You spawn in Ancient Rome.
You spawn in Ancient Rome.
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A jewish boy has just been born in the far away province of Judea, Caius Octavius has managed to save the Roman Republic and will die in a few years for another dicator to take place. Slaves have radically changed the economy of Rome, poor plebeian farmers can't compete against giant slaves farms owned by the praticians. Cheap grains from the recently captured provinces have made them bankrupt.
Rome has never expanded this much and never will again.
Kill Jesus before he becomes a famous cult leader.
Now you can give him a snack.
How do you go from Rome to Judea ?
Read "The Green Bronze Mirror".
Without a distinguishable trade and without knowing any useful languages, you would likely end up a slave in the fields if male or ugly female and probably a brothel slave if not an ugly female.
Well I'm white... I really just have to kill some body and take his land. Easy living.
Until Jesus shatters our perfect utopia
Assume you speak fluent Latin and have the status of a Perigrini (free man but not citizen)
Depends on what you're carrying. You may get some kind of free pass if you have a watch or a phone with full batteries. Your clothes will be remarked as well if you meet a tailor.
But yes, even if you know a trade, you'd still end up as a slave because we're completely dependent on tools we don't know how to make.