Let's settle this once and for all - is Peter Dennis Blandford Townshend a paedophile?
Let's settle this once and for all - is Peter Dennis Blandford Townshend a paedophile?
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Nah he's just dabbled in it
He was merely conducting some research, user. What's wrong with that?
Either you are or you aren't.
as unbelievable and contrived as his story sounds, it actually checks out. He was just doing a really, really stupid thing to prove a point.
Yes, and you can tell by the way he dances to the keyboard at the 20 second mark.
Of link related.
He's a rock music nerd who was sexually abused in his youth, so I'm willing to believe he was revisiting his past in order to make some sense, and maybe an album, out of it.
>it's a "Roger Daltrey looks like a complete dyke" episode
The immediate post-Keith Moon days were rough, boy I tell ya.
Why did his book never materialise?
No, he isn't, we would have heard something about someone being molested by him by now. At least you spelt it right though! :)
This makes the most sense to me, really.
It was a flawed investigation from the beginning. It turned out to be a regular porn site he was buying access to in the end. The guy from Massive Attack was arrested in the same operation for the same reason.
But Pepe Townshend openly admitted that he'd purchase and then immediately cancelled payment for cheesy pizza. He also would not have been forced to sign the sex offenders' registry had it been a regular porn site.
He may have tried to buy access under the belief that it was taht sort of site, but he never want on it and he was in contact with child protection groups who came forward after he was arrested. I believe him story, because even if it sounds like bollocks it makes a lot more sense with the facts surrounding it than the alternative does. I mean, why would he buy access to the site and then never enter it for a start, as well as cancelling his payment straight away?
Why didn't his book that he was supposedly researching for ever materialise?
His autobiography did materialise, and he spoke about it in that. As for any other book, if he was planning one then surely getting arrested and put on the sex offenders' register would have put a bit of a damper on it.
Whatever else he is, he's fucked up and never pretended he wasn't.
Maybie it just didn't turn out to be a good enough book to publish?
Admittedly while the Who were shit in this era, Townshend had the moves when he was younger
>this is- this is a song about being able to see for a very long way
what did he mean by this?
He's obviously referring to the sites on the dark web where people pay to watch kids get abused on the other side of the world. Dirty old bastard.
This may have been a rough era, but this song still gets me.
Daltrey has since said that the only good song on It's Hard was Eminence Front and the rest was filler.
Yeh I believe Christgau's review of It's Hard said the same exact thing--the album was nothing more than a wrapper for a hit single.