Why did labour's polling increase after being stuck behind for months?

Why did labour's polling increase after being stuck behind for months?

Because the population realized that they probably shouldn't elect a she-devil?

They've succeeded in getting the youth interested and involved, through promise of tuition fees.

Serious answers please, you cringy edgelord.

You could say the same thing about the British transportation system. And "by the same thing" I mean totally fuckd. Derp

Conservatives being dicks to old people, disabled people, youth, poor etc.

Look up the Shy Tory affect

Conservatives suddenly wanting to kill:
1) Foxes
2) Elephants
3) Internet
4) Old people

Dude even out here in the far away country of your choice we're saying "That's Thatcher right there ." Haha

Probably because an increased media focus on May has shown the country that we have a full blown aspie in charge and people are freaking out.

fuck off Sup Forums go crusade elsewhere

ukip is toast, you should off yourself too childish faggot pederast


Calm down my American friend.

>Shy Tory affect

Found the tory

Maybe Britfags start to realise that May's course for a hard Brexit leads to disaster.

But corbachov's ideas lack the thing they actually need to get done, a whole shittonne of money that we can't afford

Most likely, Canary Wharf has enough money for any idea. It is just in the wrong hands.

I'll chime in.

Labour and Cons are both up.

Cons have lost far fewer voters to the Lib Dems who oppose Brexit than they have gained votes from pro Brexit UKIP voters.

Labour have rallied young voters who may or may not actually turn up on the day to vote, they've had a far more engaging and positive election campaign and have a manifesto that many people can abide by. They've probably turned a few tories but most of their poll increases are from galvanising people who are are either young or don't usually vote.

The idea of their being a 'landslide' for the tories doesn't look likely anymore but unless voter turnout is very high I don't expect Labour to win a majority.

I vote Labour myself but I've lived through enough elections to know that a lot of conservatives are very quiet about their political views or aren't very engaged with social media (elderly or rural) so on election day, ultimately. Labour will have more support but so will the conservatives unfortunately.

Best case scenario. If the tories continue to campaign awfully, people may get sick of them and vote Lib Dem, UKIP, Labour. If there's a chance for Labour, SNP & Lib Dems to form an alliance, they will definitely seize upon that, regardless of what they've said prior.

Or, like brexit, we all look like retards and the polls never even mattered.

shut up peasant

Tories win by gerrymandering. So shut up and pay your taxes or we'll be avn u m8

Asking a neutral political question is enough make you go on an autistic sperging fit ayy?

How can people even contemplate voting Labour unless your a fucking dirty liberal or poor person on the dole? seriously guys. I know that's most of Sup Forums, but come on.

I feel a lot of conservative voters are quiet about their intentions because many of the vocal supporters of the left are very nasty towards anything and anyone that doesn't agree with their views.

Because social media only makes voting labour more appealing and while all the liberalfags were complaining about the tories all they needed was the tories to slip up and fuck something important up.

Now they have in their manifesto and Labour is flying.

As someone that has voted for Labour. My reasoning is that Labour is a more young friendly party. They have more policies that will benefit students. I'm in my second year of university.

Answer the question, please.

unfortunately Corbyn about a month ago rejected a coalition with SNP :(((

That's still not an actual answer to the question. Are you autistic?

The SNP can get fucked the scotch egg cunts.

Nothing Corbyn has said or done. The real reason is because of May's own arrogant hubris. People are upset over many of her unpopular policies she thought she's "sneak" through during an election where she's a shoo-in.

From what I've heard personally, the internet regulations have made a lot young and tech-savvy people angry, and the fox-hunting has made all the environment/green cucks upset.

Many will vote for Corbyn as a protest vote, not because they actually agree with him.

Yes it is. Fuck you.

Tell me about the internet restrictions. What exactly do the conservatives intend to do?

No, it's not. Thatcher was one of our most popular prime ministers. She was in for quite a few turns. But what the fuck would you know, some shitskin on the other side of the world.

implying tories pay their taxes

I'm British and I lived through the Thatcher years you gobby little cunt. Why do you think I live overseas? Get back to your moms tit.

thatcher was a trap you dirty wog

>That's still not the answer I want to hear


Long form - she's a deluded, incompetent cunt.

May enacted RIPA IV.

RIPA III was essentially the UK's Patriot act. RIPA IV takes it further. Think legal encryption limits (damaging security in legitimate products), state authority to demand passwords or put you in prison until you fork them over, introduction of blanket DPI etc.

Oh god that Tory manifesto.

Basically a vision board with May scrawling "We're gonna make UK great again" over and over on it.
Zero market strategies or concrete policy suggestions, just a lot of buzzwords and outlandish promises with zilch to back it up.
People call her deluded for a reason. I'm pretty confident shes made a full break with reality at this point.

Might want to check how many years you're going to be in university versus in work.

>outlandish promises
Contradictory promises at that. You know a sacrifice wouldn't be that bad if she posed a realistic proposition, but it's having their cake and eating it too front to back.

tl;dr lots of talk about how she's gonna be a great success, literally nothing at all to suggest how. Other than the desperate pleads of a woman in denial about her situation.

Assuming you get work

Is there anything that affects me, the average man?

Maybe it's Theresa herself, she acted like a fucking Sup Forumstard on stage tonight...

A fundamental crippling of cybersecurity that opens up the floodgates for anything from hostile nationstates to petty criminals looking for bank accounts of stealable identities. It essentially affects anything from online services to consumer products to government systems.

More labour supporters deciding to take part in the polls would be my guess.

I'm on esa so going to vote labour, I know crusty is useless but I think May is determined to kill the poor whereas crusty has good intentions but no touch with reality

Like remember when the US congress wanted Apple to demolish the encryption in its products, and Apple said this would have pervasive consequences and they couldn't comply? Then Graham got briefed on the fallout of such a move and drew back on it?
May basically said "shut up and do it."

Use tor

Spot on, Corbin probably means well but his policies are ludicrous and will need a shit ton of money to support them, money we don't have, unless they tax us from our mouths to our behinds. Unless you want to vote for a lunatic or a retard, lib dem is the only option

Because everyone sees the travesty that is America and wants to avoid it at all costs for their country.

I think this pretty much sums it up among many of the younger conservative voters.
The older generations couldn't give a fuck though.

Kind of a moot point. Obfuscating your source address when you're using online banking isn't really going to help you. Weakening the bank's own security systems by imposing easily crackable crypto limitations on it by law is a problem you do not affect at all. It doesn't even involve you.

Their thought there is that if they keep these kind of limits they can easily crack it if they want to. They don't care that literally anybody else could, too.

I don't need subjective verbs. I want actual explanations as to why labours points have shot up. You're all either underage, or inbred northern hicks with subhuman iq's, autisticly screeching about "muuh mines waahh". Either way, you're obviously incapable of putting an evaluation together. Don't bother replying any further.


Well if she gets voted in again and it happens then after 1 hax attack they will reverse actions. I'm pretty sure the snoopers charter / digital rights act has already been passed sometime in 2016 anyway? Yet nothing has changed

RIPA IV passed last December.

how are you so autistic to not understand from the answers you have been given.

let me spell it out for you in simple english

may is unpopular.

There you go then, its already been passed yet banks and encryption are still running as per usual. It's made no physical difference as of yet.

It also doesn't help that it just got through to the people that one of the consequences of Brexit is their security services will be flying blind for a large part, in the wake of the Manchester attack.

They're just now figuring out that leaving the ECJ means they'll also be excluded from the Europol network by definition. Just like the US they will no longer have access but need to file specific information requests with local parties. IF May had brokered such a special arrangement with an investigatory party, which she hasn't.

Playing with fire can give you lots of careless fun, until you get burned.

You would have to be a big target to be worthy of sizzling, terrorism is the main thing their after. I'm not a durka durka and I don't look up bomb making guides so really just using tor makes me small fry. Why dedicate time and resources to catch a nobody whilst knowingly ignoring someone who is actually dangerous.

Well they'll have a lot harder time finding these guys prematurely now. If the French or Italians or whatever suspect someone is involved with terrorists, and this someone then ends up in English, the English authorities will never know.

Europol doesn't mean shit, they will just pass intelligence to interpol. Good luck escaping internationally.

only people who vote corbyn are communists and jobless benefit scroungers

*England, derp

Nope. They by law cannot pass just any data on citizens within the EU to non-EU parties. Because duh of course they fucking can't.

If I want to access data on someone in the US I need an American national, locally, to man the terminal for me and pull the data. Similarly if an American wants information from an EU citizen, I have to go get it for them if the request gets approved.

In the current, pre-brexit situation, UK cops can just search the archive on their own.

Shy Tories don't explain a Labour surge, only how the Tories could still win despite surge. Duh.

>Because duh of course they fucking can't.
It's a liability issue. It's shared between EU states because they all fall under the ECJ. There's established laws on treatment of this information and on keeping it secure, in line with citizen privacy, civic rights, national security yadayada.

A national from an EU country is legally allowed to access this information. Someone from a non-EU country is not.

For the same reason a non-American can never get a security clearance in America. They're outside your jurisdiction. You have zero insight on how they handle the data, and if they misuse it or there's a breach, you have dick to say about it.

Meh, that doesn't effect me personally and I don't live in an area likely to be targeted. I'll risky bisky it

Right well, this tidbit hitting the mainstream in tandem with the attack in Manchester, and the realization they just shot their national security in the gut, is part of the reason May is taking heat.

Hopefully she'll reach melting point allowing crusty to take hold, he's less likely to impose further restrictions and may perhaps be persuaded to reverse or relax current Tory made policies

That's a shit answer and you know it. Kill yourself.

Because Theresa may is so shitty a fossilized commie turd like corbyn can almost Beat her

Lmao May is popular, it's Tories who is unpopular