Why do rich people always bitch about poor people depending on welfare?

Why do rich people always bitch about poor people depending on welfare?

After all welfare is what keeps rich people rich. Because if the poor weren't provided with just enough to survive they'd come after the rich people to take what they need.

They need a scapegoat and are ultimately convinced and brainwashed by the facts they've been conditioned to believe their entire life by their conservative parents/media/entourage. They live in a political bubble and won't open up to anything new, visiting the same websites and people only sharing their beliefs. If you say anything that contradicts their beliefs, they automatically shut down their logical unit and go in defensive mode, finding any argument (even if it's an illogical one) It isn't a discussion between alt right and leftists, it's a discussion of what are the best policies for the future. Both sides have good ideas and opinions, but they need to label everything and divide and conquer. It's like working against your own interests, human beings are the only species on earth to do that.

Very eloquently put, but it has to be asked..

What good ideas or opinions do conservatives have?

In any country?

Muh trickle down!

The idea of being skeptical of things isn't inherently bad. Of course, once you let it build prejudices, then there's a problem

You are generalising, I asked a pretty specific question.

Skepticism is not a unique trait of conservatives.

I had to get pretty general. Ending subsidies would likely help a lot of problems for the global market.

I am not aware of any conservative government that want to end subsidies for themselves and their shitbird cromies.

The Australian cons are fucked, so are the brits, the american cons are a living joke, all have their snouts firmly subsidised in the public trough. All are ferociously advocating policy against the greater public good. As usual.

The idea that I get to keep what I earn and the state should stay out of my business

Skepticism is not inherently Republican.

societies don't function that way, nothing would move forward in regards to infrastructure alone. The idea of citizens, just for example, rigging up their own telegraph poles is terrifying, and not practical.

Like how Republicans get all up in the business of who can marry who, and taxing the poor more than the rich?

Where do you live? Telephone poles are serviced exclusively by private companies in my location.
It's not scary, it's their livelihood.

Do you use the road system? Do you use cellular telephones? Do you enjoy not being shot at by Russians? Do you enjoy walking down the street safely? Do you feel healthy today thanks to vaccines? Do you like making a minimum amount of salary or better?

If so then shut the FUCK up and thank your state and national government. And work to improve it.

Supposedly if the wrong types of people marry that's "degeneracy" and a bad thing. I can only assume the people who think that's the case had bad childhoods or something.

>Cell towers privately owned
>Commerce is biggest foreign policy tool
>Vaccines created by for-profit companies

>Road full of potholes, complained with my neighbors to the municipality, no fucks given.
>Private telecommunication corporations
>What is gun ownership, what is hiring a security service?
>I was mugged twice last year
>Private hospitals>public hospitals, btw most health breakthrus are made by private companies
>I make my own salary depending on how much and hard I work, that's how I got more clients, hence more money.

So no, I won't "shut the FUCK up".
The state is a plague, a monopoly, ruffians, as you please. Being a statist is bad, you should feel bad.
Meanwhile, I don't work to improve the STATE nor the GOVERNMENT, but my city, neighborhood, shop, clientele. The life of those around me, the society, the people.
Fuck the state, fuck the government. Praying and worshiping institutions are a despicable thing to do, only terrible human beings do so.
Care for what is importante, family, people, society, don't expect a nanny state to do your job as human being, just because you're lazy or don't care.

Because giving poor people money doesnt fix problems and causes inflation. There are plenty of poor people who only just need a little help and plenty more who want help like its a paycheck.

Just to make it more clear.
I know that an ancap world is an utopia, and that the state is a necessary evil. But just like any evil it must be kept at bay.
If we overthrown the state, it'll create a power vacuum and something will replace it, maybe something worst.
So less state is always a good thing.
Balance is the key.

Everything you mention was created by governments, then sold or subsidised, franchised so to speak to private companies. And more often these days, chinese owned ones. Complex policies that keep all of these industries afloat are provided by governments.

You seem to think private companies are equal or better for citizens than government owned ones.
Most evidence over a long period of time points in the other direction.

The only people who really benefit from privatisation of essential services are the wealthy fucks who own them, not the end consumer.

It is often conservative politicians who rig up sweet privatisation deals for them and their billionaire oligarch mates. For the end user, prices go up, and less money goes into public coffers for advancement of society.

There are a bunch of facilities that are better left controlled by the government. Some things cannot possible be privatized since privatization is all about money and less about service. If we lose some money but get good infrastructure or care-system in return, it works better then a private system only concerned with wealth.

The government or state is not necessarily evil. A government is the people or better said, their representatives. It only goes awe if the government loses touch with the people and gets influenced by non beneficial factore too much, decremental to the entire society, decaying it covertly without anyone knowing it, throwing a charade using scapegoats and easily accepted populist facts. Replace it by another system and you will have the same happening over and over again. The only solution is to separate this influence, and this is the million dollar question some people don't want to solve.

>privatization is all about money and less about service
The company who provides the best service out-earns the others, forcing the others to up their game or go out of business.
Who provides competition and incentive to actually be decent to a nationalised service?
