Guess what me and Sarah just did

Guess what me and Sarah just did

She fisted you and is now tired from furiously punch fucking your dookietwat

\thread. Great guess!

Please, update us...
I've been waiting for an update....



Who is sarah to you?

Failed at grammar?

I think so, pretty sure.
have been anticipating a part 2 for what has it been, a month.

fuck those faggots who dont know, they dont deserve a background story, move along spergs,

user, please update

more photos?

THATS Sarah?
or who we're meant to think is sarah? I like this story more, lets do this user, got my smokes and my pizza ready for a show.

keep this alive!!!

also nice double to trips

What Sarah Said?

whats the story so far?

Please OP, we need an update!

Op here. sarah did fuckall. now fuckoff you sad twats


i found this foto in an asians thread...
i stopped in my tracks..
is this sarah? unknown, but damn sure looks like her jawline and everything.

so i knew OP was lurking.
best greentext of 2017 for me at Sup Forums, even though he dragged it out by not pre-typing.

so OP, please PRE_TYPE your greentext for any updates, PLEASE

update you fag, that story gave me boner for days, more pics would also be nice

can i read this greentext anywhere?

the reason OP doesnt really want to update
I think,
is because faggots kept trying to dox him/her.
and fucking moralizing.

fuck that.
that is why we will NOT tell newfags any background. they will go apeshit, whiteknight, or give their opinions on this love triangle.

yes, love triangle, is waht I am calling it....

you missed the previous story?
fuck you, your loss.

go ahead OP, please

here you are newfags now you can wait as OP teases us for updates