Post your green text stories

>Post your green text stories
>Mother, sister, grandmother, auntie, step-mum

Faggot OP, contribute to your own bread.
Fucking summer.

>be me 16
>mom gets a new phone
>one night while she was at work I noticed her old one in her room
>went through it and sent myself a link to all her photos on that phone
>honestly don't know how many times I've jerked off to her nudes but man they are great


post em

>be me 16
>relatives comes over for dinner party
>after dinner all guests move to living room
>no seats left so auntie sits on my lap as a joke
>since it was my house I was wearing loose, thin shorts, not to formal
>auntie wearing thin-ish dress
>thicc aunties ass crack envelops my cock
>auntie turns and looks at me
>confused look on face
>user are you hard?


>her nudes
single motherhood in the 21st century

Keep going faggot


He's a homosexual, we don't like homos