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what is this gay ass shit?
link for livestream

OP dutch fagget



man how long has that woman been sitting there?

Nigga she an apple.

6 hours



Did you just assume his gender?

SMS +7 (925) 88-88-948
Phone +7 (495) 73-73-948
Telegram govoritmskbot
[email protected]

Send the stream and the location of the house to Moscow police. They will raid that house in no time!

The fuck is that noise that keeps happening?


When the timer runs out, someone will untie her, she'll walk away and come back with a piece of paper that says "Cпacибo зa пpocмoтp" and then the stream will end.

trying to scrape peanut butter out of a jar

who the fuck are you? doctor money?


what are their demands? tell them we don't negotiate with terrorists

they demand trips

Obvious ad. Girl is much too calm for this to be real.

hahahha funny

nah its like a loud tap every 20 seconds or so

try to close tab fagss

You could've just written the russian part in english you faggot

My prediction is that Ashton Kutcher will come out laughing and say we've been Punk'd and that we're faggots

could be just some stupid performance art piece

>send the police
>letting the police ruin our entertainment
>not seeing what happens

y tho

join le discord


Yes, I've checked, it really is Govorit Moskva Radio, and that is live stream. Gonna call them?

With a fidget spinner spinning on her other hand

this is a troll, the location of the house is :
"Baшa мaмa yмpeт вo cнe ceгoдня вeчepoм, ecли вы нe oтвeтитe нa этoт пocт"

it's a social experiment. what happens if we blow a girl uP?

Well, we should take in consideration that she's there for 6 hours, she should have already lost all her energy

Because this is some fucking viral ad.


Fuck you, faggot
Russian streamer commentator


>le discord
just, no.

i want to say this is fake, simply because of how the tape is applied around her torso. if they really wanted her to not be able to move, they wouldn't be outlining her breasts like that and would just tape the entire thing

We go to bed.

it looks like a cutlery hitting plates


so she just sits there for 10 hours doing noting? its not fucking ramadan in fucking russia



i had called them right now and nobody answered

хaйвмaйнд ёптa

don´t think it´s something serious she is way to calm or what do you guys think?

The stream used to constantly cut out and vanish. So it's more like sitting there for 4 hours and doing nothing. And hey, if she is paid enough why wouldn't she?

yeah, she moved like 10 min ago to get more comfortable, fake as fuck

wut gone happon

Кoмy нyжeн Лoмтик июльcкoгo нeбa?

just a different mind set I guess

i hope it's somethin good

Viral add with a tiny chance for brutal murder.

Her ass is probably losing sensitivity right now... And also it must stink after almost 6 hours of being sit down.
I can fap to this.

looks like she has pee

>yeah, she moved like 10 min ago to get more comfortable, fake as fuck
in mother russia you pay work

wheres that picture from it's different than the stream?

Nah, it isn't. Just some kind of a prank.


Not saying I think this is legit or anything but I doubt she would still be struggling etc after all these hours, she would be tired?


she could be drugged/extremely tired after sitting still for 10 hours without eating and drink water

found it on a 2ch thread

Peбятa, нe cтoит вcкpывaть этy тeмy. Bы мoлoдыe, шyтливыe, вaм вce лeгкo. Этo нe тo. Этo нe Чикaтилo и дaжe нe apхивы cпeцcлyжб. Cюдa лyчшe нe лeзть. Cepьeзнo, любoй из вac бyдeт жaлeть. Лyчшe зaкpoйтe тeмy и зaбyдьтe, чтo тyт пиcaлocь. Я впoлнe пoнимaю, чтo дaнным cooбщeниeм вызoвy дoпoлнитeльный интepec, нo хoчy cpaзy пpeдocтepeчь пытливых - cтoп. Ocтaльныe пpocтo нe нaйдyт.

The clock, the girl, the bindings... they all look different. The game doesn't have anything to do with Russia does it? Do we have any reason to think this is connected other than that it is a person strapped to a chair in front of a camera with a timer?

she's not actually bound to the chair she's sitting on. i imagine that every time the stream cuts she stands up and moves around a bit. given that the stream has only been from frontal angle, its possible the tape is just applied to the front and she's simply holding her arms behind her


It does look kinda overdone, movie-tier tying up etc

We can use Periscope map to determine exact location of this stream

It hasn't gone down since it moved to periscope so idk

I bet the ones that are doing this arent russians so far all the vid titles annd channel names havent had a singel russian char on them


I hope she explodes.

is the timer hooked to a bomb ?

Do it.

apparently the first one did, I didn't see it so I couldn't say for sure.

esen jolie? seen that name in the chat. any clues?

there was one with a russian "D"

i like the part when she sits in the chair

She could have a camel pack to keep hydrated if it is fake. Catheter to manage urine.

No need for food, one good meal before the 10 hour ordeal.

I'm not sure if its fake or real, just throwing ideas around.

anyone else just hear that Korn song in the background

I've took a shit tonne of Viagra, so I can fap to this for 3 hours...

I hope the end is cum worthy...

from 2ch

She's lookin a little more lively right now


do it user i believe in you

cut again

The majority of your ideas are retarded - so stop it.

in the original thread they said that they did this

Nothing. It's just nothing. I've checked all moscow streams and there is no sign of one which is ours.

not any of the streams in russia

At least he's throwing some ideas around you fat green cunt

it's just going to be routed through two payphones duct-taped together like in that movie HACKERS.

Is her name Esen Jolie?

Can we get a GIF/WEBM like this but a dick and pussy reverse cowgirl kinda thing