trolling has become the main tool of the alt-right, an Internet-grown reactionary movement that works for men’s rights and against immigration and may have used the computer from Weird Science to fabricate Donald Trump.

Stop reading there. It's a "everyone who disagrees with me is a troll" Cuck Jew nu-male virtue signaling non-argument

You can easily look up more studies if you don't think it's right, there's a fuckload of evidence for extreme left bias in the media

Good summary:


We don't have any Jews in rural Tennessee as far as I know, certainly not practicing ones. There is no 'temple' or whatever their churches are called here.

Having said that, I can apply Hitler's rhetoric from that passage to any number of people I've met who are as far removed from being Jewish as you can possibly imagine. It kind of falls apart there.

I found most of it to be as tedious as reading any treatise about the parochial political controversies of their time so far remove from my own, but there's still some gems like the image above which can be so easily generalized to the common issues of culture in a polticaly failing state in decline that its amusing to hold on to the quotes.

I think people just fail to realize exactly how little people need convincing to do something drastic when their situation is already as pointless and bereft of hope as it was back then. People who dismiss it for being pedestrian and uninspired should pause and reflect on what that means about the tenuous nature of societies in general.

This may come as a surprise to you but not all Jewish people are manlet greasy merchant people shouting oy vey all the time and rubbing their hands flagrantly in any negative situation

Sup Forums is an annoying place, but they are literally always right

You're kidding me, right brah? This happened how far away from your house?

kek sounds like Hitler couldn't handle the bantz
He was German after all

Sup Forums is reddits colony on Sup Forums.


It's a good bit of prose, although it's translated so hard to really say.

I'm aware of that, but see If there are Jewish people here, they have no place to worship at the very least. The closest temple is about 90 miles away.

About 350 miles. You do realize that Tennessee is about 500 miles long, right? It's a pretty large state horizontally.

Do you speak any Scottish or Irish Gaelic or were your parents just born there and you think that makes you anything but American?

How many times did they use the words 'racist', 'bigot' or 'fascist'?

This is all the left media have been doing the last few years, name call when someone has a different opinion to you. Take the anti-immigration stance for instance. There are legitimate reasons why people don't want mass migration of Muslim migrants into Europe, especially when most of the ones coming in aren't even legitimate refugees.

But the left media will just instantly label anyone who has this sentiment as 'extreme far right racists', rather than actually having a reasoned discussion about their opinions.

Not him, but the shifted center is adequately explained in the paper. The numbers were done by a self-described liberal lobby group, so your assertions of bias aren't very convincing. There's no reason to believe the median score would be exactly 50 in Congress. It is reasonable to assume that Congress, particularly the House, would have a more conservative bias compared to the media.

>I'm a 30 year old Scotch/Irish neckbeard from Tennessee
>muh heritage
literally worse than the jews

Agreed. At times I wonder how much of my political opinion is simply because there are more dems in the rooms than republicans, and vice versa. I am really politically moveable (as are most people I think, although they deny it because they have to maintain an image of stability)


>he is really telling me he thinks 350 miles is an unlikely distance for at least one jew to have traveled in the intervening century since that event
They are out there somewhere, you just don't know who they are.

Oh boy, it's some European that's mad that America doesn't work exactly the same as other countries.

Was this article written in 2005? Because that's when any of this would have been news.